How to be a good friend for a guy

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become best friends with a guy + tips
Video: How to become best friends with a guy + tips


Guys are usually more reserved than girls, so it can be difficult to figure out how to build close and caring friendships with them. As a rule, guys are very loyal to the people they consider to be their friends, so your efforts can be rewarded a hundredfold. Spend time together and talk about yourself to make a wonderful new friend!


Method 1 of 3: Get to know each other better

  1. 1 Smile and be friendly. If you want to befriend a person, it is important to behave accordingly. Smile often, nod as you greet, and use relaxed body language to show your willingness and willingness to build a friendship with the person.
    • Emit positive vibes immediately so that people want to spend time with you and get to know you better.
    • Don't cross your arms, maintain your posture, and lean back slightly to engage your relaxed body language. Imagine that you want to "open up" and not withdraw and hide from others. If you are only interested in friendship, then try not to flirt.
  2. 2 Start a conversation. The first conversation is the most difficult aspect when trying to make friends. If you think the guy is going to be a good friend, then find an opportunity to talk to him.
    • Start small. Just say "Hello!" when meeting in a school hallway or in the company of mutual acquaintances. You can also introduce yourself and offer a handshake.
    • When you're comfortable with it, try longer conversations. Discuss topics that interest both of you first, then move on to more personal details.
  3. 3 Ask open-ended questions about the other person and their interests. During the conversation, you do not need to talk only about yourself. Your goal is to get to know the guy better, so be interested in his preferences and do not ask questions that can be answered in monosyllables.
    • Ask questions like, "Where do you like to spend time on weekends?"
    • Also ask the guy about his favorite movies, pets (and follow-up questions if he has pets), games, and sports.
  4. 4 Be honest and be yourself. Honesty is a valuable quality in friendship. Show yourself exactly who you really are, as the guy will have to spend time with just such a person. If you pretend to be someone else, then over time, the guy will understand everything and doubt if he wants to be friends with you.
    • For example, if a guy likes a particular group or sport, you don't have to claim that you have the same preference.
    • Don't hide details about yourself for fear of judgment. Even if a friend does not share your passion for antique coins, he will surely appreciate the uniqueness of your interests.
  5. 5 Spend time together. Encourage your new friend to spend time together to make them feel at home with you. Try to see not only two people. Also invite him to meetings with the rest of your friends.
    • If you and your friends play video games on Saturdays, invite him over!
    • If he has expressed a desire to see a movie that is interesting to you, then offer to go to the cinema.
  6. 6 Keep your word. If you are making joint plans, then don't cancel them without a good reason. Changing plans on a regular basis will make your guy feel like you don't value his time and friendship. After that, he may stop looking for meetings with you.
    • Be reliable so that he can trust you. Guys really appreciate this quality.
  7. 7 Laugh together. If you saw or heard something funny and remembered your friend, then let him know! Laughing together is a great way to strengthen friendships.
    • When you're not together, send him funny pictures or jokes that only the two of you can understand.
    • For example, if you often joke that your dog looks like a cow, then edit the picture of your dog as if it is next to the barn and add a funny caption like: "Now it makes no sense for her to hide that she has been working undercover all this time!"
  8. 8 Be a caring friend. If your friend is having a difficult day or time in their life, show your support. Encourage your boyfriend to talk, or come up with a way to have some fun so he can relax and forget about the problems.
    • For example, tell him, “You look upset. Do you want to talk? "
    • You can also casually say: “I know that you are worried about the upcoming exams. We can buy ice cream and make a preparation plan. "

