How to become talented in multiple fields

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Be Talented in Multiple Areas
Video: Be Talented in Multiple Areas


If your goal is to develop your talents and abilities in several disciplines, then this is a very daring endeavor. Nevertheless, this task is quite achievable. In fact, becoming talented in multiple areas is much easier than you thought. Practicing the skills you want to improve, maintaining a positive mindset, and broadening your horizons will help you become talented in every way.


Method 1 of 3: Build Talent Through Practice

  1. 1 Practice. Whatever you want to be more capable of, the best way to be successful is practice. This is especially true if you are hoping to improve your skills in various fields. Fortunately, you don’t have to devote as much time to the practice as you think, and you can most likely find time to do it every day. To make the most of your time, focus on exactly what you want to learn.
    • Practice two different skills for 40-45 minutes every day for a month.
    • It's okay if you miss a day of this workout for some reason. If you spent time on each skill almost daily for a month, then in total this is almost 20 hours of focused work on the development of your chosen skill!
  2. 2 Analyze the talents you want to acquire. To train consciously and effectively, you need to be fully focused during practice. One way to make your classes as effective as possible is to divide the talents you hope to improve into specific skills.
    • Ask yourself what exactly do you need to be able to be more talented in certain skills?
    • Set specific goals for yourself during each session. Repeat one small task or process many, many times until you are completely comfortable with it. For example, if you're trying to improve your ability in a sport, pick one of the most important aspects of it and devote 45 minutes to perfecting it.
      • For example, if you want to play better at soccer, slide the ball back and forth with only one foot.
      • And if you want to be a more agile basketball player, then try throwing the ball only from under the basket.
    • Sharing efforts to improve one talent will also help improve other abilities. Going back to the sports example: Exercise will improve your fitness and coordination, which in turn will increase your overall physical performance.
  3. 3 Practice until you can correct yourself. Take enough time to practice so that you can notice and correct mistakes in your execution. (Once you complete a disciplined practice schedule that involves practicing daily for a month, you will probably come to that yourself.)
    • Over time, your work will yield more results, and this is because you have acquired a solid knowledge base on which your talent will develop more naturally.
    • For example, if you are hoping to improve your musical instrument, try to practice the same single notes or chords so often that if they sound a little different, you will automatically know what mistake you made.
  4. 4 Be consistent and persistent. Practice and hobbies are two different things. Jogging or painting classes twice a week is great, but to find talent, you need to be more disciplined in your pursuit of excellence. Choosing two completely different talents and developing them in the same time frame will help you become more persistent.
    • Start at the same time every day.
    • Try practicing the skills associated with two different talents in parallel. Get in the habit of working on one talent and then immediately on another.
    • For example, after returning home from a run, start drawing.By grouping your activities, you will be more motivated to continuously work on both skills.
    • Work on two completely different talents to diversify your daily activities. Let's say, as in the example above, vigorous activity, such as running, goes well with creative work, such as drawing.
  5. 5 Eliminate distractions while exercising. You should not rely only on willpower, it alone will not help you to be sufficiently concentrated during the lesson. Here are some tips to ensure that nothing interrupts your practice:
    • Determine a specific time that you will devote exclusively to practice, and commit to practice during this entire period. Set a timer if you like;
    • put your phone on silent mode;
    • make sure there are no TV or computer screens nearby (unless, of course, you need them for work);
    • if you like to work with music, choose something instrumental, without words.

