Love your husband

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
30 DAYS TO LOVE UR HUSBAND OR RISK DIVORCE ( Mimi //Eddie Watson//Ruth Kadiri) -2022 Nigerian Movies
Video: 30 DAYS TO LOVE UR HUSBAND OR RISK DIVORCE ( Mimi //Eddie Watson//Ruth Kadiri) -2022 Nigerian Movies


Nobody says loving a man is easy. Whether it's your husband or a new boyfriend you're falling for, it's important to know how to make your husband emotionally and physically satisfied while remaining true to yourself. If you really want to love a man, then you need to know how to make him feel loved and appreciated, while also respecting his independence - and your own. If you want to know how to love and perpetuate a man, read on at Step 1 to get started.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Be understanding

  1. Respect his independence. Loving a man doesn't mean you have to do everything together. In fact, if you really want to love a guy, you have to show this to him by letting him do his own thing every once in a while. If he likes to read in his study or work on his carpentry skills in the shed, then you don't have to check what he's doing or ask him if he needs anything every two seconds. Sure, it's great to share interests with your loved one, but it's just as important to respect the fact that he wants to do his own thing from time to time.
    • If you really want to love a man, you have to learn to sense when he really wants to be left alone. Leaving him alone when he just wants some rest is one way to show him your true love.
  2. Give him his times with friends. If he's meeting up with friends, let him do his thing. While he shouldn't be hanging out at the bar every night with his buddies without you, a guy should be able to just relax and hang out with a few friends. There's nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with your girlfriends. The next time he's dating friends, don't be suspicious, don't call him many times while he's gone, and don't blame him for spending time with his friends. If you're okay with letting him hang out with his friends sometimes, he'll appreciate you even more when he gets home.
    • However, this doesn't mean he can go womanizing and drink with his rowdy friends at every opportunity that presents itself. If so, then you should talk.
  3. Prefer not to say something like: "I told you so." If you always want to prove that you're right, then you won't go far in a relationship. While it can sometimes be important to get your message across, it's not as important as being part of a positive, mutually beneficial relationship. Okay, so maybe your husband got it wrong somewhere and he feels terrible about it. Then ask yourself if it is worth it to say "I told you so" to make him feel even more of a fool than he already is. If you really care about him, you will empathize with him instead of making him feel worse.
    • Obviously, there are times when you really need to get your point across and get him to understand so he doesn't make the same mistake again. That's okay too, as long as you know when you can and can't.
  4. Give him time to relax. Sometimes a man may just need a little rest for himself. If he just got home from work, or you just got home and he seems to be doing his own thing, you don't always have to talk about everything and sit down with a glass of wine. While this is the way a lot of women relax, it's not the way most men like to relax all the time, so you have to understand that he might just want to be quiet a bit and need some TV time to relax.
    • Obviously, spending time together is important, but you shouldn't make him feel guilty if he needs some alone time. Don't try to take it personally.
  5. Don't try to talk about "everything." Yes, many women like to talk about all their problems because they think this is the best way to solve them. But that does not apply to men. While it is important to talk about the things that are bothering you, many men don't like to talk when they are upset and want to have some time to think things through on their own. If you know he's had a bad day or you're going through a rough patch, give it some time instead of trying to discuss it right away.
    • It might be your thing to talk about something the moment it happens, but you have to respect the fact that he might not want to talk right away. On the other hand, that doesn't mean you could never talk about your feelings.
  6. Really listen to him. An important part of loving a man is listening to what he has to say. You don't always have to be the one to talk, tell him how much you love him, or start a conversation about how his day went. If he's talking to you, don't interrupt or wait for the moment you can say something yourself. Listen to him, especially if he doesn't open up to you as often as you want. Once he has his say, you have an idea what he wants - advice or just a listening ear.
    • Listening is a skill that can be developed. Work on picking up on the details of what he says and mention them later - he'll be impressed with how much thought you gave it.
  7. Don't be derogatory. While you don't have to make your guy feel like a macho or a superhero all the time, one of the worst things you can do is make him feel like he's worthless. Rather shut up instead of belittling him or making him feel like a loser or disappointment. Don't say anything demeaning to him in public or to friends. If you are disappointed with how he behaves, then you should have a productive discussion about it, rather than scolding him.
    • Just think about it: you wouldn't want him humiliating you either, would you?
  8. Don't try to change him. Obviously, you and your husband can help each other in the long run and make better people. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be true to who each of you is and try to make him a totally different person. If you really love your man, then you should accept him for who he is and stop trying to change him. You can certainly help him improve a few traits, but in general, you should love him for who he is, not who you hope he will be.
    • If you try to change him, he'll quickly notice and feel hurt, like he's not good enough for you.
  9. Let him know what you think. Remember that he cannot read minds. If you really want to love your husband, then you have to give him something to work with. While you shouldn't bother him with every little thing that annoys you, you should be able to tell him if something bother you. Women often get frustrated because men, as some kind of deity, cannot guess what they are thinking, and this can lead to nasty and pointless arguments. Save him the impossible task and tell him if you are bothered.
    • Okay, if you're clearly upset and he seems to be completely unaware of it, then you might get a little angry, but don't expect him to know every little thing in your head - you don't know every little thing he thinks, either. or yes?
  10. Admit if you are wrong. This is another important aspect of showing a man that you love him. It's being able to swallow your pride and tell him when you've made a mistake. Don't hope he'll forget and keep thinking you're perfect. No one is perfect, even in relationships, and it's best for you to tell them when you're wrong and avoid doing it again, if you can. He will genuinely appreciate you for it and feel that you respect him more.
    • Nobody said it was easy to say you're sorry, but the more you try, the easier it will get.

