How to become a computer geek

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become a Computer Expert in 15 Minutes!
Video: How to Become a Computer Expert in 15 Minutes!


Although they have a reputation for being weird and dumb, geeks are highly intelligent people who have extensive knowledge of computers, science, mathematics, and astronomy. This way of life can be justified, but it is like a snowball - if you take some snow and then push the snowball down the mountain, it will get bigger and bigger, collecting snow. This article will help you get started on your downhill journey.

So jump off the fence of your normalcy and climb aboard the ship.


  1. 1 Master the basics.
    • Every geek should have a different email address (Gmail is the recommended email client as it has Google+ and other free programs that even have video chat).
      • It is even better if your email address is linked to your own website (read below).
    • You should create a Facebook account to connect with other geeks around the world.
    • You should definitely have your own website.
    • Buy at least 5 geek clothing items and 5 other geek clothing items.
    • Since YouTube is the site that hosts the weirdest videos, you need to become an active member. Your videos can talk about how to fix computers, how to hack programs, anything that would qualify you as a computer geek. Create your own account and try to become famous on the Internet and on YouTube!
    • You shouldn't care what others think about your lifestyle - this is a mistake many beginners make. Geeks don't care who likes whom or who has the most expensive shoes. They just don't care.
  2. 2 If you haven't chosen a specific topic, decide what you want to be “obsessed with”. Think carefully, because you will most likely spend your entire life working on this topic. Your topic may be specific, for example, about Marie Antoinette, or it may be voluminous, such as space, or you may be wondering what niche you can fill (for example, Bill Gates developed the personal computer). If you have chosen your topic, you should learn more about it, for example, the exact dates of important events.
  3. 3 Subscribe to specialized magazines and newspapers. Nuts & Volts, PC World, Cinefex all fall into this category. Read them cover to cover, do not skip a single topic, find at least three words that you haven’t heard before. Remember them and try to use them as often as possible.
  4. 4 Buy at least three electronic gadgets. Stick them on an empty spot on your clothing. Ditch the mundane thing like an MP3 player and buy something special, like a universal TV remote.
  5. 5 Learn C ++, Java, Visual Basic, or any other programming language. Once you are fluent in languages ​​such as C ++, Java, Python, Perl, etc., move on to web programming such as javascript, HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, and CSS. Don't just stop learning, but get to know the history of the programming language and how you can apply it in real life. If you use Facebook or MySpace, learn the code to create cool applications like FBML.
  6. 6 Learn as much as you can about computers and electronics. Get to know your operating system from the inside out and explore other operating systems. Find out how a computer works, if you can, take one apart and reassemble it. Learn how to build a computer from scratch and build your own personal computer.
  7. 7 Read, don't just browse and mark, but read. Read at least ten classic books such as Les Miserables, War and Peace, or Germany. Winter's Tale ". Also read books that are relevant to your topic. Go to the library and grab at least six books that either relate to your topic or are classics (see above). Then go back to the library, get six more books, etc.
  8. 8 Watch iconic classics like a true computer geek. This means the original Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and The Lord of the Rings are well worth watching.
  9. 9 Make friends with other geeks. The best way to become a geek is to befriend one of them.Together, you can study and teach each other computer literacy, electronics, and together you can do what you love, participate in some events together. It will be better if you have a best friend or a few geek friends and a few (or many) ordinary companions remain.


  • Think of your unpopularity as an advantage. You can do the crazy things you want without worrying about your reputation.
  • A universal TV remote is a very handy thing that you can use to turn off TVs in supermarkets when non-geeks try to play video games. You can buy it on for $ 15.
  • There are many great places to buy geek clothes like


  • If you don't have permission, please don't jailbreak systems. This can lead to big problems.
  • If at heart you are not a real computer geek, then it is very risky to try to become one of them. You are more likely to become a common loser. Real charming geeks are born, not made.

What do you need

  • Money
  • Computer with internet access
  • Cable TV (or Hulu)
  • Themed clothing (but don't tape your glasses up. Don't overdo it).