How to become a shoe designer

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Sneaker Designer For Nike and Jordan Brand | Jobs Unlisted
Video: How To Be A Sneaker Designer For Nike and Jordan Brand | Jobs Unlisted


A shoe designer is a person who specializes in creating a wide variety of shoes. Shoes are not only of practical importance - they can be a work of art. It takes talent and skill to become a shoe designer, but there are also things that can be achieved through hard work.


Method 1 of 5: Have a Plan

  1. 1 Make a plan for five years. Have a plan with a set of realistic goals. Mark the time it will take to achieve each goal so you are always motivated.
    • Don't be afraid to deviate from the plan. It is not set in stone, so if you have new opportunities, do not give up on them.
    • Review your plan every year or two. Think about whether you are heading in the right direction.
  2. 2 Decide what you will specialize in. There are many directions. For example, you can make shoes for women, men, children, athletes, and so on. What do you like the most?
    • Think about what aspect of being a shoe designer appeals to you. Do you like coming up with designs, but would not like to make these shoes? Or do you want to sew your own shoes? Do you want to work for a large corporation or have your own store?
  3. 3 Learn to be a designer. It is not necessary to get a degree, but education can help you improve your skills and find connections that will be useful in the future. Enter and graduate from the relevant university.
    • You don't have to learn exactly shoe design. Any degree in art and design will do, including industrial design, graphic design, industrial design, fashion design, and more.
  4. 4 Start working on your own style. A good designer makes interesting and original shoes. You can start working on your style and brand right now.
    • Limit the number of elements you will be working with. For example, work with only three colors or two types of fabrics. It will challenge you to get creative.
    • Give yourself assignments. For example, start drawing shoes for different groups of people. How will the sketches be similar, and how will they differ?
    • Make it a goal to create something new every day. Try to draw a new sketch every day for a month. Over time, you will begin to notice patterns in your drawings.
  5. 5 Find a source of inspiration outside of the fashion world. Perhaps you draw inspiration from the work of other designers. Start looking elsewhere for it. For example, Christian Louboutin mentioned that some of his works were inspired by archeology.
  6. 6 Learn more about this industry. Shoe design isn't just about shoe designs. This industry is divided into three parts: design (creative development), production, sales.
    • Design / creative development... This area is directly responsible for the design, but it's not enough just to draw a sketch on paper. This includes not only the creation of original models, but often the development of interesting pads that determine how the shoes will fit on the foot (pads are usually made of dense plastic or resin).
    • Production... At this point, the sketch turns into a pair of shoes. Learn everything about the manufacturing process, from the choice of materials to the actual production.
    • Sales... At this point, the shoes are sold. Understanding how sales channels work will let you know what your customers want - that is, your customers. Who is your target audience? Think about what kind of footwear stores and customers want to buy and how you can meet that demand.
  7. 7 Follow the news. It is important to track market trends in order to understand how you can stand out from the competition. This is a highly competitive environment and being ahead is a must.
    • Read design and fashion magazines to stay on top of all trends.

Method 2 of 5: Work on Your Skills

  1. 1 Sketch as much as possible. One of the most important skills a designer must have is being able to see something and transfer it to paper. It is important not to repeat what you saw, but to come up with a sketch based on what you saw and create it.
    • Sketches do not have to be done in pencil on paper. You can draw them digitally in special applications.
  2. 2 Learn to use specialized applications. Shoe design isn't just about paper and pencil. You will need to learn how to use special programs such as Adobe Creative Suite. This software package includes PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign and other applications. Be prepared to digitally repeat your sketches on paper.
    • Learn to use design software. They allow you to create sketches in 3D.
  3. 3 Learn to design individual shoe parts. When you know what parts the shoes are made of, you can better understand the entire creation process. Try to depict individual parts of different types of shoes.
  4. 4 Create a portfolio. Collect your best sketches showing your skill. Try to find 20 sketches for a regular portfolio and 30 for a digital portfolio. Update your portfolio from time to time.
    • Add a description to your portfolio and mention who influenced you and who or what inspired you. Do not forget to attach your current resume to it.

Method 3 of 5: Get Experienced

  1. 1 Become an intern. This will allow you to work with the designer and assist him in his daily work. You may also find out about other roles in a shoe company that you never knew existed before.
    • Find out which companies are announcing internships.
    • In some firms, internships are not paid.
  2. 2 Work in sales. Working as a consultant in a shoe department or a shoe store allows you to network with customers and purchasing managers. After all, these are exactly the people you will have to deal with when you become a designer. Explore the business inside and out - experience in sales will come in handy.
  3. 3 Work in shoe making. Like sales, manufacturing will help you understand the entire process better. You will be able to observe how decisions are made and how a finished shoe is made from several fragments.
    • Through this experience, you will be able to meet the right people who will come in handy when you start sewing your shoes.
  4. 4 Work as an assistant. Design Assistants, Fashion Designer, and Manufacturing Assistants do different jobs, but all of these positions will help you get closer to shoe designers. You will be able to transfer the ideas of the designer to paper and create samples of shoes based on them.

Method 4 of 5: Find the Links You Need

  1. 1 Make connections with professionals. Start going to trade shows, attend lectures, seminars, store openings. Be neat at all times. When introducing yourself to people, don't be too assertive - just try to be a friendly person.
    • Take business cards with your contact information with you. This will help people remember your name and will have your contact information if they have an offer for you.
    • You don't have to be limited only to the field of shoes. Any creative activity brings together many people who can help you develop your career.
  2. 2 Get an informational interview. An informational interview will give you the opportunity to talk to someone who is doing what you would like to do. Contact a shoe designer for a consultation.
    • The time and place should be convenient for the designer.
    • This will not be a job interview.You will introduce yourself as someone who wants to learn more about the industry, not as someone who is applying for a position.
  3. 3 Join a professional association. A professional association is a community of people working in the same field. Such associations often hold conferences, help people get education and develop their careers. Often there is a fee for participating in an association.
    • Examples of foreign associations are the Society of Industrial Designers of America, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, and others.
    • Many of these organizations are regional.
  4. 4 Find a mentor. Chat regularly with someone who has built a career in shoe design. He will share his experience with you and give you advice that will help you in your work. You can find a mentor through a professional association, through an internship program, or through a university.

Method 5 of 5: Get started on your own

  1. 1 Find manufacturers. Try to find a reliable manufacturer that can make quality shoes. The production facilities of this company should be able to produce exactly what you order. Manufacturers differ greatly from each other, including with regard to the type of footwear.
    • For example, shoes with thin leather and thin soles are most often made in Portugal, while shoes with thick soles and round toes are usually made in England or Hungary.
    • Select a manufacturer. Send the sketch to different manufacturers and wait for samples from them. Compare them to make a choice.
  2. 2 Showcase your shoes with the option to buy them. Host an event at a store or major mall to give potential customers the opportunity to look at your shoes and buy them. Come to the event yourself and talk to clients. These events usually last from a few hours to a few days, and it is often possible to buy items there that are not usually sold in stores. With this display, you will be noticed.
  3. 3 Start collaborating with a store or mall. Find clothing or accessory stores that match your shoes in style. Ask if they would be willing to sell your shoes. As a rule, the store is entitled to a certain percentage of sales.
  4. 4 Sell ​​shoes online. Register an online store (either standalone or on one of the popular trading platforms). This is usually much easier than opening a regular store.


  • Taking part in competitions for hobbyists and students of design schools is a great way to attract the attention of potential employers.


  • Be prepared to be criticized. You will need to get some thick skin to avoid taking criticism as a personal insult. Try to get the most out of criticism and become a better designer.