Reject a boy in a friendly way

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Women Hate Nice Guys - MGTOW
Video: Why Women Hate Nice Guys - MGTOW


It can feel awkward to tell a guy you're not interested in him, whether you barely know each other or you've already had three dates. It's never fun hurting someone's feelings, but you'll feel a lot more relieved when the truth has come out, and the boy will be able to move on faster as a result. If you know what to say and how, then you will be able to reject that guy as gently as possible.

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Part 1 of 2: Knowing what to say

  1. Decide whether or not you want to talk to him. Okay, if you're dating, yes then you owe him the courtesy to break it up personally. But if he asks you out via text message or email, or via a dating site, it is best to reply virtually. This can make it a lot less annoying for both of you, and it can save you the pain of being confronted with his sad face; it can also appreciate him if you don't see how devastated he is when you tell him to his face that you're not interested. But if he's a good friend or someone you've been dating for two months, you'll have to believe it and see what is the most respectful thing you can do.
    • Just be an adult and make sure you talk to him yourself, whether this is direct or not. Having someone else deliver the message won't make him feel any better.
  2. Be honest about whether or not you want to go out with him. If you don't like the guy, then you'll have to be honest about it. If he asks you out, say something like "I'm sorry, but I don't think it will work out between us" or "I just don't feel the chemistry, but I really like you". Keep it short and simple, but do let him know you don't want to go out with him so he doesn't get confused or hang around longer than he needs to.
    • He may ask you for a reason, but you don't have to go into that by giving all the reasons why you're not interested. That will only make him feel worse, so spare him, even if he thinks he wants to know.
  3. Provide a legitimate reason. If you don't like him, you can tell him. If you're just not looking for someone right now, tell me. If you like someone else, let them know. If you just don't like him because you think he's unattractive or annoying or something like that, then you can spare him those details. While it's not fun to lie about it or make an excuse, no guy wants to hear you say, "I just don't find you attractive." Think of a compelling reason that doesn't hurt his feelings too much.
    • Think ahead of time about the reason you're going to give so that he doesn't catch you in a lie.
    • Don't say you like someone else if you don't. He will soon see that.
    • Also, don't say that you don't want to start a relationship right now when you do like someone else. Then if he sees you with someone else or notices you're dating another guy shortly after the conversation, he'll feel like a loser for lying to him.
  4. Be steadfast. While you can be gentle, you should make it absolutely clear that you don't see the boy as romantic material.If you say something like 'I am not at a time in my life where I can start a relationship' or 'I am busy with my studies this month' then he thinks you are telling him that he has a better chance if he still wait a month or two. It is not good to give him false hope, and while this will make him feel better in the short term, he will eventually start to feel much worse if it takes much longer than necessary for him to realize he has no chance. makes with you.
    • Really, the worst thing you can do is keep the guy on a leash, so it's better to be extra clear than extra vague.
  5. Don't insult him. Don't tell him you think he's not smart enough, cool enough, or attractive enough for you. It just gives you a reputation for being a mean bitch who doesn't think about others. If you want to kindly reject him, then you should treat him as a nice person, so don't insult him even if you think you're just telling the hard truth.
    • Give him your full attention when you talk to him. If you seem distracted or keep checking your cellphone, he'll feel even more offended.
  6. Avoid the clichés. Don't say "it's not you, it's me", "I think you deserve someone better than me" or "I'm not ready for a relationship". All guys have heard this before and it's better to be honest without hurting him too much: you just don't feel it. It is better to let him know very clearly that you will never want to start a relationship with him than to make him feel worse by giving him standard formulas.
  7. Keep it short. Once you've said what's on your mind, it's time to say goodbye, either forever or for this moment. He will want to keep talking and hear more and more reasons why it won't work between the two of you, but that will only make you feel more awful. If you think this is going to be a problem with this guy, prepare an exit strategy, whether it's a date with a girlfriend or you need to make arrangements. If you don't have anything else to do, it will seem weirder when you have to leave just to be able to leave.
  8. If you want to stay friends, say so. If you are actually good friends, then you can tell him how much this means to you and that you don't want that friendship to break. This doesn't mean you want to be friends with someone you barely know (or like); if you're not friends and you say "I just want to be friends," he'll realize you just want to make him feel better. However, if you have been good friends for a while, you make him feel good by telling you what a great friend he has been to you.
    • If you're friends, it's okay if he doesn't want to hang out with you for a while. Surely that won't be fun for you, but he might not be ready to think of you as just a regular girlfriend.

Part 2 of 2: What to do afterwards

  1. Give him space. Whether you're good friends or just in the same class, you should give him space after you turn him down. You can try to just be friends like before, or ask him about homework, but he may not be ready to talk to you like regular friends at this point. Don't feel hurt if this takes him more time than you thought.
  2. Don't act strangely the next time you see him. The next time you meet, don't look at him like a pathetic puppy or go the extra mile to ignore him. Just be yourself, act natural, and be nice when he comes to talk to you. If he's not going to talk to you, then you don't have to take the initiative because he's probably just not ready to hang out with you. The important thing is to pretend it's not that big of a deal so he knows that the fact that he was rejected wasn't a big deal and that you can be friends and talk to each other.
  3. Don't tell everyone you know what happened. Save the boy the humiliation that 50 of your best friends know what happened. If you tell all your friends that you rejected him, they will start acting strangely around him too, and he will notice. If he's a nice guy, then he doesn't deserve to be treated like this just because he made a genuine effort to get closer to you. Try to keep what happened to yourself; After all, you wouldn't want him to tell all his friends if he dumped you, would you?
  4. Treat him kindly. When you talk to each other again, don't be mean or mean to him, unless he deserves it. If he's just trying to be friends or nice to you, the least you can do is smile and reciprocate his kindness. This doesn't mean dealing with him or spending a lot of time with him, but if you cross paths, treat him decently. In any case, don't flirt, touch him, or be so nice that he gets mixed feelings or thinks he has another chance.
    • Above all else, be empathetic towards him. It will hurt him that you rejected him, and you will have to remember that even if you don't want to date him.


  • Be honest.
  • Don't try to avoid him.
  • When he gives you a gift, sincerely thank him for it, but make it clear that this is a friendly thing and has nothing to do with love.
  • Before you reject him, it is wise to examine your own feelings. You may find that you actually like him.
  • Ask your mother for advice, as she is much more experienced.


  • Every boy is different. You will have to find the right words to reject him.