How to look cute

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
how to look cute in 10 min so ur friends don’t hate u for being late
Video: how to look cute in 10 min so ur friends don’t hate u for being late


If you want a cute look, you can use clothes, makeup and hairstyles to create the essence of cuteness. Cuteness represents natural, friendly, and comfortable style. It shows that you are easygoing, kind, and sweet. If you want to know how to make yourself cute, you can try a few interesting suggestions below.


Part 1 of 3: Wear cute clothes

  1. Wear cute clothes. Dressing in pretty things is key to being cute. You don't have to change everything in your wardrobe for a cute look - instead, just a few adorable items to help match all your clothes in a graceful way. Here are some ways to dress up:
    • Wear skirts and dresses instead of pants or shorts when possible. Cardigans, sweaters and vests, flared jeans, and t-shirts with cute motifs like hearts or polka dots, are lovely clothes.
    • Don't wear anything that is too cramped or uncomfortable. Part of being lovable is being comfortable yourself.
    • Wear bright colors. Wear pastel colors like purple, pink, or blue. Anything that is light and beautiful will make you look cute. Avoid dark colors like black, brown, or dark blue.
    • Try wearing floral motifs. The floral motif is the essence of cuteness.

  2. Wear cute shoes. Your shoes should complement your lovely outfit, to complete the graceful look from head to toe. Wear stylish and trendy shoes. Pair it with brightly colored or plaid socks or stockings. Follow these shoe selection tips below to make your feet graceful:
    • Wear clogs, leather shoes, or round toes.
    • Wear flat sole sandal and combine with pastel-painted toenails.
    • Wear fur collar boots.
    • Wear pastel colored sneaker or white sneaker with pastel lacing.
    • Wear classic canoe or high heels; both are charming.

  3. Wear cute accessories. Lovely accessories can help put cute outfits together. You don't have to wear too many accessories - just choose a few that really stand out. Here are a few accessories that will give you a cute look:
    • Wearing a big pink seed ring.
    • Wear a pale yellow or silver necklace.
    • Wearing silver dangling earrings.
    • Wear wrist / ankle bracelets.
    • Use a shoulder bag or floral pattern.

Part 2 of 3: Possessing a pretty face and hairstyle

  1. Apply lotion to make sure your face stays moisturized.
  2. Make up cute. Please wash your face and clean. For a lovely look, don't wear heavy makeup - the right makeup style will have a lasting effect. Here are some suggestions for you:
    • Apply a little blush.
    • Apply light pink lipstick or lip gloss.
    • Use a gentle pastel eye color, such as light blue, purple, or even light pink.
    • Only applying mascara and thin eyeliner will beautify your eyes.
    • Aim for a cute look. You can wear light makeup, but you only look cute when you are.
  3. There is a lovely hairstyle. Haircut to match your face. Your hair should have a smooth and natural look, and don't use any harmful styling products. You should try the following:
    • Let your hair dry naturally and hang it down your shoulders.
    • Create hairstyles in a cute and comfortable style. Some lovely styles include a ponytail, braid, small bun, or a toothpick or headband. Or, you can braid the hair on the sides and drop it in the shoulder. Or, create a low bun and drop a few strands of hair in front of you.
    • Consider having bangs if possible. Horizontal bangs look cute.
    • Use toothpicks, pins, or pastel colored hairbands for your hair.
    • Create curls and curls.
  4. Has a mild scent. Wash your hair and shower regularly, at least every day. You can use a pleasant scented shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel. Prioritize scents such as strawberry, vanila, coconut, lemon, mint, and lavender. They help relax the mind and you will have a great scent! advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Adorable manners

  1. Use body language to your advantage. Body language will link your entire appearance together, and others will tell you that you're adorable the way you smile or sit. Here are a few ways to show cuteness through body language:
    • Play with your hair.
    • Play with bracelets or necklaces.
    • If you are sitting, close your legs and rest your hands in your lap.
    • If you are standing, stand side-to-side with feet.
    • Stop making eye contact occasionally. While you should maintain eye contact to continue the conversation and show interest, look at the floor or your hands once in a while to show that you are shy.
    • Cover your mouth when you smile. This is so cute. Cover your mouth when you sneeze; This is polite and prevents the spread of bacteria.
    • If you are the one showing affection through cuddling movements, gently touch the shoulder or knee of the person you're talking to occasionally.
  2. Talk in a lovely way. This complements your overall cute aura. Here's how to speak gracefully:
    • Speak softly. It will make everything you say more important because the other person will need to lean over to listen to you.
    • Laugh often. Laughing out loud and giggling when you talk is adorable. Don't overdo it.
    • Patiently listen and speak when it's your turn. It is not cute to be flat before one person finishes talking.
  3. Be gentle. Being humble or shy is a key part of being lovable. You can be humble while being sweet, friendly, and enjoyable at the same time. You can still be an interesting and open person while being gentle, as long as you're not loud or overbearing. Here's how to show humility:
    • Be innocent when you talk. Don't make sensitive jokes, engage in heated conversations, swear, or swear.
    • Occasionally blushing. If you are really confused about a topic, it would be lovely if you blush.
    • Don't be overwhelming. You can still be part of the conversation without struggling to be the center of attention. Being boastful, rude, or dictating to get attention is not lovable.
  4. Avoid forcing cuteness. Don't force anything. Let it go naturally. If you look happy and truly praise others, they'll think of you as a kind person and rate you as "cute". advertisement


  • It's never too late to be cute.
  • If you wear earrings and want to draw attention to your clothes, wear earrings that are not too prominent but are suitable for the outfit.
  • Use contact lenses of any color, except black. They will make the eyes look bigger and you are more adorable. Or, wear glasses of any color and use contact lenses for a cute look.
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time. This helps you avoid drowsiness and prevent dark puffiness. A person getting enough sleep would be beautiful to watch.
  • Use an elastic band and tie your hair into a bun. Use an elastic band like a shoelace - it will look cute and stylish.
  • Be yourself, don't let others define who you are.
  • Smile at all times!
  • If you catch someone looking at you, start to smile gracefully, look at something, and tilt your head a little.
  • A loose braid looks truly adorable no matter the color of your hair.
  • Be yourself no matter how short, tall, thin, or fat you are. Brush your hair every day, morning and night.
  • Add cute accessories to your book bag or handbag, or your hair. Hello Kitty accessories are lovely, but make sure you like what you buy, and don't waste money.
  • Keep your eyes open sometimes. Smile and open your eyes louder. We think babies and small animals are adorable, sometimes because they have big and beautiful eyes.
  • Even though it's hard to be cute and kind, don't try too hard. You are already great! 😎.


  • Don't be fake. High-pitched voices can be lovely to children, but when you are 17 and do so on purpose, it's just annoying.
  • Don't overdo the colors. Choose only 2 or 3 colors and use them. The main reason is because you want these colors to complement each other!
  • Don't wear too many accessories; Just enough to make your outfit look complete.
  • Don't get angry, and remember that the most important thing is to live true to yourself.
  • Avoid profanity. However, complaining when you are suffering or upset by something bad that someone did to you shows that you are human as well as everyone else.