How to become a lady

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
20 Things to Avoid to Become a Real Lady
Video: 20 Things to Avoid to Become a Real Lady


As morals, attitudes and clothing styles change over time, so does the generally accepted idea of ​​what it means to be a "lady". And while this concept may seem old-fashioned, certain aspects of a lady's behavior are immortal: elegance, politeness, and a sense of respect for herself and others. Read this article and you will learn how to become a real modern lady.


Part 1 of 3: Act Like a Lady

  1. 1 Introduce those present to each other. If, while you are talking with one person, another approaches you, imagine the one with whom you spoke initially to the one who just approached.
    • In the business world, the order of acquaintance depends on the level or "importance" of the person, that is, on his social status. First, you need to imagine a more "status" person less "status", and then vice versa. Remember that the client is always more important, regardless of his credentials.
    • If possible, add substantial details about who you represent. Instead of just voicing the person's name, additionally state his title / position or tell me in what capacity you know him.
  2. 2 Say please and thank you. Although it sounds like an etiquette cliché, if you forget to say these words (even if by accident), it will not go unnoticed and will make a negative impression on those around you.
    • Give thanks every time someone does you a favor, big or small, so you let the person know that you appreciate their help.
    • Always thank the hosts after a party or celebration. The next day, it doesn't hurt to send a message, call or write an email of thanks.
    • Always thank people for their gifts. You can write a thank you note to the donor.
    • Don't overuse the words please and thank you. Overuse devalues ​​them and they no longer sound convincing.For example, if a waiter pulled a chair over to you, unfolded a napkin and poured a glass of water, thank him once for all the work at once, and not after each of his actions.
    • Clarify what you are grateful for. Instead of just saying "thank you" to a friend for listening to your problem, say: "Thank you for your understanding. It really means a lot to me." It will sound more genuine.
  3. 3 Learn to say no. Being polite doesn't mean being silent and letting others take advantage of you. It is important to learn how to properly refuse people.
    • If someone offers you alcohol or a cigarette, and you are not interested, thank you kindly and refuse. By yielding against your will, you will give the impression of being easily influenced.
    • Likewise, if a man tries to "pick up" you or is physically aggressive towards you, stand up for yourself and ask him to get behind. If necessary, call someone or ask for help.
  4. 4 Learn. A lady should be able to speak well and maintain a conversation. To do this, you need to be well-read and follow current events in the world. It is not necessary to have formal education, but getting the highest possible level of education will be your advantage.
    • If you are not studying at a university, look for alternative ways of self-education. Read more books (both fiction and scientific), news, attend seminars and discussions.
    • Thanks to the Internet, most people can freely access an endless array of scientific articles on a variety of topics at the click of a button.
    • Many universities allow students to attend other people's lectures. However, before joining another group, be sure to discuss this with the administration of your university.
  5. 5 Work on good posture. A real lady should stand and sit up straight. Plus, good posture is healthier for your back and helps strengthen your heart! Getting used to an even posture will take some practice, especially if you've been slouching before.
  6. 6 Treat others with respect. Being a lady means not only to look right and behave in public, but also to be a good person.
    • During a conversation, fully focus on the interlocutor. It looks polite and makes the conversation more engaging for both parties.
    • Don't interrupt or be distracted by other people.
    • Offer help to those who need it. You can simply help an elderly person carry shopping to the house or decide on a more noble act, such as volunteering at a shelter for homeless people or animals.
  7. 7 Be charming. A real lady doesn't just sit quietly in her place and let life pass her by. She communicates with other people, has interesting conversations and flirts gracefully.
    • If you don't know how to be charming, start smiling at people more as you talk and compliment them more often. Compliments should be personal: for example, instead of complimenting the other person's shoes, tell him that you think he has an impeccable sense of style.
  8. 8 Don't use foul language, overeat or drink too much. To be a lady, you need to have self-control and willpower, and each of these habits is an example of excess.
  9. 9 Be respectful in someone else's home. When you come to someone else's house, let the hosts tell you where to sit, where to leave your bag, whether to take off your shoes, and the like.
    • Remember that some people are more careful about their home environment than others. Try to figure out how to best behave.
  10. 10 Keep the doors open for those around you. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, offering to hold the door for another person is a polite and benevolent gesture.
  11. 11 Be calm, calm and collected. Don't take it out on others if you are annoyed, angry, or upset. Stay low-key and try to resolve the situation in a reasonable and calm manner. This will save you from rashly doing or saying something that you will later regret.

