Being a good person

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to let go of being a "good" person — and become a better person | Dolly Chugh
Video: How to let go of being a "good" person — and become a better person | Dolly Chugh


We live in a world where basic standards and values ​​such as kindness, humanity, and compassion often do not receive the recognition they deserve. Selfish and arrogant patterns of behavior are regularly praised in the media. It is also not uncommon for people to become so absorbed in their daily responsibilities and personal insecurities that they lose sight of their personal development. Regaining your integrity or goodness starts with mapping your personal values. Goodness is the first step to success and happiness. Often people turn to religion in the search for guidance. Ultimately, however, we need to learn to define our own morals ourselves. One of the simplest ways to do this is to love and treat others as we would like to be treated. Try to think of others first before you think of yourself. Even the smallest, most mundane things can greatly enrich and improve your life, and that of the people around you. It's not easy being a good person. You have to be able to trust others; others you often can't even see.

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  1. Decide for yourself what it means to be a good person. Some people feel that a good person is someone who does not harm others. However, it is often not just about what you don't do, but what you do for others. You may not be a bad person, but are you actually good?
    • Who do you look up to and why? How do they make the world a better place, and how can you try the same?
    • What qualities do you value in them, and how can you develop them yourself?
    • Keep your role model close to you, like a kind spirit who does not depart from your side. Ask yourself how they would respond to a particular circumstance or question, and how you might do the same.
    • Try to find ways in which you can put into practice the qualities you appreciate so much. Think about how you can apply those traits in your work, personal relationships, diet, creative pursuits, and lifestyle.
  2. Try to see the bright side of things. An old Chinese proverb says, "It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness." Be that light. If you detect a disagreement, try to be the one who comes up with a solution. Don't say what you would do, but ask everyone to get involved in the problem and its solution.
  3. Accept everyone around you as brothers and sisters - regardless of ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, cultural views, or gender identity. Realize that every person has feelings, that everyone should always be treated with respect.
  4. Don't try to correct angry people by saying something irrational. Rather be quiet and watch those with compassion. Saying you understand is usually the wrong answer. If you really need to say something, go for something like "I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. Try to understand that some people are better off than you, but at the same time many others are much worse off. We waste our time and energy comparing ourselves to others. After all, it doesn't make us feel any better. We can better invest that time and energy in building up our inner resources. Real life is found in the application of one's own gifts and talents; not obsessed with those of others.
  6. Try to do a good deed for someone every day, no matter how small. Even target people who have acted coldly or indifferently towards you. One never forgets a good or generous deed.
  7. Show respect for the elderly. Realize that you too will be old one day, and that you may need a helping hand. Next time you are somewhere, focus your vision on old people who seem to be struggling with something. Maybe they have trouble loading the groceries, for example. Ask them if you can help them. You will do a great favor for the ancients. Sometimes you can meet a grumpy or suspicious person. He / she will decline your offer. Say you understand him / her and wish him / her a good day. Don't give up though. Keep looking for someone who will appreciate your help. Know that older people can have problems with their vision, hearing, or even dementia. Every now and then, making your offer clear will require the necessary hands and foot work. Go to the park and take a nice walk. When you meet an old person who is alone, smile at him / her, ask him / her about his / her day. The recognition of his / her existence can often mean a lot to old people. Imagine losing your husband you loved for so long, and now you have to face that big, scary world on your own. Developing this loving and understanding attitude towards life will take you a long way. If you continue like this, you will learn to grasp the true meaning of living and sharing, and soon become a better person.
  8. Show compassion for mentally challenged people. After all, they too are people with feelings, and therefore brothers and sisters. Act as if life is just an opportunity and that you, too, could be born that way. Imagine how you would like to be treated if that were the case. They too have feelings. So put on a sweet smile and show compassion with your eyes. It is preferable not to touch them unexpectedly; after all, you don't want to scare them. If there are other people around who mock your interaction with the mentally challenged, ignore them. Keep your attention focused on your brother or sister, as he / she is your true friend.
  9. Compliment friends you might be jealous of and people you don't know as well as you might like. Praising when it is deserved is a sign of respect. You would like to receive that same respect when you have achieved an achievement.
  10. Be a better listener than a talker. Understand what the other person is saying and confirm it with a follow-up question. If you do they will know they have your attention.
  11. Don't try to attract attention by hiding or by being rude when you argue with a friend. Talk to him / her to resolve the situation. It is best not to fight fire with fire. Perhaps it is best to both take a breath. Try to be the first to succeed. Say that you would like to get rid of the problem because he / she is such a good friend. Suggest taking a moment to think about it.
  12. Celebrate the victories and good qualities of others, even if you don't feel as gilded as they do. Many cultures and religions have their own heroes, martyrs, and fables. These help people find meaning and cultivate good character.
  13. Love yourself. Accept yourself unconditionally. It's a lot easier to love others, but first you need to make sure you have confidence and love yourself. You can do this by doing good deeds and giving back to the community. You can gradually expand this. Try not to overeat. Take it step by step. You will become a better person if you can put a smile on someone else's face and make someone's day. Moreover, you will make up for your own. It is said that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
  14. Commit yourself to making the world a little better when you get back home. You don't have to do this with grand gestures, but you can also do this on a smaller scale. For example, clean up some trash that someone has left in your neighbor's yard or in the park.
  15. Pray and / or meditate to cultivate the qualities that you like to embody.
  16. Develops compassion as well as good karma through volunteering.
  17. Share your life and good philosophies with others. Teach the youngest good standards and values ​​and why they are so important. Offer examples of the goodness of yourself and others. Sometimes it will seem like your efforts have been in vain, but know that you have sown goodness. It can sometimes take some time before it can be harvested.
  18. Don't rush into life. Take it easy, and enjoy the fine and simple things in life. Don't rush to go to the store and back again. Get behind the wheel and enjoy the surroundings during your ride. Notice all the beautiful, colorful fruits and vegetables that are there to feed you. Realize that not everyone can count themselves as lucky as you, and that not everyone can reap the literal and figurative fruits of life. Buy some extra nutritious products to drop off at the food bank for others to enjoy. Suggest the store manager to set up a grocery delivery point for the less fortunate.
  19. Only use the horn in your car in an emergency. Do not use it to honk at an old female / male who can barely look over the steering wheel. Realize that older people must take the time to avoid harming themselves or others. They take their time and do it out of good behavior, and you should too. Anger only provokes anger. Maybe someone is in a hurry for something important, or he / she is dealing with technical or other problems. And if not, why reinforce their negative feelings even more?
  20. Do not take the parking spaces closest to the store. Choose to park a little further away, and consider that a little extra exercise. Leave the nearest parking spaces free for the people who really need them.
  21. Always give yourself the smaller portion of food when eating with others. Never take the largest slice of pizza or meat. You will appear greedy if you do.
  22. Even the simplest things can make you a better person. Hold the door open for a stranger, or smile at someone who seems unhappy. Soon these little acts of kindness will become a habit for you.
  23. To begin your quest to become a good person, read this list every day. Make the list part of you. Follow the guidelines and include some of your own.
  24. Don't try to look like someone else. Be yourself, do good deeds. Do that as easily as you can yourself.
  25. Remember to always be yourself, and never someone you just are. It's always good to be a good person. Being yourself is part of you, and you should respect that.
  26. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."This is the key to happiness.
  27. Don't bully. Instead, stand up for the bullied.
  28. Remember that other people will be nice to you if you are nice to them. Treat another as you would like to be treated.


