Taking Clenbuterol

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
CLENBUTEROL: The ULTIMATE Guide (Uses, Do’s & Dont’s)
Video: CLENBUTEROL: The ULTIMATE Guide (Uses, Do’s & Dont’s)


If you are an athlete or bodybuilder then you have probably already heard about clenbuterol. Clenbuterol is a drug often used by bodybuilders as a weight loss supplement. Since it quite pushes the limits of legality in many countries, the only way to safely use clenbuterol as a bodybuilder is once you've gotten a prescription from your doctor. After you buy it, you can use clenbuterol safely by sticking to the correct dosage and taking active steps to mitigate the drug's negative side effects.

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Method 1 of 2: Taking the correct dose in a 2 week cycle

  1. Start with a dose of 20 micrograms per day. This is the dose that will work for most people, especially beginners who have never used clenbuterol before. If you have clenbuterol in tablets, a dose of 20 micrograms is equivalent to a 1.02 milligram pill.
    • Make sure to talk to your doctor before starting to take clenbuterol to make sure you're on the right dose.
    • Although clenbuterol is available in both pill and liquid form, the vast majority of users choose pills for convenience.
  2. Increase your dose by 20 micrograms every day for the first week. Increasing your dose slowly will allow your body to adapt to the medicine and hopefully avoid some side effects. However, do not increase the dose if you start to experience a lot of discomfort, such as irritability, heart rhythm problems or painful cramps. Always listen to your body and try not to go too far.
    • For example, your dose on the second day of your 2-week cycle should be 40 micrograms and your dose on the third day should be 60 micrograms, and so on.
    • During this week, stay in touch with your doctor to make sure your doses remain safe and healthy for your specific body.
    • Know that you will likely experience some unpleasant side effects for the first 3-4 days, especially when you increase the dosage. This is normal, but you should definitely stop increasing the dose if side effects are still unpleasant by the fifth day.
    • By the seventh day, your dose should be 140 micrograms. Do not exceed this dose.
    • If you are a woman or relatively light weight, you probably shouldn't take more than 120 micrograms per day.
  3. During the second week, reduce your dose by 20 micrograms every day. On the eighth day of your cycle, you should reduce your dose to 120 micrograms, which is 20 micrograms lower than your highest dose. Keep decreasing the dose until you stop taking clenbuterol at the end of your 2-week cycle.
    • By decreasing your dose slowly, you will help prevent the risk of negative side effects and reduce your chances of becoming dependent on the drug.
  4. Never take more than 140 micrograms per day. Doses higher than 140 micrograms can lead to serious and possibly even fatal health complications. If you take more than 140 micrograms in a single day, seek immediate medical attention.
    • Usually, women are advised not to consume more than 120 micrograms per day.
  5. Do not take clenbuterol for the next two days. After you have completed the 2-week cycle, you should give your body 2 weeks without the medicine to rest and work it out. After this 2-week rest period, you can start a new cycle with clenbuterol if you choose.
    • Do not use any other fat burning supplements during this 2 week rest period.

Method 2 of 2: Toning down common side effects

  1. Start with a low dose to avoid anxiety and irritability. Irritability is the most commonly reported side effect of clenbuterol as it is a stimulant. However, starting with a low dose and increasing it gradually will help your body adapt to the medicine and avoid the chills generated by the medicine.
    • 20 micrograms per day is a good, low dose to start with.
    • After the first 3-4 days you should be largely relieved of the irritability and chills generated by the intake of clenbuterol.
  2. Ask your doctor about the use of taurine and potassium supplements. Clenbuterol lowers the amount of taurine and potassium your body naturally produces, which can lead to painful muscle spasms in some users. Taking taurine and potassium supplements can keep these nutrients in the right proportion in your body, while clenbuterol prevents muscle cramps.
    • Make sure to talk to your doctor before taking any other supplements besides clenbuterol.
    • You can buy taurine and potassium supplements at any organic store.
    • Eating bananas and sweet potatoes while on clenbuterol can also help maintain proper taurine and potassium levels.
  3. Drink about 2 liters of water a day to avoid dehydration. Clenbuterol usually makes you sweat more, making you more prone to dehydration. Drink water regularly throughout the day from when you feel thirsty to avoid the negative effects of dehydration.
    • These side effects can include headache, fatigue and muscle cramps.
  4. Take your dose of clenbuterol in the morning to prevent insomnia. Because this medicine has a stimulant effect, you may have trouble falling asleep if you take it in the late afternoon or evening. Over time, for most people, the effect of the medicine on their ability to fall asleep diminishes.
    • Consider taking an over-the-counter sleep aid, such as a melatonin supplement, if you experience sleep problems while taking clenbuterol. In any case, talk to your doctor before taking this supplement.
  5. Get regular checkups for heart health. Over time, clenbuterol causes some heart abnormalities in some people in addition to other conditions, such as arrhythmias and high blood pressure. See your doctor once a week to make sure your heart is in good health while you're taking clenbuterol.
    • Seek immediate medical attention if you experience heart rhythm problems while taking clenbuterol.
  6. Never take clenbuterol for longer than 12 weeks in a row. In addition to its potentially harmful effect on your heart, clenbuterol can also be addictive, as it contains dopamine. Continue to use clenbuterol in short cycles and never exceed the 12 week threshold so that you don't get used to the drug and you will have trouble quitting it.
    • Keeping your cycles short also prevents your body from building up immunity to the drug, which would make it ineffective as a weight loss supplement.


  • Clenbuterol has numerous side effects that have a direct impact on the body and can be dangerous for some users. Do not take clenbuterol if you have a heart condition or other serious medical conditions.
  • Pregnant women shouldn't use clenbuterol.