Part 2 of 3: Dress Like a Lady

  1. 1 Maintain personal hygiene. It will help you look and smell your best and, more importantly, prevent infections and other illnesses.
    • Take a shower daily. If you don't want to wash your hair every day, put on a shower cap and my body with soap and water.
    • Brush your teeth morning and evening. Brushing your teeth between meals will keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking even better.
    • Use deodorant. A good smell is just as important as a great appearance.
    • Shave, pluck, or wax your body hair regularly. By getting rid of unwanted body hair, you will immediately begin to look and feel more attractive, and your skin will become smoother and clearer.
  2. 2 Dress smartly. This means dressing according to the situation, shape and age. Try to choose the clothes that suit you the most.
    • Don't pull on clothes that don't suit you.
    • Whenever possible, give preference to simple dresses over pants. There is nothing wrong with wearing pants, but skirts and dresses will accentuate your femininity and bring out your curves better than pants.
    • If possible, choose trousers over jeans. When putting on jeans, make sure they are not ripped or otherwise damaged.
    • Only wear sweatpants and suits when you're in the gym or exercising. By wearing them all day, you give people around you a reason to think that you care little about your appearance.
  3. 3 Keep your clothes clean and ironed. Iron it to remove wrinkles, and remember to wash it if it gets dirty.
  4. 4 Do not overuse makeup or wear too revealing clothes. Elegance implies minimalism; apply makeup to highlight your beauty, not hide it.
    • Do not wear clothes with too deep cleavage and open belly. Such revealing outfits suggest that you are not dressing for yourself, but in order to attract the attention of men.

Part 3 of 3: Obey the Rules of Conduct at the Table

  1. 1 Do not start eating before the meal begins. While in a restaurant, wait until the meal is served to everyone present before starting to eat. At a dinner party, be patient until the hosts unfold their napkins and start eating.
  2. 2 Don't talk with food in your mouth. This not only looks rude, but in general can ruin the appetite of those present.
    • Don't burp, don't smack your lips, don't fidget at the dinner table.
    • When coughing or sneezing at the table, be sure to cover your mouth with a tissue.
  3. 3 If necessary, ask for forgiveness. If you have to get up from the table to go to the bathroom, explain to others where you are going.
  4. 4 Don't text or talk on the phone. This will not only interfere with other customers if you are in the restaurant, but it will also become a manifestation of disrespect for the person / people with whom you are having dinner, especially if one of them was preparing food. To call, wait until the end of the feast.
    • Turn off your phone or put it on silent during business dinners.
  5. 5 Don't put your elbows on the table. This rule only applies when you eat. If the dish has not yet been served, or you are sitting at the table and drinking water or other drinks, it is permissible to put your elbows on the table.
  6. 6 Cut food into small pieces. This is not only healthier than eating large chunks, but it will also give you the opportunity to quickly chew and swallow food if someone asks you a question while you are eating. Nothing is more confusing (or embarrassing) than being asked a question right after taking a large piece of food in your mouth!
  7. 7 Take only those dishes that you can reach. Or politely ask someone to give you the dish.
    • Always pass salt and pepper together, even if you are only asked for one thing. These spices should always be close by.
  8. 8 Remember to use your napkin. Dry your fingers and blot your lips if necessary.
  9. 9 Say thanks when needed. Do not forget to thank the waiter in the restaurant and the owners if you are visiting for dinner. Praise the food if you are having dinner with the person who made it.


  • Remember, being a lady doesn't mean sacrificing your own style and creativity. Do not follow the rules and guidelines unless you sincerely consider it necessary.
  • Watch classic movies to get an idea of ​​how ladies behave.
  • Consider a course in business etiquette.