Part 2 of 2: Being affectionate

  1. Give him heartfelt compliments. If you really want to love a man, then you have to make him feel good about himself. You can definitely say, 'You're so exciting' or 'I love it when you ...', but you can also dig deeper and let him know what you really like about him, or just say something unique that makes him see you. cares about him. Never take your love for granted or assume that your husband knows exactly how you feel about him. He should always know that you love and appreciate him for who he is. Here are some important compliments you can give him:
    • "You're so good at making me feel better when I'm having an off day."
    • "It is amazing that you are so committed to running, despite being so busy with your work. I wish I could be that motivated! "
    • "You know you can make almost anyone on this planet laugh, right?"
  2. Show your gratitude. Let him know that you are grateful for your wonderful relationship. Don't just assume that he knows you're grateful for having been together for so long. Take the time to let him know how much you love being with him and thank him for what he does for you. (Of course he must also express his gratitude you This will help him see that you really love him and appreciate the time you spend together. Here are some things you can say:
    • "I feel so lucky to have found someone special like you. I can't imagine how hard it is for all my single friends to try to find someone half as great as you are. "
    • I can't believe I found you. We're both so lucky to have each other, aren't we? "
    • "No matter how bad my workday is, I have always been comforted by having you in my life. In the end, I'm just grateful to have someone like you next to me.
  3. Support him up when he needs it. Sometimes your husband needs you to jack him up a bit. He may be angry about a professional setback or a conflict with his friends or family. You will have to step in as his cheerleader, and to make him feel good about himself, like he can accomplish whatever he wants, or that the adversity he had can be easily overcome. He may not be asking you to make him feel better, but you should be able to recognize when he really needs your support.
    • Say something like, "I know you might be disappointed because ... Anyone would be." But I know you can get through it. "
    • Or, if he is unsure about reaching a future goal, you can say something like, "Never doubt yourself." I know you'll do a great job whatever you want. "
  4. Be his lover, not his mother. Some women think that men only want women who can take care of them, and that is true to an extent. But you shouldn't spend all of your time grooming him, tidying up, cooking, or doing the sort of things his mom might have done for him or he might not be able to see you in a romantic light at some point. Sure, every man needs a little bit of mothering, especially when he's sick, but that doesn't mean you have to become his caretaker.
    • You want your relationship to be fun, supportive and sexy. If you're too much of a mother to him, he'll forget that you're his lover too.
  5. Make time for romance. While sex shouldn't be overriding, it is an important part of many relationships. You should make time for some fun in the bedroom - when you're in the mood, of course. It's easy to delay sex because you're tired, have too much work to do, or just don't feel like it. But if you make time for sex at least once or twice a week, you will both feel more intimate with each other, and it will make you happier too! Don't just do it for him - do it for yourself and for your relationship.
    • Many couples who have been together for a while end up in the same boring love routine. Try to mix things up and have sex in a new time or place, whenever you want.
  6. Blow him over with your confidence. A great way to love a man is to feel happy and safe just the way you are. This will make him appreciate you more and feel that your relationship is good for both of you, not that he has to spend all his time keeping you afloat. Work on loving yourself, your body, what you do, and who you surround yourself with, and all of your relationships will benefit. No one is perfect and it is important to be aware of your flaws so that you can address them, but the sooner you can accept who you are, the better you and everyone around you will feel.
    • Show him that you don't need him to feel good about yourself. You should be happy pursuing your own hobbies, hanging out with your friends, and having a good time without him. After all, you can't let your happiness depend solely on your relationship, can you?
  7. Show your love through touch. Touch your husband lovingly from time to time. Whether you put your hand on his arm, drape yourself over his lap, kiss him on the cheek, or play with his hair, it's important to touch your man every day to strengthen your bond. Even when you get home from work and feel tired, a light touch will make the two of you feel more connected, even if you're too tired to have a real conversation. In the morning, try to cuddle a little, hold hands or touch each other in a playful way as much as possible. This will definitely show that you love your husband.
    • Obviously, many men don't like to show affection in public or don't like to cuddle, but touching him will be better for both of you!
  8. Always keep exerting yourself. If you really want to love your husband, then romance has to be high in your relationship. Don't get too sociable and calm thinking that you don't have to work for anything anymore. Dress up nicely for your date nights. Write him little romantic notes before you go to work. Send him cute text messages. Buy him a small gift because you are thinking about him. Have exciting sex and even make a simple kiss with him an experience. Remember, you shouldn't take anything for granted in this world, and if you really want to love your husband, then you should always work for it - and make him work for it!
    • While you don't have to pretend you're hard to get when the two of you are truly happy together, it's better not to get complacent in your relationship. Always keep it exciting, new and special.
    • Keep your relationship fresh by doing new things together, from traveling to new destinations to trying new hobbies. It's important to make things feel new if you really want to love your man!