How to become a universal person

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
(SPEEDRUN) Obtaining Yone / Yasuo BUT in a Public Server | A Universal Time
Video: (SPEEDRUN) Obtaining Yone / Yasuo BUT in a Public Server | A Universal Time


If you are called a generalist, know that this is a wonderful compliment. A universal person or "polymath" is a person of many talents or interests; he is gifted in educational and physical terms, and also knows the rules of etiquette.A universal person is a harmoniously developed and educated person, familiar with many areas of knowledge. The term "universal man" appeared thanks to several artists and scientists of the European Renaissance, who found themselves in various fields of science and art (they lived approximately in 1450). If you want to become a versatile person, keep reading for some important tips.


Method 1 of 5: Physical Improvement

  1. 1 Become an outstanding athlete. During the Renaissance, the pursuits of the universal man were: throwing the nucleus, throwing the javelin, wrestling, being pleasing to the ladies, and archery. Today, both men and women can lead an active lifestyle. Today, the universal man should diet and keep fit. Eliminate unhealthy snacks from your diet and drink as little soda as possible. Perhaps you need to monitor your weight, then follow a diet, also do, for example, jogging, weightlifting, cycling or other sports.
    • Set achievable goals. The universal man never stops, he is constantly increasing his pace. If you have already achieved your goal, continue to set new tasks for the week and for the month.

Method 2 of 5: Creativity

  1. 1 Take up music. During the Renaissance, music was of great importance in human everyday life. The universal man could sing, play an instrument, or compose his own music. Even if modern people may not be interested in music at all, it is still important to understand this at least a little. Consider learning an instrument like guitar, piano, flute, harp, etc. (during the Renaissance, the organ was the main instrument) and learn to sing. Whether you're singing in front of an audience or alone, it doesn't matter, you still need to know some important things about it. You don't have to write your own music, but it's definitely useful.
  2. 2 Understand art. In terms of art, hundreds of different techniques were developed in the visual arts during the Renaissance. Today, however, the universal man only needs to know the basics and be able to draw a little. Some people have an innate talent for art, and not all skills are equally developed in a person, but be that as it may, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with at least one direction in art.
    • It will probably be useful for you to improve some individual skills, such as calligraphy, handicraft, chess, dancing. A universal person must develop not only basic skills, but also auxiliary ones.

Method 3 of 5: Perfecting Intellectual Skills

  1. 1 Be educated. During the Renaissance, areas such as astronomy, law, mathematics and writing developed. Depending on your occupation or interests, you probably want to know more about what the Renaissance people knew about, but if you enjoy exploring different areas, keep up the good work. Universal people write books, plays, compose music, study law, physics and mathematics, medicine, learn about how ships, shoes, books, writing instruments and other inventions of mankind are made. Take a look at all of this and think about what you would like to know in more detail.
    • Do not pretend to be an expert just because you have gained a little knowledge from different areas. For example, there is nothing more dangerous than a person, a semi-professional who is too categorical in his judgments; a true professional knows that a lot depends on the interpretation of the situation, and it will take years of practice to achieve relative objectivity. If you are only slightly familiar with the topic, get it clear and don’t even think about calling yourself an "expert."
  2. 2 Be erudite. This is an extremely important trait for a universal person. Read both classical literature and contemporary fiction so you can keep the conversation going.

Method 4 of 5: Life Balance

  1. 1 Create a good family and a stable economic situation. During the Renaissance, people had: well-paid business, stunning weddings and huge families (9-10 people). There are a myriad of economic challenges right now, but you need to continue to work hard and maintain the family's well-being. A Renaissance man could support a home, provide a family with food and clothing, everyone should strive for this. Marriage unions were agreed in advance, which is extremely rare in today's world, but if you have a partner or spouse, make sure you have a healthy relationship. Of course, today you do not need to have ten children, but if you are just starting a family life, make sure that your children are healthy and well-rounded. Try to create a family that others will admire (or envy).
    • During the Renaissance, animals were respected. If you have a pet, take care of it and respect it.

Method 5 of 5: Working on character and temperament

  1. 1 Be bold. During the Renaissance, men often went to war to defend their country, fight for their spouse or family, and were warlike. Today, you don't have to do this to be bold. In the modern world, battles and fights are not looked at as before, with less enthusiasm, but you can prove yourself in a different way. Although the level of medicine rose during the Renaissance, people did not live to be 60 years old, and many children died before age 7. Today, life expectancy is longer and most children survive despite illness, but you can be brave in the face of illness and death. You can be daring on the operating table or on the roller coaster.
  2. 2 Be caring and generous. During the Renaissance, people helped each other in times of danger. In the Middle Ages, one-tenth of the income went to the church, and in the Renaissance, many people gave money to those who were less fortunate. Today, charity plays a big role. Some children today are asking for donations to charity instead of birthday gifts, and businessmen are helping the hungry, the poor and the sick. Become a volunteer or donate money and people will think that you came to our age straight from the Renaissance.
  3. 3 Be courteous. Revive chivalry. During the Renaissance, etiquette played a large role in everyday life. Many books have been written about how a person should behave during the Renaissance (for example, "The Book of Court Etiquette" or "The Sovereign"). And now there are a huge number of books devoted to this topic, for example, "Etiquette. A complete set of rules. How to behave in familiar and non-standard situations" or "Elegance. The ABC of good taste." Regardless of whether you are going to read this or not, the universal person should be polite to elders, respect the opinions of others. A universal person should be humble (but disagree with everything), calm and reserved. You need to adhere to certain rules when communicating with the opposite sex and be able to correctly introduce yourself. For more information on etiquette, read the article.
  4. 4 Be a leader. A true universal person is ready to help others and take care of his neighbors. Do not force others to become universal people. If they want advice, help them, but if they don’t ask you, don’t intrude. Inspire others by your example.


  • You may come across the opinion that the ideal of the universal person is a pale, effeminate blond, neither tall nor short. But when people call you a universal person, they are not paying attention to these parameters at all. They look at your merits and personal qualities.
  • The Renaissance is an extremely important period in history when religion has ceased to be appreciated as before. If you are religious, this does not mean that you cannot become a universal person.If you follow religious rules, you will be considered much more universal.
  • During the Renaissance, it was assumed that the universal man is a man. In the twenty-first century, both a man and a woman can be a universal person.
  • Learn more about Renaissance man and development. For example, Leonardo da Vinci is a universal person.
  • If someone accuses you or is hostile. Take it easy. They are jealous.


  • Some will find your moderation odd. You should show your worth without bragging.