How to treat acne growing on the gums

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
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Pimples that grow on the gums are often very painful and make it difficult to eat, drink and talk. Acne can come on suddenly and usually last, but there are ways to get rid of them and take care of your gums to prevent them from recurring.


Part 1 of 3: Get rid of acne on the gums with medical treatment

  1. Surgery to remove acne. If the pimple on your gums is chronic or unsightly, you may consider having surgery to remove it. This can significantly increase your chances of preventing acne from coming back. You should ask your gum specialist or a periodontist about this option for advice.
    • Your dentist or periodontist may recommend draining the pimple instead of removing it surgically, depending on where the pimple is located and how complicated the surgery is. In this case, you will be given antibiotics for at least 5 days after draining.

  2. Consider periodontal treatment. Many cases of gum acne are caused by a gum disease or a periodontal disease leading to periodontal abscess. If this is the case, you should visit your dentist for a thorough cleaning to get rid of active bacteria in the mouth that can cause pimples on the gums.
    • If this seems to work, you should continue to have regular dental cleaning to control bacteria and maintain your oral health.
    • Consider gum surgery if your dentist determines it to be the best way to prevent future infection and pimples on the gums.

  3. Consider having a root canal. Some bumps on the gums are caused by tooth abscesses. In these cases, tooth marrow is needed to remove bacteria and decay. Once the pulp has been removed, the tooth will be crowned or filled to protect the tooth and mouth from further infection.
    • Root canal extraction can be quite expensive and requires many visits to the dentist, so you should find out the price before agreeing to surgery.

Part 2 of 3: Eliminate pimples on the gums with home remedies

  1. Gargle salt water. Salt water helps reduce swelling and dry or drain the infection that may be present in the acne. Pour half a cup of warm water mixed with half a teaspoon of table salt and stir to dissolve. It's okay to have a little undissolved salt on the bottom of the cup. Use salt water as a regular mouthwash, but focus on the infected area when rinsing. Do not swallow salt water.
    • Continue rinsing your mouth with salt water 1-2 times per day for a week to heal gums. This will help reduce the risk of acne recurrence. In addition, remember to maintain good oral hygiene habits.
    • This method is recommended by oral health professionals and has been shown to be effective, but it is not a substitute for going to the dentist.
  2. Use essential oils. Certain essential oils used topically can help reduce bacteria and improve overall tissue health. Together, these factors can help clear up acne without the need for medical intervention. Simply put a few drops of essential oil in a glass of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
    • Some good options include peppermint oil and peppermint oil.
    • Be careful not to swallow the essential oil mixture.
    • Remember that these are only recommended home remedies and have not been scientifically proven.
  3. Eat raw onions. Eating raw onions is a very effective home remedy for acne growing on the gums. Onions contain relatively high levels of sulfur, which can help heat and dry out pimples in the mouth.
    • This is home therapy and may not be as effective as other methods that have been confirmed by health professionals.
    • If you don't like the taste of raw onions, you can try it with other foods, such as in salads or sandwiches to drown out the flavor of the onion.
    • Don't cook onions, as this can reduce the amount of sulfur in the onion.

Part 3 of 3: Prevent breakouts on gums

  1. Brush your teeth every day. Brushing regularly (at least 2 times a day) is probably the most important way you can do to prevent gum blemishes and maintain oral health. The habit of brushing your teeth helps to reduce bacteria and germs present in the mouth, and removes plaque and food debris.
    • Use toothpaste with a soft toothbrush and consult your doctor about brushing techniques.
  2. Use the dental floss daily. Flossing is one of the best ways to reduce plaque and bacteria build up in the mouth. Maintaining good oral health is essential to preventing pimples from growing on your gums, so it's important to floss regularly - especially if you experience persistent or recurring pimples.
    • Most dentists recommend flossing 2 times a day.
  3. Use an antibacterial mouthwash. Since bacterial buildup is one of the main causes of acne breakouts on your gums, it's important to limit the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth. A good way to do this is to use an antibacterial mouthwash in your daily oral care regimen. You should rinse your mouth after flossing and before going to bed.
    • Mouthwash brand is not important. Just look for a product label that says antibacterial, and if it's an American product, look for the American Dental Association's seal to make sure you buy a quality product.
  4. Get regular dental check-ups. The best way to prevent gum blemishes is to maintain proper and regular dental care, including regular visits to the dentist for dental check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist or dental professional can help you get rid of the plaque and can tell you if there's a problem with your teeth or offer treatment.
    • Your dentist can also detect signs of tooth decay or periodontal problems much earlier than you did on your own, thereby helping to identify symptoms or causes of acne earlier.
    • You should visit the dentist 2 times a year (every 6 months).


  • Some brands of oral hygiene contain antibacterial gels that add anesthetic effect. Go to the pharmacy and ask if they have these products, as they may help relieve local pain more effectively than regular pain relievers.
  • Ibuprofen and paracetamol can be used together to double the pain relief effect.


  • If you have had pimples on your gums in the past or keep getting pimples, this could be a warning sign of a potential tooth problem. You should see the dentist as soon as possible.
  • Swallowing salt water or mouthwash can make you nauseous.
  • It's best to see a specialist before trying to treat the infection yourself.
  • Ibuprofen and paracetamol still need to be taken according to the dosage indicated on the package.