How to be a good husband

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
"How To Be A Husband" - The LOST art of biblical manliness!
Video: "How To Be A Husband" - The LOST art of biblical manliness!


So you get married and become a family man. All of your past promises are now going to be extremely meaningful to your wife, so it's time to do what you said. Fortunately, becoming a good husband is not an impossible task, you just need to follow your heart, conscience and love for your wife. If you seriously follow the steps below, your future and your partner's future will get better and better.


Part 1 of 3: Be a man of principles

  1. If your partner allows it, become a gentleman. Most (not all) men and women consider a gentleman to be very kind and respectful. If your wife is that type of woman, get ready to let your own glory explode. Think of the styles of the 17th century or its equivalent:
    • Kiss her when we met and when we said goodbye.
    • Bring heavy bags to help your wife.
    • Open the door for her.
    • Pay for the date.
      • Of course, there's a chance that your partner doesn't want you to treat her like a gentleman. If she doesn't like it, don't be offended. Even if you don't treat her in a special way, continue to be nice to her.

  2. Respect your wife. Respect is an act of understanding. Realize that your wife is an independent and different person, that she doesn't want to do exactly what you do, no matter how similar your interests are. Here are four examples of how much you respect your wife:
    • Keep promise. Can say, do it. If you say you're going to wash the dishes, don't sit there and make excuses while she does your job.
    • On time. If you say you're going somewhere at a specific time - maybe picking up your child at kindergarten - be on time. Wife's time is as precious as yours. Please respect that.
    • It is self-evident to stop giving something. Don't assume she will do something because she's a wife or a woman. Instead, establish a good communication relationship between the couple. You need to learn how to get help.
    • Listen to her. Don't just pretend to listen - listen really. Sometimes the only thing we want is a good listener or a shoulder to lean on. You need to let her talk and be attentive to those things.

  3. Never lie. You should get into the habit of telling the truth. Ask yourself how you would feel if you knew your wife hid everything except her birthday. Always tell her where you go, with whom. Tell her what your motivations are, even if you think it's the little things. Being open and never lying builds a bridge of effective verbal communication that is central to all good relationships.

  4. Never betray her. This is of course, but should also be mentioned. Infidelity is a form of deception. You cannot accept your wife's cheating, so why would you do that? If you are in a relationship, look at your life properly and sternly and ask yourself why you were marrying this person.
    • If you love your wife but still chase after another woman, is it fair to ask? You want your wife to be comfortable with you, but you are not willing to be honest and be her own. This behavior is basically selfish. You cannot do both at the same time.
    • If you no longer love your wife, then why will you marry her? Both of you would have lived a better life if there was a chance to find someone you really love, or if someone loves you back. Think about that.
  5. Don't be too lazy. Laziness is a bad habit to eliminate and is a major factor in your partner's boredom. Watching football on Sunday is not lazy; laziness is when you know yourself Candlestick or want do something, but can't get up to do it right away. So go take out the trash, surprise her by cleaning the house once a week or exercising to show her that you have self-esteem. That would be a big difference.
  6. Try not to be selfish. We can debate for hours on how selfish people are, but it is clear: despite being selfish, man is capable of being wholeheartedly for others. Love will inspire tolerance. Instead of always telling yourself what to do for yourself, ask yourself what you can do for your wife, or make your marriage better.
    • Limit jealousy. You can be a little jealous sometimes, and this is not that serious, as long as you try not to let it affect your wife's happiness. (Being jealous is also a good sign.) Jealousy can sometimes be selfish. Never stop your partner from doing something just because you're jealous.
    • Compromise. You should learn to reconcile everything. Usually what you want and what your wife wants will be completely different. In these cases, you need to adjust your expectations. Don't expect to always get what you want or "win" the argument.
  7. Never raise her voice, curse or physically torture her. Your wife believes that you will bring her comfort and security. Don't be a bad role model and limit your emotions.
    • If you can, try to control your tone when arguing:
      • "I'm worried we're not sticking to the budget. I don't blame you. I'm just worried about my couple's long-term happiness and want to talk to you about ways we can both change our spending habits. pepper."
    • Do not attack personally. The following is an example of how to argue are not healthy:
      • "Is that so? Do you really want to make sure your kids get into a good school? Why don't you go talk to your ex-boyfriend, the principal? I seem to have a really good relationship with That's him. "
    • Do not physically beat, detain or threaten your wife. Don't use your physical advantage to overwhelm your wife. She can denounce you.

