Ways to Concentrate Learning

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Study with INTENSE Focus - 7 Essential Tips
Video: How to Study with INTENSE Focus - 7 Essential Tips


Do you find it difficult to focus on your studies? Don't worry - the same goes for the best students. To focus on your studies, simply adjust your study habits, study in a quiet place not disturbed by outside noises, try new methods or plan a truly effective study and allow Your mind is relaxed every time it needs it. Try it out until you find a way that works for you. By using the right methods, it will be easier to concentrate.


Part 1 of 4: Maintain focus

  1. Make a schedule. If you're going to have to study all night, plan it out. Take 5-10 minutes of rest after every 30-60 minutes of study. Your brain needs to relax in order to recharge. It's not laziness, it's time for the brain to synthesize information.
    • Try to switch subjects after each class so that you won't feel bored and your brain isn't saturated. When you spend too much time on a subject, your brain loses its dynamism. By switching to a new subject, you will awaken your brain and feel motivated

  2. Set aside time to worry or think about other things. Concentrating on learning sometimes becomes difficult because the trivial things in life - good and bad, constantly invade our minds. We often feel like we can't control our thoughts, but in reality it's something we can do.Tell yourself that you will think about the problem or the boy or girl after school. You will feel more secure knowing that you can think about it after a while. And when the time comes, you probably won't want to think about it anymore.
    • If you find your mind beginning to fumble thoughts, stop this immediately. Take a second to shake everything and get back to learning. You are the controller of your thoughts. You let thoughts appear, you can also make them disappear!
    • Have a pen and paper ready to write down every thought that comes to your mind while you study. Do or think about those things during the break.

  3. Change your learning method. For example, you have just finished reading 20 pages of textbook. Continue reading 20 pages of the textbook other would be unwise. Instead, try answering multiple-choice questions with a few pieces of information paper, drawing charts to remember economic data, listening to French, or researching something that requires you to develop skills. function and manipulate other parts of the brain. As such, you will surely be more excited about learning.
    • In addition, the brain has no difficulty in thinking. Switching skills will help the brain process information faster and remember longer. You will see time pass faster and memory ability is also better. Try and feel the difference!

  4. Reward yourself. Sometimes we need a little bit of “motivation” to continue our journey. If your good results aren't a reward, try creating something that encourages you to focus on your studies. It can be a favorite dessert and free time to watch TV, a relaxed shopping session, a relaxing massage or a satisfying nap. Give yourself anything that is worth your study effort.
    • If possible, ask your parents to join you in this activity. Ask them if they can "sponsor" your reward. The reward for good results could be switching to a chore you prefer or temporarily increasing your pocket money. Ask if your parents are willing to give your self-reward plan - it's okay, just ask.
  5. Review lessons. Have you ever dealt with a bunch of files and wanted to complete them but didn't know the meaning of some information? Sometimes learning is the same. You need to know when to review lessons and make learning simpler. If you do not know the basics, do not try to learn in depth. Please analyze the information first.
    • When asked "What is George Washington's view of the Boston tea party event?", Learning about George Washington will help you. Let's learn the basics first already Skip to main content.
  6. Learn actively. One thing all teachers know but rarely tell you: reading a textbook can be boring, especially if it's a topic you don't like. To make learning more effective and make your concentration easier, use active reading strategies. This will help you avoid distracted thoughts and ensure good results are maintained. Here are some suggestions:
    • Ask yourself questions while reading.
    • Close the book and say aloud a summary of what you just read.
  7. Note the concept, character, storyline or event described. Use as few words as possible and give a brief example to describe what you want to say. You can abbreviate while taking notes. In addition, you should write down the page number, title and author of the book in case you need to add references or other reasons.
    • Create multiple choice questionnaires in the notes and use to test knowledge and review.
  8. Access the Internet and get back to school as soon as the break is over. Make the most of your break time. You can go to Facebook, open your phone and check your missed messages or calls. Don't take the time to answer texts or calls in the meantime, unless there's an emergency. Do some of your favorite relaxing activities in just a few minutes. After the break is over, stop all relaxing activities and get back to studying. You will feel more refreshed after being "charged" and "connected", even for a few minutes.
    • This short recharge period will be very helpful for your ability to focus. You might think this distracts and disrupts your inspiration to learn, but in the end you will get things done more efficiently. The same will be the case if you use your rest time wisely.

