Ways to Treat Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Helicobacter Pylori Eradication treatment in 70 seconds
Video: Helicobacter Pylori Eradication treatment in 70 seconds


It was once thought that spicy and stressful foods were the main cause of ulcers. In reality, however, most ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori infections. H. pylori is a bacteria found in the digestive tract of 30% of North Americans and usually does not cause problems. However, if there are symptoms of ulcers such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, it could be caused by the H. pylori bacteria. This type of bacteria can also cause stomach cancer. The most common treatment is a combination of antibiotics and acid inhibitors.


Part 1 of 4: Determination of infection or not

  1. Watch for symptoms of infection. An H. pylori infection has symptoms similar to an ulcer. Most people infected with the infection have no symptoms. An ulcer-like symptom can be caused by the H. pylori bacteria. Common symptoms include:
    • Abdominal pain, feeling like heartburn, acid heartburn
    • Indigestion or "intense pain" in the stomach
    • Acid reflux
    • Nausea
    • Have colored, or black stools
    • Vomiting of blood
    • Sudden unconsciousness
    • Stomach stiffness (peritonitis) in severe cases.

  2. Go to the doctor. Persistent abdominal pain, whatever the cause, requires treatment. The infection will not go away on its own, so you should see your doctor to determine if the cause is H. pylori. From there, you can start a proper treatment to heal your stomach.
    • Although rare, infections with H and pylori can still lead to stomach cancer. Therefore, do not be subjective when you have abdominal pain, bloody stools, and other signs that you may have an H. pylori infection.

  3. Test to confirm the diagnosis. Talk to your doctor if you think an H. pylori infection is the cause. There are many ways to test for infection and your doctor will choose the one that best suits your symptoms and condition. Here are the most common tests:
    • Test for urea in breath. Bacteria produce urea compounds. The breath urea test is the leading and most accurate method of diagnosing H. pylori infection.
    • The stool test for H. pylori antibodies, which means a stool sample will be examined in the laboratory for signs of H. pylori bacteria. This is considered the second most effective method.
    • Blood tests. A blood test shows the presence of antibodies that help fight H. pylori. This method is 65-95% effective and is the most reliable method.
    • Biopsy. A tissue sample will be taken from the stomach and used for an endoscopy. A biopsy is usually only done if you need an endoscopy to treat ulcers, bleeding, or to make sure you don't have cancer.
    • Most doctors will order one of these 4 tests if the symptoms resemble the symptom of an H. pylori infection.

  4. Test for family members. The H. pylori bacteria are often spread due to poor sanitation and personal hygiene. If you suspect that you have a bacterial infection, you should also have your family members tested.
    • This step is essential not only for the health of a family member, but also to help prevent re-infection.
    • This step is especially important for couples and lovers. H. pylori bacteria can be spread through saliva when kissing each other.

Part 2 of 4: Getting treatment

  1. Take the full dose of antibiotics as prescribed. Because H. pylori is a bacteria, it can be successfully treated with antibiotics in a short time. In most cases, you will be given 2 antibiotics at the same time. Doctors usually prescribe one of the following prescriptions:
    • Amoxicillin, 2 g four times daily and Flagyl (oral pill), 500 mg four times daily, orally every other day. This prescription is 90% effective.
    • Biaxin (oral pill), 500 mg twice daily for 7 days and Amoxicillin (oral medicine), 1 g twice daily for 7 days. This prescription is 80% effective.
    • Children are usually given Amoxicillin, 50 mg / kg in divided doses, twice daily (up to 1 g twice daily) for 14 days. Alternatively, a child may be prescribed Biaxin: 15 mg / kg in divided doses twice daily (maximum 500 mg twice daily) for 14 days.
    • The full dose of antibiotics should be taken, even if symptoms subside. Your doctor will prescribe drugs in a dose that is enough to kill the bacteria. Even though the symptoms have gone away, it is still possible that H. pylori remains in the body.
  2. Take an antacid. Your doctor may also recommend antacids when you take antibiotics. Antacids prevent the ulcer from getting worse and give your stomach time to heal.
    • The stomach naturally produces acid to aid digestion, but when you have an ulcer, the acid can cause more serious damage.
    • Usually, your doctor will prescribe either Bismuth subsalicylate or Pepto Bismol. The medicine will create a coating to protect the stomach from acid and help kill bacteria. Dosage and dose depend on the antibiotic you are taking.
  3. Take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Your doctor will also prescribe PPIs to prevent acid production by inhibiting the "pumping" in stomach cells (which causes stomach acid secretion).
    • In most cases, you will be prescribed Lansoprazole. Dosage and dose depend on the antibiotic you are taking.
    • Children may be prescribed Omeprazole, 1 mg / kg divided into two times daily (up to 20 mg twice daily) for 14 days.
  4. Test again after 1 month. Your doctor will do a second test after 4 weeks to confirm that the H. pylori bacteria has been killed. Should follow the instructions of your doctor during treatment and before receiving the second test.
    • The infection can recur and restart the cycle if the entire family is not cured. This result must be confirmed after 4 weeks of treatment.
    • See your doctor right away if you experience severe symptoms during treatment. Antibiotics don't always work. Therefore, you should see your doctor again to be prescribed another medication by your doctor.