Part 2 of 3: Show love

  1. Find small ways for her to feel important. You should ask yourself, What can I do to make my wife even happier? It doesn't have to be something big to work. Every relationship is nurtured from small things. It is the thinking behind that and the feelings inside, that is the real gift:
    • Take time to develop good feelings for your wife's family. She will appreciate it when you have a good relationship with her parents. You may not see them every day, but it doesn't matter, the problem is that your wife wants you to love her parents just like you do.
    • Is your wife interested in philanthropy? You can use her name to donate some money to some charity as a gift to your wife. She will become a proud philanthropist and bring opportunities to other unhappy people.
    • Do chores around the house that she doesn't like to do. For example, if your wife doesn't like to wash dishes, you can give her a short "dishwashing exemption" coupon with a week of no need to do the job.
  2. Be open. It may sound weird, but being open to your spouse is actually an expression of love: it shows them that you trust them and, more importantly, like to be close to your partner. emotionally. Women often live in love; men are less. When you open up, she will be reassured that you are doing this for her.
  3. Show that you love your wife. Why did you marry her in the first place? Show your wife from time to time why you love her and how she makes you feel every day. This is a good habit to promote affection in your marriage, while also reducing stress.
    • Write a note to your wife. You can hide under your pillow, wait until you kiss goodbye in the morning, and then ask her to check under the pillow. The message content could be: "Every day with you, I realize how lucky I am. I love you."
    • Reach from behind when your wife knows you are in the room, then put your arm around her and place a sincere kiss on her neck. This will make her heart melt.
    • You can make a romantic lucky cookie for yourself (a semicircle with a nice message inside). Find a way to stuff your own message inside a cookie for your wife to find out when she breaks it. Write something like: "Only you can break my heart ...."
  4. Be a source of encouragement for her. Actively support your wife with sincere efforts. Whether it's encouraging when she wants to learn Latin dance or when she wants to go out with her friends, your support will give her a sense of security and she will be ready to take the anticipated risks. . When the world turns her back, she will know that she has friends, you are her strong support, her inspiration and her beacon of night.
    • Whenever your wife is upset, find ways to improve her mood. Bring breakfast to the bedside, massage your wife's feet or take her to your favorite movie. Again, small things can mean great.
  5. Back as a romantic "man". This may not be the first thing you think of every morning, but romance is essential for a healthy marriage. Do not assume that because you are married, you do not need to try to be romantic with your wife anymore. This thinking isn't just wrong - what if your wife decides not to control her weight after getting married? - but also lost some of the joy of marriage. So be a man and do men's affairs. That is to show romance.
    • Dating in the evening once a month. Some couples manage to date once a week, but once a month is enough. Make a plan to remind you of the dates a couple went through while researching or discussing a date that could make both hearts sob again, naming together a few activities like : skydiving, snorkeling watching the coral or watching a movie, and so on
    • Celebrate the wedding day. Wedding anniversary is really important to your partner, and so are you. This occasion has a symbolic meaning and provides an opportunity to renew their love. Absolutely do not forget this day. At least have to have a romantic dinner together over a chilled bottle of wine.
    • Maintain warmth in sex. Don't let things cool down, or just take it for granted. Try to please your wife as she did to you and learn more about your sex life through each other's bodies.

Part 3 of 3: Combining Everything

  1. Trust your wife completely. A lot of the issues mentioned in this article revolve around trust. If you don't trust your spouse, you may have to live in a place of misery. You need to learn to trust your wife as she does.
  2. Show your personality. Marriage is a lasting opportunity to get to know a person better over the years. If you keep a certain aspect of your personality a secret or hold it back, you won't get all you want in a marriage. If you do your best: you get what you want.
    • You two can talk for a long time; make fun of her to laugh; share interests, hobbies and jobs; take her somewhere special that means special to you two; encourage her to get to know your relatives (and so do you); argue with each other; sharing vulnerable fears, doubts and problems; Be yourself, not the husband you think she wants.
  3. Remember the golden rule. Not only has an important meaning in the concept of morality, this also helps us navigate in turbulent times of marriage. The golden rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated. All wrapped up in the sentence "always put yourself in the shoes of others" before you act.
    • Of course, you need to have the right perspective if you want to use the golden rule, and you can't deceive yourself about what others want. If you are unsure about something, ask yourself, "What would I want if I were her?" This is also a good exercise for you.
  4. If you are a believer, share your religion with your wife. When working towards the same faith, both will have more strength and actively seek meaning in the journey of life. Give yourself wholeheartedly to your spouse, as you would do it to God. Try to preserve those values ​​for life.
  5. Proud of my looks. Of course, in the end, the most important thing is: keeping a good personal hygiene, looking neat, well - both inside and out - you need to make sure you maintain the same level of cleanliness as she is. . If you care about how your wife dresses and how often she brushes her teeth, then surely she has a similar concern for you. This is normal for lovers, right?


  • Advocate and protect her like she is your life's most precious treasure!
  • Spend time and effort on her.
  • Trust her!
  • Always tell the truth no matter how much you know it will hurt her. Your wife should hear it from you rather than from others.
  • Listen to her and treat what she says as a comment, not a reprimand.
  • You have to be patient with yourself - being a good husband takes time.
  • Show your wife how much you love her in front of her friends, such as saying how beautiful she is.
  • Be romantic - sometimes when you find your wife deserves, buy her a gift, but not too often because you don't want to spoil her.
  • Trying to help the wife's family, be it shopping or repairing damaged household items.


  • Don't flirt - it will show that you don't think she's attractive. Instead, praise her and see her more.