How to become a video game developer

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
First Steps to becoming a Game Developer - How to become a Game Developer
Video: First Steps to becoming a Game Developer - How to become a Game Developer


Most kids and teens are crazy about video games. Sometimes this passion is so great that it develops into a desire to develop such games yourself. Others are attracted to video game programming by the high potential profitability of a career, when one successful game turns a person into a millionaire. If you also have a strong desire to realize yourself in this high-tech field, the following tips will tell you what it takes to create your own video game. The main thing is to remain confident, as a video game developer can be anyone who is willing to invest their diligence and willing to work hard.


  1. 1 Stock up on knowledge. Talk to faculty and undergraduates, attend summer camp, read print and online video game development magazines (Gamasutra, Gameslice, etc.) to get a good look at the area of ​​interest. Also find out what training and skills are required to become a professional in this industry.
  2. 2 Think about what specific area you intend to exert your strength in. The video game industry is developing rapidly and resembles the film industry, where a well-coordinated team of professionals from different fields is needed to create a successful project. To create a video game, you will need structural designers who come up with an interesting plot, programmers for the main engine and scripting code, artists for drawing 3D character models, packaging design and promotional materials. Decide in which particular area you want to realize yourself in order to direct your efforts in the right direction.
  3. 3 Take appropriate training. If you are truly interested in a career as a video game developer, invest in courses that teach the specifics of video game development. Today, training can even be completed remotely by enrolling in online courses at universities such as UAT Online Game Degree or DeVry University.
  4. 4 Find out which game engines are available on the market: CryEngine, Radiant, Source and Unreal Engine and other engines are commercially available today and offered with games. They allow you to create your own characters, levels and maps. There are also video courses for learning how to work with such engines.
  5. 5 Learn to program. Programming is the foundation for anyone serious about becoming a professional video game developer. To understand all the complexities of video game programming, you need knowledge of languages ​​such as C ++ (one of the most popular programming languages ​​among developers). For beginners, we can recommend taking courses on DarkBasic, and knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic is useful for those who intend to program for Windows operating systems.
  6. 6 Create a mindset to find a solution. Programming requires a fair amount of patience and persistence.From time to time, writing a game will be complicated by various problems, and the habit of looking for solutions calmly and systematically will come in handy.
  7. 7 The more practice the better. Video game programming is impossible to learn overnight. To enter programming mode, you need to complete as many practice exercises as possible. Start with basic games and move on to more challenging tasks as your professional skills begin to grow. Use tips from books, online resources, and various training materials to raise your professional level.
  8. 8 Sign up for a video game summer camp. Summer training camps devoted to video game programming are often organized today. This will allow you to combine recreation and creating video games.


  • Don't hesitate if you need professional advice or help.
  • Research your subject area thoroughly.
  • Learn the basics of programming.
  • Take some time to read the recent programming books. If the book was written a long time ago, make sure that it talks about the codes and scripts that you need.
  • Be patient.
  • After creating the game, try playing it yourself.


  • Video game development has more to do with programming and teamwork with designers than with plotting a game. In other words, it is not entirely correct to say that you are the one who "makes" the games. The work of a team is required, each member of which contributes to the "creation" of the game. If you are not tempted by the prospect of spending long hours creating and testing endless lines of code, it is better to find another area for self-realization.
  • You need to be sure of what you are doing, as well as that you want to do it.
  • Be focused.
  • Take your time, learn gradually.