Part 3 of 4: Using natural remedies

  1. Eat broccoli. Research suggests that eating broccoli helps to reduce H. pylori bacteria. Regular consumption of broccoli does not kill the whole population, but it can reduce the H. pylori bacteria population.
    • Eating broccoli several times per week can be helpful.
  2. Drink green tea. Research shows that green tea significantly reduces the amount of H. pylori bacteria if taken daily. Green tea contains high levels of polyphenols that inhibit the multiplication of H. pylori bacteria.
    • Green tea extract can be used with the same effect if you don't like the taste of green tea.
    • Red wine with a high content of polyphenols has similar benefits to green tea.
  3. Take a probiotic supplement. Probiotics are probiotics that have the ability to prevent the uncontrolled growth of bacteria. Research shows that regular probiotic supplementation can help prevent H. pylori naturally.
    • Yogurt, Kimchi, Kombucha tea (immortal tea) and many other fermented foods contain probiotics.

Part 4 of 4: Prevention of H. pylori infection

  1. Wash your hands often. The basic step towards avoiding H. pylori infection is practicing good personal hygiene and washing your hands. You should wash your hands well, especially after using the toilet and before handling food. Wash your hands according to the instructions below:
    • Use warm water 50 degrees Celsius and about 1 teaspoon of soap water to wash your hands. Soap is not necessarily antibacterial. Wash your hands for 15-30 seconds.
  2. Eat a balanced diet. The diet should contain the right proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. This helps maintain health and boosts the immune system to reduce the risk of infection.
    • The specific nutritional rate will depend on weight, sex, activity level, ... However, the amount of calories tolerated should be about 2000 calories per day. Get your calories primarily from fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, and low-fat protein.
    • In addition to a balanced diet, 67% of nutritionists recommend supplementing with supplements. Functional foods will help compensate for nutritional deficiencies when using only food.
  3. Supplement with vitamin C. Vitamin C is especially important for a healthy immune system. Many doctors recommend a daily supplement of 500 mg of vitamin C.
    • Be aware that vitamin C is acidic and can irritate the stomach. It is better to get vitamin C that is not acidic or from food. Foods rich in vitamin C include cantaloupe, cabbage, citrus fruits and red bell peppers.
    • Because vitamin C is acidic, talk to your doctor about taking vitamin C supplements while you are receiving treatment for H. pylori.
  4. Avoid contact with saliva. Research suggests that H. pylori can be transmitted through saliva. Therefore, you should avoid contact with saliva of an H. Pylori carrier until the disease is cured.
    • For example, if your spouse has an H. pylori infection, avoid kissing or sharing toothbrushes.
  5. Take precautions when traveling abroad. Be careful with food and drink when traveling to countries with poor sanitation.
    • Consider drinking bottled water when visiting countries with poor sanitation.
    • Avoid eating food at sidewalks or in doubt of being unsanitary. Only eat at restaurants with hygienic standards. Kitchen utensils should be washed with hot water (or warm enough to tolerate) and antibacterial soap.
    • Using hand sanitizer can help in these situations. Washing your hands with dirty water is even more harmful.


  • A breath urea test is the best test for after treating H. pylori bacteria. On the other hand, blood testing is not recommended after treatment. Antibodies can still exist after the bacteria have been killed.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking medicine or have other health problems. Some medicines taken together can be dangerous.
  • Do not voluntarily stop taking the drug when experiencing side effects. Ask your doctor about alternative medicines that do not cause side effects.
  • Natural treatments may help, but are not guaranteed to eliminate the infection.