Method 2 of 3: Become Good Friends

  1. 1 Find activities to do. Guys love to be friends "shoulder to shoulder", which means doing things together, and not talking about everything in the world.
    • For example, you can go to a museum, fix your bike, or build a treehouse.
    • Also try going to a farmers' market, bookstore, or concert together.
  2. 2 Emphasize your friend's worth. Everyone is pleased with friends who make a person believe in himself. You don't need anything special, just tell your friend if they are good at something.
    • For example, if he plays sports, then you can say: "In my opinion, you are the best defender in the team."
    • You can also ask, “Would you recommend a new band? You always find the best albums. "
    • In this case, you do not need to go too far. Periodic compliments are enough.
  3. 3 Don't be too personal. Honesty and trustworthiness are important qualities for strong friendships, in addition to loyalty, which is highly prized by guys. If a new friend shares something personal with you, then don't tell anyone so that he can trust you.
    • If you fear that your friend is in danger or might harm himself, you should tell the person you trust.
  4. 4 Take your friend's side. If someone wants to denigrate your friend, cause embarrassment, or spread gossip, then there is no need to remain silent. Sometimes one loyal friend is enough to prevent a person from becoming a victim of bullying. Your support will surely be appreciated.
    • If someone slandered your friend, say, "He's actually a good guy and doesn't deserve to be treated like that."
  5. 5 Accept invitations. Don't miss out on opportunities to spend time together, even if you feel like giving up at first. If a friend invites you to an event, they think it will be interesting to share their experiences with you.
    • If a friend has invited you to a church service, accept the invitation, even if you don't like getting up early on the weekend. You don't need to convert to his faith, but you can always meet new people and have a good time. At the very least, you get to know your friend better.
  6. 6 Share joyful moments. If a friend is celebrating a birthday, a good math grade, or an award for a personal project, then rejoice with him! Even simple words like "Congratulations, buddy!" will be in place.
    • You can also make a special post on a social network (with a friend's approval, of course).
  7. 7 Go on spontaneous adventures. Sometimes the best memories are of unplanned events. From time to time, invite a friend to get in the car and go on an impromptu ride, meet the sunrise in unusual places, or visit new restaurants.
    • Being unpredictable is fun, but make sure your friend does not miss work or school because of you, as you will see each other less often in case of trouble.
  8. 8 Discuss past appointments. Call, text, or email a friend to continue a conversation you started or discuss a recent meeting. This will show that you had a good time and also strengthen your friendship.
    • You don't have to say every time that it was the best day of your life.Just write something like, "Next time we'll buy ice cream AFTER karting" to show that you want to meet again.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Common Mistakes

  1. 1 Don't discuss your friend's girlfriend. If you want to build a strong friendship with a guy, then don't say anything bad about his girlfriend, even if you don't like her.
    • The guy chose such a girl for a reason. He shouldn't feel like you are forcing him to choose between friendship and relationship.
    • If you have failed to befriend his girlfriend, at least be polite. Invite a couple to a group of friends so as not to be alone with the person you don't like.
  2. 2 Maintain the suggested level of openness in conversations. Guys aren't always eager to share their thoughts, so don't force your friend to discuss serious issues if they don't want to. If you're having a serious conversation, keep the conversation going and then talk about something else. Make a joke, change the subject, and offer to do something.
    • For example, if a friend misses his deceased grandfather, let him talk and share his thoughts. Then return to your discussion of previous events or discuss your plans for the evening.
  3. 3 Don't point out personal flaws. People don't have to change to please friends. Don't criticize your friend for what you don't like about him, so as not to ruin the friendship.
    • For example, if he always wears rumpled clothes or is wasting money lightly, then leave those observations to yourself.
    • If you are very close, it is sometimes appropriate to warn your friend against a possible mistake or help resolve the situation, but be extremely delicate.
    • If you don't like the person's character, then consider whether you should be friends with him.
  4. 4 Don't dwell on disagreements. Good friends should quickly forget small quarrels. Express your opinion, but do not be angry.
    • If a friend has done a rash act or offended you, then remember that we all make mistakes. Maybe your friend is having a tough day or is disappointed in something. Don't get hung up on resentment and move on.
    • If the person regularly offends you or takes advantage of you, then it's best to end the relationship.
  5. 5 Don't rush things. People don't become best friends overnight. Don't expect a new friend to share their innermost thoughts with you after a few meetings. Chat and spend time together so that friendship develops naturally.
    • Don't expect your new friend to spend all of their time with you or to stop communicating with other friends. You, too, should not forget about your old friends just because you have a new friend.