How to get motivated

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule
Video: How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule


Motivation is a combination of driving forces that induce a person to take action. A person's success is determined by his motivation. If you want to succeed in life, then motivation is imperative for you. If you learn to properly motivate yourself, you can live a healthy, happy, and meaningful life. Here are some tips on how to achieve this.


  1. 1 Be happy. The most important thing in motivation is to be happy. However, happiness, like most of the other most important concepts in life, is a relative concept. As strange as it sounds, happiness and control are inextricably linked, which means that if a person gets out of someone's control, he becomes less happy. Therefore, by controlling yourself, you tend to become happier and more motivated in your goals and actions. This is the essence of self-control, and for the same reason video games have become so popular. Some of the activities related to control:
    • Videogames
    • Hiking (solo primarily)
    • Game of chess
    • Reading
    • Letter
  2. 2 Be energetic. Many people underestimate the importance of their energy level and only remember it when they no longer feel it. It's not a lack of motivation as such, but lack of necessary energy. There are several factors that contribute to an increase in energy levels:
    • Diet: Remember that your body has needs, and if you ignore those needs, your body will definitely let you know. Therefore, listen to your body.
    • When you have a headache, do not rush to swallow the tablets, drink some water. Drink one or two glasses and wait fifteen minutes and your headache will go away.
    • In fact, caffeine does not energize a person, it just reduces the effect of fatigue. Replace caffeine with vitamins B6 and B12. Consuming B vitamins is much healthier, more convenient, and cheaper.
    • If you want to replenish your supply of energy, look for its sources, because without energy you will not achieve anything.
    • Sleep. Make sure you get enough rest and quality sleep.
      • Make sure your bedroom is dark at night.
      • Make sure that extraneous sounds do not interfere with your sleep.
      • Take care of the right room temperature for your sleep, ideally 18 degrees Celsius.
      • Sleep not eight, but nine hours every night.
  3. 3 Be effective. Efficiency is extremely important. Without efficiency, a person has zero motivation. Through efficiency, a person gains confidence in their abilities. Without confidence, it is impossible to achieve goals. To become more effective, follow these tips:
    • Skill: Do you know how to do it well? Then don't be afraid to do it. Are you unsure of your abilities? Then remember that practice makes skills perfect. Strive for your goal and you can reach the top. A striking example of this truth is the life story of Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin and was able to sneak into the White House.
    • Look for Healthy Competition: Find a worthy competitor and try to beat him every time. This will be a great incentive to get better. Competition is a powerful muse, that is the truth.
    • Improve Your Skills: Take time to acquire new skills and improve them. For example, why not learn how to correctly type on the keyboard using the ten-finger blind method?
  4. 4 Get the support you need. Support is the foundation of a person and their values. Support can be both internal and external:
    • Internal support: Internal support is the driving force behind self-realization. Self-realization may not always be correct. For example, thinking that life is short, a person may decide that there is no point in striving for something, this is useless inner support. Therefore, strive to ensure that inner self-realization guides you on the right track. Other sources of support are listed below:
      • Sublimation is everything. Turn the negativity around you into something productive and admirable. Aggression - in purposefulness, arrogance - in efficiency, inaction in patience.
      • Decisions first. Be very responsible about the decisions you make, remember, this is the only real control you have.
    • External support: people, places or things that increase your potential. External media may vary, but must be a prerequisite. Good support can be:
      • Good Friends: Make good friends. Consider the following: You are climbing stairs and your friend continues to pull you down, so when you are at the top, grab the railing firmly on the stairs, and when your friend starts to approach you, throw him down, out of your life once and for all. ... Look for friends who will be a real support for you.
      • Nice family: Unfortunately, we do not choose our own family, with rare exceptions. But if these people are already at the top of the ladder, it might be better to find another, your own, to climb to your goals. You can follow the beaten path, or you can choose a new and unprecedented one.
  5. 5 Be satisfied with the result of the work done If you want to stay motivated, be sure to finish what you started and feel satisfied with the work done. The realization that you can, do what you want to do, will push you further, to even greater heights.
    • Take the time to sit down and just admire what you have done. By reflecting on what you have achieved, you can feel the reality of your goals.
    • Don't be embarrassed when you are praised for a job well done. You have put in a lot of effort, so you deserve this praise. This will strengthen your resolve to go forward.


  • Never take your own life.
  • Try to determine the cause of your unhappiness.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Negative thoughts will pull you down. You must believe in yourself and accept your mistakes normally, and, of course, correct them next time.
  • Beware of people who strive for leadership and prevent you from moving forward. These are people who strive to control you in everything. For example, such a person, seeing you reading, will certainly ask you to mow the lawn. Most people, to avoid a fight, will simply go and do what they are asked to do. However, this is not always a good thing. This suggests that whenever you enjoy a task you are doing, anyone can interrupt the process. So gradually dissatisfaction develops into unhappiness.
  • "Believe in yourself", different epithets can describe these words ... "power of faith", "power of prayer" or "placebo effect". All of these words have a common meaning, and have an impact (positive or negative) on people's lives. A person, using his imagination, manipulates himself and others, and the longer and stronger a person believes in something, the more likely it is true. If we do not believe enough, then we allow others to be free.
  • Stop treating life as if nothing depends on you.Learn to be the master of your destiny. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your actions, whether good or bad. Remember, everything depends on you. Very often people unconsciously develop a defeatist attitude towards life, and phrases like "everything is in the hands of God", or is it genetics, fate, karma, etc. often fly off their lips. This is the path of least resistance, because it is easier to find an excuse for yourself, and say that I cannot, and it does not depend on me, than to make efforts to achieve the goal. It is unlikely that with such a view of life, you will be able to achieve something in the future. Don't be afraid to learn, improve, and move forward.
  • Reflect on examples of motivated people and the positive results of motivating them.


  • Don't live off your happiness.
  • Don't confuse success with happiness, they are two different things.