Part 2 of 4: Creating the perfect environment for concentration

  1. Choose the right location. It should be a quiet place with the right environment for studying. Whether it's a private room or a library, choose a place with a quiet space and without distractions so you can concentrate. You should stay away from TVs, pets and anything distracting. In addition, you also need a comfortable chair and good lighting. Do not sit in a position that causes back, neck or eye fatigue because the aches and pains also make you lose focus.
    • For example, don't study in front of television; You will only do homework while promoting. Just "glance" at the television or the radio for a few minutes - like when you go to get some water or "change the air" for a while.
    • Sitting neatly at the desk. Don't study in bed, unless you're sitting upright, reading without a blanket and with the reading light next to it. Note, do not use blankets to read books because you will fall asleep. Furthermore, you will connect the bed with learning and sure that's something you should avoid.
    • A standing table improves concentration (and standing is also healthier than sitting).
  2. Prepare enough learning tools. Pencils, pens, markers, and books should be within reach so that you won't be distracted while studying. Rearrange your desk if needed so that you won't be distracted by the clutter. Don't let any reason leave your desk and interrupt your "inspiration to learn."
    • Even if you are not sure what you need, have everything ready in "study place". All the books and documents you need (don't forget the outline) should be within your reach. This is seen as a preparation for success. Use a laptop if necessary for learning; If not, you should put the laptop somewhere else.
  3. Prepare some snacks. Choose foods that you can eat over and over, such as a pinch of nuts, blueberries / strawberries, 1/4 apple, or break a piece of dark chocolate. Prepare more water - you shouldn't drink too much coffee, caffeinated tea or energy drinks (as you'll stay up all night). The above drinks will make you so tired that pinching and patting your face will not make you awake.
    • Are you looking for "nutritious foods"? Studies show that blueberries, spinach, zucchini, broccoli, dark chocolate, and fish are all brain-boosting foods that can help you learn more effectively.
  4. Write down your learning goals. What do you want (or need) to achieve today? What should you do in order to be able to walk in the mind of having all the things done? These are goals to help you focus on what to do during the class.
    • Make sure it's possible. If you have to read 100 pages of textbook this week, you should read 20 pages a day - don't try to read more than you can absorb. Also be aware of time limits. If you only have one hour tonight, get the most important thing done.
  5. Turn off phones and electronic devices. This is a way to help you avoid procrastination and focus on your plan. Use the calculator only if necessary for learning; otherwise it will be a distraction factor. It's the same with phones - switch to airplane mode unless you need it for emergency use.
    • Some websites and software like SelfRestraint, SelfControl and Think can keep you away from tempting websites and software.You need to understand yourself to know whether to block Facebook for the next few hours or not. Don't worry - you can still use Facebook right after.
  6. Try playing soft music. For some people, music keeps them focused, but not for others. Try it out to find out what works best for you. A little background music can make you forget that you are studying hard instead of going out.
    • Note that the music that helps you focus on your studies may not be the music you still love. Often times, it's better to listen to music you don't know, because when you recognize a familiar song, you tend to think about it and even sing along. Try listening to different genres of music to find your favorite music, but it should be easy to listen to and not distracting.
    • Try apps that create natural sounds like birds singing, rain, gurgling, or other pleasant sounds to keep you focused. You can find many free applications online.

