Write a letter to your grandmother

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
write a letter to your grandmother inviting her to attend your sister’s marriage/Best Handwriting
Video: write a letter to your grandmother inviting her to attend your sister’s marriage/Best Handwriting


Do you really want to make your grandmother happy? One of the easiest ways to do this is to write her a nice letter thanking her for a gift, telling her what's going on in your life, or just letting her know you're thinking about her.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Write a letter to your grandmother

  1. Start with an opening sentence: "Dear Grandma, ..." etc.
  2. Start the paragraph by indenting a little further to the right and then writing the beginning of the letter: Thank you for (act), or you could start with, "Remember when, (time)" You want her to feel special. You want her to remember the letter. Especially since you're reading this and you've probably never written her a letter!
  3. Fill the core with facts, opinions, and special moments of hers. This is where you fill the letter with the words that got you to write her a letter. The gist is probably most of the letter. Fill it up!
  4. Write your closing paragraphs. Write something as a conclusion, or last. This lets her know that your letter is coming to an end. State the reason why you wrote the letter. If you wrote her the letter because you wanted to thank her for something, your closing should look something like this: "I thank you for the (item) because it is one of the best things I have ever received. You are the nicest woman in my life. See you soon! Love, (name). "

Method 2 of 2: Write a visit note to your grandmother

  1. Start with dear grandmother / grandmother. Tell her your memories from when she last visited and say you miss her and look forward to seeing her again soon.
  2. If you enjoy food, write about your favorite foods she prepares. Or, maybe there's something else she's doing that you'd like to praise.
  3. Take care of your writing. There are a number of things to keep in mind when writing the letter, such as:
    • Don't be too sentimental when writing; this spoils the natural effect of your message.
    • Don't write in bad terms about someone she loves.
    • Don't use jargon or swear words.
  4. End on a positive note. Include a promise from you to do something unexpected for her (something she likes).


  • Older people often lose their eyesight. Keep that in mind and write neatly. It's much more special when she can read it. Use your best handwriting.
  • It's the thought that counts! Don't worry if you don't like it. She will love it because it comes from your heart.
  • If you know that you are not going to fill the page, write slightly larger so that it appears full.
  • When you start writing about a new topic, write a new paragraph and always indent the paragraph slightly to the right.
  • Don't worry if it sounds corny or stupid, because she'll be glad you wrote her a letter no matter what it says.


  • Don't bring up the death of a loved one. She could cry.
  • Do not discuss family problems. It will take down the "special feeling" of the letter.