How to get popular in college

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BECOME POPULAR IN COLLEGE! || Awkward School Situations by Challenge Accepted
Video: HOW TO BECOME POPULAR IN COLLEGE! || Awkward School Situations by Challenge Accepted


Do you want to be that awesome college guy everyone wants to meet? College is markedly different from high school. Being stylish in college means being original, kind, friendly, and having a good sense of humor. Do not be afraid to be "different" from the high school students, the student must be unique. If you want to be cool and stylish in college, go for it.


  1. 1 Don't wear a mask. People can tell right away that you are pretending.You have to be real, so be who you are and be proud of it. Think about your merits. By the time they start college, most people are outgrowing the personality they were in high school. If you haven't already, then you need to mature well. Time in college is perfect for getting to know yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty, you should be proud of it, because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.
  2. 2 Please. Open doors for people, feel free to help bring books, offer help with homework, help the person find their way near college. Only your kindness can help you do this.
  3. 3 Be friendly. Try to have small talk with everyone. Make an effort and chat with someone or help someone who you usually don't. Don't be a bone man. Try chatting about things like the weather, sports, school, college life, travel, hobbies, weekend or vacation plans, movies, music, and your favorite TV shows. Stay up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, sports news and events so you always have something to talk about. Talking about the weather really gets boring quickly.
  4. 4 Have a good sense of humor. Don't tell silly, ingrained jokes. Be witty. Search the internet for fun stuff, or watch fun TV shows or movies for ideas.
  5. 5 Dress in trendy clothes. You don't have to imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you don't have to dress like you just got out of bed (which is how some students look). After all, some could be seen in pajamas even at school. For guys, a button-down shirt, T-shirt, pullover, or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts can be a good option. A hoodie will work as well. For girls - an interesting top, beautiful hairstyle, modest makeup. Try to dress according to the climate and local conditions. Many students, having decided on their specialty, begin to dress the way they would do it at work, for example: business clothes for business specialties, more elaborate clothes for art specialties. This rule is especially carefully observed during internship, practice, etc. Many students go to college in their special work clothes, especially if they work part-time after class. Some occupations will require you to wear special uniforms, such as a cotton robe and trousers for nurses and dental specialties, police uniforms for law enforcement, etc. There are girls who have been going to school lately in attractive dresses and skirts - if you have such a nice and attractive dress, then don't be afraid to wear it to college.
  6. 6 You are not required to take part in parties. Only amateurs are constantly attending parties. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are insecure and therefore resort to alcohol in order to feel confident. A truly stylish and "cool" person does not need this doping. Attend good parties from time to time (like a family wedding), but don't make it your lifestyle. Usually, students who celebrate parties the way Toby Keith shows in his "Red Solo Cup" video is constantly laughing.
  7. 7 Don't join too many clubs. Joining too many clubs is a sign that you are desperate and just want to be well received everywhere. Participate only in those clubs and events in which you are genuinely interested, or in those related to your specialty.Do not join a nursing club if you do not plan to continue doing so in the future.
  8. 8 Don't try to hide your flaws. College is exactly the place where they cannot be hidden. Don't be afraid to do something that you will later regret because it was "not cool". No one has yet defined a standard by which to judge what is "cool" and what is not. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what is "cool", and there are many other aspects that determine this, for example - where you live. So, do not try hard, relax. Who cares if you like Justin Bieber, or you like watching Tom and Jerry, or even listening to Lawrence Welk songs in your dorm. If you like Justin Bieber, then don't be afraid to rip your speakers apart with his compositions. College students, anyway, like to be "ironic" today.
  9. 9 Earn good grades. Grades are not an exclusive attribute of "nerds". Grades will make you "cooler": this is a future job that will allow you to earn money to buy cool cars, houses, and so on.
  10. 10 Don't be addicted to Facebook and other social networks like MySpace. Time spent on Facebook is usually wasted time. When you are on the Internet, listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photos, watch YouTube, and if you get tired of all this, take up your studies.
  11. 11 You don't need a girlfriend / boyfriend or sex to look cool. Sometimes having a girlfriend / boyfriend in college can distract you from other interesting pursuits, or from pursuing your primary goal of getting an education for your future career. But if you find someone you like, then don't be afraid to take the first step. But remember, you can have dramatic consequences.
  12. 12 Don't be afraid to express yourself. Don't be afraid to defend what you believe in and do what you think is right, even though it may not be popular. Each person has their own opinion, so be sure to respect the characteristics of other people and treat everyone equally. If you don't think sex or partying is "cool", or that voting for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then act in accordance with your convictions.
  13. 13 Judge with an open mind. College is where you are most likely to be exposed to completely different cultures, races, nationalities, religions, political beliefs, lifestyles, and ages, so don't be afraid to go outside the box and try new things. College is a place to shape your personality, so be open to everything new.
  14. 14 Don't forget what you are here for. In college, your grades have their weight; Your GPA will largely determine your salary, so if you want to make more money in the future, you have to pore over books and studies. You may still have a social life, but the main reason for going to college is to get an education, and ultimately a job. Do not miss classes, because you paid for them for a reason!
  15. 15 If all else fails, then take up online distance learning. You can "attend classes" from the comfort of your comfortable home, and you will not need to worry about not being accepted by others.