  • Show people that you respect them. People tend to mirror the behavior of others. If you respect them, they will respect you too.
  • Remember, happiness is an attitude of mind. The only thing on Earth we can control is ourselves. So choose to be happy. Control yourself by deliberately adopting a positive mental attitude.
  • Don't forget that followers of more popular schools of thought can look down on you. Unfortunately, that's inherent to humans. However, don't forget that it is more difficult to be a good person than it is to be a bad person. So never choose the path of least resistance. Always stand up for what is right, even if you are alone in it.
  • Be kind and respectful to others.
  • Listen to your parents and elders when they give you positive advice. They have significantly more life experience than you have, and chances are they will provide you with advice on how to avoid facing a negative experience that they have already dealt with. Normally they have nothing but your wellbeing in mind when giving advice.
  • If people try to put you down, don't take it personally. Do not reply to them either. Let it slip by, or say you're sorry they feel that way. This shows that you are too smart to stoop to their level, and will prevent you from being an aggressive, rude, and bad person. In addition, if they see how well you have dealt with the situation, they are likely to distance themselves. They lose interest in insulting you.
  • Don't be a racist. Remember, everyone is equal. Everyone deserves respect and compassion - regardless of skin color, gender, physical or mental condition, or religion.
  • Don't lie to others. If you do, you also lie to yourself.
  • Don't be quick to judge.
  • Find out what type of friends you want to look for.
  • Study the lives of the people you consider good, and try to copy their behavior. Also study the lives of the people you consider not-so-good. Identify and correct similar defects in yourself.
  • You can sometimes make a mistake, but never make the same thing twice. Learn from your mistakes, it will make you stronger.
  • Be friendly
  • Be helpful.
  • Be caring.
  • Most of all, be happy.
  • Spend time with your family and friends. Let them know you appreciate them. After all, you never know how long they will be around.
  • It is best to help others and not be selfish. Think of yourself as a good person. This way you can remind yourself that you are good and not pretending.
  • Don't hurt people when you're angry.
  • Listen to others.


  • Remember you are still human. As long as you live you will tend to make mistakes sometimes. That's fine. Try to do the best you can. If you make a mistake every now and then, or are not as fun as you would like, try to regain your focus. Think about others as much as you think about yourself.
  • Even the smallest adjustments can make a huge, positive difference.Set yourself some small goals every month. Focus on one or two important habits you want to change. For example, Goal 1: I will listen to others without interrupting them, verbally or non-verbally. (Just think how annoying it is when someone starts moving their mouth like they would interrupt you!). Goal 2: I will do my best to identify what would make another person happy (e.g. sharing your drink / snack if someone else is hungry / thirsty, giving someone your place, etc.).
  • Try to view these things with a sense of humor. Both the mistakes you have made and the sacrifices you expect to have to make to become a better person.
  • Recognize that you probably find it easier said than done to remain friendly.
  • The areas where you can improve the most are probably the ones you think you are doing the least wrong. That is exactly why it can be so helpful to admit that you are wrong.
  • Learning any new skill or habit can be challenging, especially when it involves adding kindness and compassion. To make the transition easier, keep the following in mind: jealousy is difficult to overcome. Try to understand that you don't have to have the nicest toys or the nicest clothes to be well liked.
  • If someone asks you for help with something they should do on their own - don't do it! That is wrong. It's cheating, teaching the other that that's okay.
  • Realize that being kind, understanding, and compassionate in how you treat others is achieved primarily by adopting a loving, caring attitude toward your fellow human beings. It doesn't work very well if you are diplomatic. Learn to show empathy. Ask yourself, "How would I feel if I were him / her?" In this way you enable yourself to keep their feelings in mind and use that wisdom to determine how you react or act. Don't be kind to keep up appearances, but because others can benefit from your selfless actions.