How to become hardworking

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Doing Hard Work
Video: 3 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Doing Hard Work


People are not born immediately hardworking. As you know, a good employee must have such important qualities as coordination of actions and perseverance. While some people have a predisposition for these traits, anyone can be a valuable, hardworking worker who reaches their full potential if they are single-minded and with a little effort.


Method 1 of 3: Develop Good Habits

  1. 1 Cultivate optimism. With an optimistic attitude, the extra effort on your part that is required to develop industriousness will not seem so intimidating to you. Optimists view negative circumstances as limited short-term events. Try to adopt an optimistic, explanatory approach to life so that you can begin to perceive both good and bad events in a positive way.
    • Consider negative events as difficult lessons, and look at them in a positive light. For example, don't complain about the responsibility you have been assigned, but look at it as a chance to demonstrate your dedication and work ethic to management.
    • Look for positive things around you every day and constantly in everyday life. This will help you get excited and start using the same technique at work.
    • Be aware that optimists tend to score higher on tests that measure a person's luck and self-image. The higher your self-perception, the easier it will be for you to strengthen your weaknesses.
  2. 2 Learn to identify and reject irrational thoughts. Pay attention to when you start to see only the worst-case scenarios in front of you (make a catastrophe out of everything), belittle your good qualities and your contribution to the cause, and also think in an "all or nothing" principle. Small accomplishments are no less success, and you must learn to be proud even of them.
  3. 3 See problems as life lessons. Framing problems in a positive way will strengthen the emphasis on the positive aspects of the situation and prevent you from worrying too much. This attitude will help you to look at the situation from a more objective side. Objectivity will facilitate problem solving and give you a sense of control over the situation, which will contribute to your peace of mind, making your workflow easier in the long run.
  4. 4 Don't try to tackle everything at once. Much recent research has shown that no matter how skilled a multitasker a person may think they are, there are always serious drawbacks to doing multiple tasks at once.
    • Working on multiple tasks at once reduces your overall productivity. Even if you think you have done a lot of work, you might actually be missing out on something very important.
    • The constant switching between many different tasks prevents the brain from optimally using the centers responsible for problem solving and creativity.
  5. 5 Don't complain. The need to complain is completely natural for a person, so, most likely, you will not be able to get rid of it completely. However, complaining about problems without a goal or possible solution in mind can lead to negative loops that lead to depression, poor self-esteem, and stress. All of this will only complicate the effort required and increase the time it takes to become the best hard worker.
  6. 6 Develop your social awareness. A purposeful openness to communication and a willingness to connect with colleagues at work will help you develop empathy (the ability to empathize). It is empathy that is the key to conflict resolution, cooperation, compromise, effective listening and decision making. Raising social awareness and developing empathy will help you and your colleagues work harder and become more aware of how well you are moving towards your goal.
    • Research has shown that so-called “volitional empathy,” or the deliberate presentation of pain experienced by other people, activates the same pain response in the brain that naturally occurs with feelings of empathy.
    • Understand the limits of your sensitivity and learn to ask the right questions to create an environment in which you can feel and practice empathy.