Method 2 of 3: Maintain a Talent-Driven Mindset

  1. 1 Challenge negative thoughts. To maintain your skill level in multiple areas, learn to prevent negative thoughts that can diminish your ability to work on the various goals you have set for yourself. There are several ways to rid your mind of negative thinking:
    • Overcome your fear. Boldly said, isn't it? Think about what is holding you back. The most common obstacles are based on your emotions. Once you acknowledge this, you can overcome emotions such as fear that can get in the way of your task.
    • Filter out the negative. We tend to filter out positive thoughts and emotions and worry overly about negative things, especially when it comes to our abilities. Don't fall for this mental trap. Think about your opportunities for improvement, but only to the extent that motivates you to keep improving.
    • Choose a middle ground. Ditch the concept of perfection. Don't feel like you have to be perfect at something to consider yourself talented.
  2. 2 Reinforce your position with positive thinking. Optimism, of course, will not make you talented by itself, but being optimistic will help you succeed in your aspirations. Recognize that it's up to you how to think, what to think, especially when it comes to the goals you set for yourself and your ability to achieve them.
    • Whenever a negative thought arises, reformulate it into an equally correct but more positive one. For example:
      • instead of thinking, “I've never done this before, and it seems difficult,” think: “This is an opportunity to learn something new and you can approach this task in several different ways”;
      • instead of thinking, "I'm too lazy" or "I can't do this," tell yourself, "I haven't spent enough time on this question, but I can at least try and see what comes of it";
      • Finally, don't let thoughts of how slowly your talents are developing take away your enthusiasm. Tell yourself to try again.
  3. 3 Train your thinking. Even convincing yourself that positive thinking is beneficial takes practice. But it will bring results. Become less critical of the world around you and of yourself by simply repeating positive attitudes to yourself and pushing away negative thoughts.
    • Thinking positively will not only improve your mood, but it will also motivate you to work hard to acquire new talent.

Method 3 of 3: Expand Your Talent Gaining Abilities

  1. 1 Track your progress. Purposeful practice won't always be fun. But the awareness of improving talents will be there. Pay attention to your achievements and appreciate them (for example, a new personal kilometer record or a particularly good picture).
    • If the signs of your progress are tangible (like paintings), place them in places you will often see them to motivate yourself to keep practicing and improving your talents!
  2. 2 Get some rest. For the mind and body to be always ready for practice, they must be focused and energized. Moreover, you need to rest strategically. If the talent you are trying to improve requires intense physical activity or mental concentration to practice effectively, you will need to keep your body and mind in good shape.
    • You can take one day off per week. This will help you work more efficiently throughout the week.
  3. 3 Understand that an innate gift is less important than practice and perseverance. Even the abilities that some people seem to be given from birth develop more from learning than from innate talent. This applies to athletes, musicians and mathematicians.
    • Know that you will need exposure. Psychologists use this term when referring to a property that successful people have. Endurance indicates perseverance and enthusiasm in achieving long-term goals.
    • Overcoming adversity in the pursuit of developing your skills also contributes to improving your talents in general. When you are faced with problems that others might not have to deal with, tell yourself that by overcoming them, you will gain an advantage over everyone else.
  4. 4 Improve those abilities that interest you. Even scientists aren't sure how to develop talent. The question of how we become successful remains largely unanswered. People who have to do what they are naturally attracted to, and who then immerse themselves in this occupation, become truly good at what they do. Through training and practice, people who are already passionate about something end up being particularly talented at the job. Realize the relevance of these findings and act accordingly:
    • Observe and act without delay. Inspiration and curiosity will inevitably blow your mind, and eventually you will pursue exactly the talents that interest you enough.
    • Ignore the technical aspects of the talent you hope to master. You will be able to deal with the technical aspects of talent cultivation later when you become committed to your work.
    • Don't try to judge where your interests come from.
    • Avoid these tendencies, and it will allow your creative and emotional aspirations to attract you to something interesting.
  5. 5 Read on. Reading is a great way to start learning how you can become more talented in a variety of fields. Here, one of the main benefits is to revive your curiosity and motivate yourself to look for new ways to improve your talents or master completely new abilities.
    • If you are interested in the information that you have read, then the material is to your liking, and you want to deepen your knowledge. If something piqued your curiosity, do not waste time, but get down to studying.
    • There are literal benefits to reading: you will learn about language and writing, about the era of history that is relevant to the book, and, of course, about the direct content of the book. You’ll immediately learn a lot of different things just by running your eyes through the lines of a book and interpreting a bunch of printed words!
    • Naturally, nothing beats practical experience. If you've read something that interests you, put it to the test and develop new talent!