How to drink eight glasses of water a day

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
Video: Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter


We need water to live and fight dehydration, and it also helps our body eliminate toxins and allows our body to function better. For years, researchers and health experts have recommended drinking about 2.5 liters of water per day. And while the amount of water is not a strict prescription, there are certain advantages to drinking as much fluid as possible every day. Some studies even show that by increasing your water intake, you will also increase your lifespan. Finding a way to drink more water a day can help you become a healthier person with less fluid in your body.


Method 1 of 2: Prioritize water consumption

  1. 1 Determine how much water you need to drink each day. 2 liters is about 8 glasses of water. If you have a container of the appropriate volume, you will be able to remember how much water you need to drink every day.
    • If you have an empty 2-liter soda bottle, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator. Drink the entire contents of the bottle throughout the day.
    • If you don't drink a whole bottle of water a day, you may be running out of fluids.

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS

    M.Sc. in Nutrition, University of Tennessee at Knoxville Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplant patient care and weight loss counseling at the University of Arkansas Medical. He is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She received her MA in Nutritional Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2010.

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS
    Master of Science in Nutrition, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

    Did you know? The amount of fluid you need to drink depends on height, weight, activity level, and other factors. To understand if you are drinking enough fluids, pay attention to the color of urine - if it is clear or pale yellow, then you are doing everything right!

  2. 2 Make it a habit. Train yourself to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, another glass after you return from school or work, and a glass before bed. This will amount to three glasses of the recommended eight each day. To begin with, you can draw up a special schedule of water consumption, and then it will come to automatism.
    • Drinking water in the morning is also beneficial to boost your metabolism. It is also a refreshing way to wake up.
    • Stores sell special measuring bottles for water. And some of them, for example, have a small indicator that lights up after every 200 ml of water drunk. This encourages you to drink more.
  3. 3 Drink water when distracted. Another habit to cultivate is to gradually drink a glass of water while watching TV or sitting at the computer.
  4. 4 Download the dedicated app. There are many apps available to help you monitor your water intake or remind you to drink more. Most of them are free, but if you purchase the paid option, you will be more motivated to use it.
  5. 5 Buy the bottle of water you like. Carry it with you everywhere. This will not only reduce the number of disposable bottles you have, but will also increase the desire to use your new purchase.
    • Remember that water bottles are not only beautiful and convenient, but they also keep the water cool, are easy to clean and environmentally friendly.
  6. 6 Consider the climate in which you live and your level of physical activity. Health experts often recommend drinking more water (that is, more than 8 glasses a day), depending on environmental factors. If you live in hot, dry climates, you may need more fluids than those living in the arctic strip. In addition, if you are involved in sports, you need more more water to avoid dehydration.
    • Don't wait to get thirsty to drink. This is especially true when you are physically active and / or if the weather is hot. By the time you feel thirsty, your body will already be dehydrated.
  7. 7 If you are hungry, drink some water first. This will help you feel fuller before eating, and may even relieve the urge to eat, as thirst is often confused with hunger.

Method 2 of 2: Making Water Taste Better

  1. 1 Drink sparkling water. Bubbles make plain water sparkle, and if you drink flavored seltzer water, you can even fool your mind into thinking you are drinking lemonade.
  2. 2 Freeze the water overnight. As long as the ice melts, you can sip from a cold bottle all day.
  3. 3 Add fruit. Chop up citrus fruits, berries, or even cucumbers and add to the water for a freshness that will make you want to drink over and over again.
  4. 4 Add flavorful ice cubes. You can freeze any juice, fruit pulp, or tea in an ice cube tray. Then just take out a couple of cubes and add to the bottle of water.


  • Choose reusable water bottles.It's greener, cheaper, and also more stylish than a regular plastic bottle!
  • Always have water on hand. Keep the water in the machine in case of an unexpected traffic jam or worse, something wrong!
  • Keep the water chilled. Water is much more pleasant to drink when it is cold, especially in hot weather.
  • If you are thirsty, drink water instead of different flavored drinks.
  • You can use sugar-free flavors to motivate yourself to drink more water! Another option is to add fresh fruit to a glass of water or make popsicles.

What do you need

  • 2 liter bottle of water
  • Reusable water bottle