Method 2 of 3: Expand Your Responsibility

  1. 1 Work overtime when required. Even if you have something to do yourself, during busy periods of work, you can be considerate of colleagues and help them when needed. Learn to evaluate the general situation at work by contacting your immediate superiors and discussing the success of promoting not only your own, but also other projects.
    • Be careful not to overdo it. Excessive exercise may not have the best effect on your health.
  2. 2 Develop an accountable approach to business. It is impossible to solve any problem if you do not want to meet her face to face. Of course, it is difficult to be held accountable for your actions, but a complete and timely solution to conflict situations cannot be achieved without an honest appeal to the very root of the problem.
    • Avoid making excuses and unnecessary explanations. In fact, they are just a waste of time, since in any situation there is a whole list of additional factors that justify your actions.
  3. 3 Make the most of your work potential and work on your shortcomings. Don't underestimate your progress, no matter how small. Just try to find areas in yourself that you can develop.
    • Also, continue to build on your strengths by attending relevant workshops and lessons, and take on community responsibilities that will help you put your skills into practice.
    • You can fight your weaknesses by stopping negative thinking through distracted activities (such as walking), accepting yourself as a simple person and understanding the impossibility of achieving your true ideal, as well as seeking help from a mentor who can guide you and provide support.
    • Make certain changes in the established way of doing things in order to better understand the effectiveness of your work. If you are shy about discussing such issues openly, ask your boss to talk about your performance individually to you, rather than publicly.
  4. 4 Take the initiative. Taking advantage of the opportunity that presents itself requires confidence. It can be developed by setting small, consistent goals and gradually moving forward towards greater responsibility.
    • Before making any suggestion, stop and consider if your idea can find an effective implementation. The desire to defend your own ideas is understandable, but eradicating initially unrealistic ideas will help you get rid of unnecessary embarrassment in the future.
  5. 5 Build an effective support system around you. People are socially dependent beings. Regardless of what kind of individualist you think you are, a healthy system of support from other people will increase your efficiency at work and in decision-making, as well as relieve unnecessary emotional stress.
    • Use a developed support system when trying to secure a promotion or transfer to a new position.
    • Collaborate with your colleagues. Perhaps you will need their help someday.
    • Try not to compete. This is sometimes difficult to achieve, as many managers rely on competition among workers to improve their productivity. However, the constant urge to compare yourself to other employees can make you feel dissatisfied with yourself or inferior.

Method 3 of 3: Always be persistent

  1. 1 Get into the habit of talking positively with yourself. Train your thinking with phrases that resonate with your inner feelings and evoke positive feelings. Your thoughts about yourself should be in a positive mood and reaffirm your best personal worth and accomplishments.
    • As you mentally talk to yourself, use the present tense to construct phrases to release your worries about the future with true positive affirmations.
    • Try to overcome your own fears by asking questions about their root cause and possible ways to eradicate it.
  2. 2 Exercise willpower. The more you train your willpower, the stronger it will become. Approach the topic of willpower with a confident attitude. Thinking that your willpower is limited will make you more likely to experience a sense of lack of willpower.
    • Exercise is one way to build willpower and overall health. The increased physical activity of the body will make your mind work more actively.
  3. 3 Learn to visualize the workflow and its results. Think about how you will feel while working and after achieving your goal. Visualize how, while working, you manage to capture harmony, feel satisfaction and pride in the work you are doing - all those characteristics that high-quality workers have.
  4. 4 Take time to meditate. Many studies on willpower and perseverance have highlighted the beneficial effects of meditation on endurance, concentration, and the ability to learn new things. Just 10 minutes spent calming your thoughts, breathing deeply, and focusing on the moment will allow you to recover and tune in for the best.
  5. 5 Track your progress. Reflecting on a chart of your past successes will give you a better sense of how much you've accomplished as an employee. Self-tracking your progress will help you have more productive conversations about your productivity, your priorities, and the challenges you face.
  6. 6 Don't be discouraged by failure, don't be afraid to start over. Failures are difficult to bear even by successful people taking big steps up the career ladder. Therefore, try not to feel embarrassed returning to the failed assignment. To minimize negative thoughts, use positive self-talk and start thinking about new ways to achieve your goal.


  • Concentrate on doing one specific task in the time allotted for it.
  • Don't take on negativity from other people. Remember that envious people can do their best to make you desperate and remove a competitor from their path.
  • Learn from mistakes and don't repeat them.
  • If you have skills that you think other people do not have, let potential employers know. Always demonstrate the best that you can offer, but at the same time, behave modestly and remember that innate talent is only a coincidence, not your merit.
  • In your job interview, give examples of your past experiences. This is one of the most important points that employers pay attention to when considering a potential candidate.
  • Teach others to be industrious. Mutual appreciation and support from colleagues will improve the work environment in your team.
  • Get help if necessary. Many people will be happy to help you develop the qualities you need.
  • Do your best by giving yourself wholeheartedly to your work. Gradually start increasing your work / goal. Track your progress towards increasing your productivity. Take small steps purposefully towards hard work, and you yourself will not notice how it will become an integral part of your personality.


  • Don't rely solely on your talents. Remember that hard work is the springboard for the successful use of talent. If you rely solely on talent, then you may simply start to be ignored, and you, in the end, lose all your skills.
  • Don't be arrogant. Becoming a hardworking worker, remember all the efforts made to this and do not stop working on yourself.