How to Become a Popular Newbie at School

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Barber Tutorial for beginners - How To do a Bald Taper + Andis Master
Video: Barber Tutorial for beginners - How To do a Bald Taper + Andis Master


Are you transferring to another school and don't want to be alone just because you're new? Or do you want to start a new life? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you.


Part 1 of 6: Ten weeks in advance

  1. 1 If you want, you can lose weight, or vice versa, gain weight. Let's take a sober view of things: people are evaluating you. You can gain weight that is normal for a healthy child of your age; find out about height / weight / age ratio standards online or ask your mom. But do not go to extremes and try to become super-skinny, otherwise you will immediately have a nickname - "anorexic".
  2. 2 Start saving money for new clothes and school supplies. If you don't have a lot of money, try looking for items that interest you in a thrift store or stock store. When choosing clothes, you should carefully consider the choice of the brand - some of them can be your key to popularity.Check out brands like Urbanoutfitters, Forever 21, American Eagle, Hollister, and more (look for them in stores or online; keep in mind that the list of suitable clothes is not limited to them).

Part 2 of 6: In Five Weeks

  1. 1 Get rid of all the habits that could make you feel like a failure. Chewing your nails or chewing your hair? Stop immediately - others find these habits disgusting.
  2. 2 Get a new hairstyle. Salons usually have magazines in which you can find a haircut to your liking. If you are satisfied with your haircut, you can simply update it, trim the ends. This will make your hair look healthier and prettier.

Part 3 of 6: This week

  1. 1 Time to go shopping. Take the money you set aside and go shopping. If you try, you will most likely find trendy and stylish items at an affordable price at your local mall. It also makes sense to visit more expensive stores - they may have discounts and sales (for example, Abercrombie or Hollister; if they are not in your city, look for analogues or order on the Internet). School supplies are best bought in large shopping centers, where you will find the widest range of products and prices for any pocket. If the new school has no restrictions, you can buy cosmetics, nail polish, etc.
  2. 2 Check out interesting topics that might interest your future classmates. Perhaps it's TV shows, popular movies, hits, or best-selling books. Read newspapers, magazines, blogs, watch TV and movies, listen to music - all of these are useful to you in order to start a conversation.
  3. 3 Get a manicure if you can.

Part 4 of 6: Per Day

  1. 1 Get your awesome new clothes and school supplies ready in the evening so you’re ready in the morning.
  2. 2 Think about what kind of hair to do, what kind of makeup, and so on.
  3. 3 Go to bed on time.

Part 5 of 6: First Day of School

  1. 1 Get yourself together. You go to a new school, which may not be like the previous one, which you thought was a prison. In it you are doomed to find new friends.
  2. 2 Don't be late in any way. Nothing impresses teachers and students as badly as being late.
  3. 3 When the teacher introduces you to the class, stand up confidently from your desk and introduce yourself. If your teacher asks you to tell something about yourself, say a few words about what kind of person you are.
  4. 4 In between classes and lunch, try to communicate with as many people as possible. This will make a good impression on everyone, not just one company.
  5. 5 Join a circle. There you can find people with similar interests.
  6. 6 In the morning, listen to music on your ipod / mp3 player to recharge your batteries and be ready for any challenge.

Part 6 of 6: After the first day

  1. 1 Keep making new acquaintances and maintaining existing ones.
  2. 2 After you have a couple of phone numbers of your friends, invite them somewhere. This will strengthen your friendship.
  3. 3 Ask your friends for an email address or name on social networks (VK, Facebook, etc.)). So they can see your photos and photos of your old friends.
  4. 4 Your friends on social networks will add people you still don't know at school as friends - study their pages and find out who is friends with whom.
  5. 5 Exchange contacts on social networks with the people you met during the day, find out who these guys are friends with.
  6. 6 Congratulate yourself, you did it!
  7. 7 Maybe you should join a sports section or some hobby club.


  • Don't be arrogant. People around you are unlikely to want to communicate with you if you are rude and arrogant.
  • Be nice to others. Malevolence will not endear your classmates to you.
  • Don't mingle with the crowd.Every popular student in the school stands out from the crowd, so don't get caught up in the gray crowd.
  • When you tell an interesting story from your life, do not tell it in full. Your classmates will become curious, they will have a lot of questions, and they will want to communicate with you more.
  • Be prepared to stand up for yourself. Hooligans are usually children who lack attention. If one of them sticks to you and allows himself to insult you, IT IS FORBIDDEN respond to this with insults. This will only make the problem worse. If he does not stop, or his actions become a threat to you, ask for help from an adult. They need to handle the problem better than you can.
  • Crash your ipod or mp3 player in case you get bored. Be careful: some schools have specific regulations regarding electronic devices inside buildings.


  • Do not copy anyone, otherwise you will immediately gain a reputation as a poseur, and your chances of popularity will sink into oblivion.
  • Do not look to anyone aggressively or unfriendly. The girl you rolled your eyes at may be the friend of someone who can make your school days miserable.
  • Do NOT start flirting right away. Classmates may start saying bad things about you.
  • These tips may or may not work. It all depends on the social foundations of the new school.