Part 3 of 4: To focus more easily

  1. Listen to your body. In fact, every day we have periods of being energized and exhausted. So when do these stages of yours happen? If possible, focus on learning when you have lots of energy. This way, you will focus better and memorize knowledge acquired by your brain. The rest of the time it will be difficult to learn.
    • For some people, the early mornings are when they have the most energy for the day. Others are more aggressive at night after being recharged for a while. Regardless of which group you fall into, listen to your body and study for the right amount of time.
  2. Get enough sleep. The benefits of sleep are endless. Sleep not only helps the body regulate hormones and synthesize information, but also energizes you to help you prepare for the challenges of the new day. In fact, trying to concentrate while extremely tired is similar to concentrating on drunkenness. This may be the reason you cannot concentrate.
    • Most people need about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Some people may sleep more or less. How many hours do you want to sleep without having to set an alarm clock? Get as much sleep as your body needs by going to bed earlier than usual.
  3. Healthy eating. After all, you are the result of what you eat; If you eat healthy, your brain will be healthy too. Aim to eat colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and dairy products, nuts (not deep fried potatoes / chips and weight gain candies), and The good fats are in dark chocolate and olive oil. Eating a healthy diet will give you more energy to make it easier to focus.
    • Avoid white foods like white bread, potatoes, flour, fat, and sugar. It is these "dead" foods and sugary drinks that cause fatigue in class and during class.
  4. Control your thoughts. You are your source of motivation when needed. If you convince yourself that you can focus, you will. Always keep in mind the positive things like: you can do and you can do it. Nothing can stop you, except you.
    • Try the "add 5" principle. Ask yourself to do 5 more jobs or 5 minutes more before stopping. Once these are done, you will continue add 5 more. Breaking down tasks will help people who can only focus for a short time and help the brain work longer.
  5. Do less interesting work first. While you are fit, you can handle things with the greatest possible concentration. So, you should do the most pressing and specialized things early before moving on to the easier (less challenging) but still effortless things to get done. If you do the easy things first, you will tend to think and feel pressured about the difficult things that await you, leading to low productivity and low concentration.
    • Even so, you need to avoid getting bogged down in reading, or become stuck and lose hope when you encounter difficult problems and essay questions. Sometimes the hardest part of a quest can take up a lot of time and take up all the time you have. Therefore, you need to limit your time and take the initiative in control to move to easier things when needed.

Part 4 of 4: Making use of technology in learning

  1. See if alpha sound improves your attention, memory and concentration during study and other activities. Search for BiNaural Beat and use headphones to listen to this type of sound. If BiNaural Beat works for you, it will be a magic tool!
    • Listen to this sound while studying. For best results, listen at low to medium volume throughout the session. Thus, even if you listen for a long time, it will not cause harm.
  2. Follow steps and tips to help you stay focused. When combined with the right schedule, nutrition, rest time and anything that is useful for learning, your memory will improve. Learning is an important part of life and learning to maintain your ability to pay attention and focus is a skill that will last you for life.
  3. Listen to your surroundings after listening to BiNaural Beat. After listening to these sounds for a few hours, your ears will need a few minutes to adjust to the normal sounds in the room. It is normal for you to feel a little different around your surroundings. You can experience many strange effects due to the effects of BiNaural Beat, but for many people this is the kind of sound that helps.
    • It is normal to feel a headache for 10-25 minutes as your brain is adjusting to the rhythm. If the pain has not subsided after 30 minutes, it is better to eliminate this activity.
    • You can also play background music to make the sound more catchy. With this combination, your ability to focus is also better.


  • Think about how you can get the best score and how you can do it. Leave everything behind for now and focus on books. However, you should understand the contents of the book instead of just rote learning.
  • Set a goal for each stage and try to complete it. Always remember: "What you believe, you will get it". Your dreams (hopes) can come true by setting goals and completing each step (graduate from college, build a career, get married). Keep dreaming of your future!
  • Divide tasks into each day so you see you can get things done in the time set.
  • Highlight important words and sentences and then review them over and over to remember longer. Close the book and read out what you need to remember or write on paper.
  • Build study habits, such as rereading notes or content learned in the textbook
  • Make a schedule for each subject. Usually, some subjects will have more knowledge, so you need to spend more time in these subjects. Easy subjects won't take up much time.
  • If you can't concentrate on studying at home, the best place to go would be the library. Many people often go there to study because it's so quiet!
  • Always confident and honest!
  • Stay away from distractions.
  • Take a shower before class because it helps you feel relaxed and refreshed.
  • Set a goal or a challenge. This is a way to help you focus and work hard toward your goal. Tell yourself "Okay, I won't keep an eye on the phone / computer and focus on studying for about 30 minutes and then relax with the phone for 10 minutes before continuing to study." Just set aside a reasonable amount of time to focus on studying and allow yourself a break in the middle of the class.
  • Make sure the classroom has good lighting to help focus eyes effectively.


  • Don't study for too long at a time because your brain can't focus for a long time. After a while, you will start thinking about other things and not be able to focus on what you are learning.
  • Do not sit for long hours. Sitting still can be harmful to your health.
  • Rest when you feel a headache. Usually, a "headache while studying" indicates that your eyes are tired from being active for a long time.

What you need

  • Country
  • Books
  • Paper, pens and pencils
  • Quiet place (space suitable for study)
  • Computer
  • Online dictionary or paper dictionary
  • Clock / wall mounted