How to say Happy Birthday in German

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
lingoni GERMAN (41) - How to Say "Happy Birthday" in German - A1
Video: lingoni GERMAN (41) - How to Say "Happy Birthday" in German - A1


The most common birthday greetings in German are "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag" and "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag". There are other phrases that we will now tell you about.


Method 1 of 2: Simple German

  1. 1 Say "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!"This is the best translation of the phrase" Happy birthday! ", Literally it translates as" All the best on your birthday. "
    • Word Alles it is a pronoun, it means "everything" or "everything."
    • Word Gute comes from the German adjective "gut," which translates to "good" or "beautiful".
    • Word zum comes from the German preposition "zu" which means "to" or "for".
    • Word Geburtstag translates as "Birthday" from German.
    • The phrase is pronounced "Ales gute tsom gebotstag".
  2. 2 Say "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag."This is another popular birthday greeting.
    • It translates as "I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday.
    • Word Herzlichen comes from the German adjective "herzlich" which means "sincere" or "heartfelt".
    • Word Glückwunsch means "congratulations".
    • Word zum this is an excuse. Word Geburtstag translates as "Birthday".
    • The phrase is pronounced like this: Hertzlichen Gluckwunsch Tsum Gebostag.
  3. 3 Say "Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich" or "Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag" if your birthday has already passed and you did not have time to congratulate the person.
    • Nachträglich means late.
    • Herzlichen Glückwunsch means "sincerely congratulations". The phrase is pronounced like this: Hertzlichen Gluckwunsch Nachtreglich.
    • "Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag" literally translates as "My belated heartfelt congratulations on your birthday." Pronounced like this: Nakhtreglich alles gute tsum gebostag.
  4. 4 Say "Alles das Beste zum Geburtstag!". This is another birthday greetings. Translation All the best for your birthday!
    • Alles means "all" or Total, zum means "for," and Geburtstag means "birthday".
    • Das Beste means "the best".
    • Pronounced like this: Alles das beste tsum gebostag.

Method 2 of 2: Long greetings

  1. 1 Say "Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag". This translates to I wish you love, happy birthday.
    • Alles means all... It is not translated in Russian. The phrase "zum Geburtstag" means for a birthday.
    • Liebe means love.
    • Pronounced like this: Alles libe tsum gebostag.
    • Say "Wir wünschen Ihnen einen wunderschönen Tag." Wish the birthday boy to have a great birthday.
    • Wir means "we".
    • Wünschen it is "wish," "wish".
    • Ihnen This you (respectful treatment). To say you use instead Ihnen word Dir... Word Dir pronounced like deer.
  2. 2 Einen this is the article. It is not translated into Russian.
    • Wunderschönen means excellent, beautiful, or wonderful.
    • Tag This day.
    • This phrase is pronounced like this: Vir wunschen inen ainen wundershunen tag.
    • You can also say "Auf dass Ihr Tag mit Liebe und Freude erfüllt ist." Approximately this phrase is translated as "May your Day be filled with happiness and love."
    • Auf it is a preposition that is not translated into Russian.
    • Dass translates as what or to.
    • Ihr means "your". To say is yours use a pronoun Dein (dine).
    • Tag This day.
  3. 3 Mit means "with".
    • Liebe This love... Word und translates as "and," and Freude it is "joy" or "happiness".
    • Phrase erfüllt ist translates as "filled".
    • It is pronounced like this: Auf das ir tag mit libe und freude erfult ist.
    • Tell the birthday boy "Schade, dass wir nicht mitfeiern können" if you can't join the celebration. This phrase means "I wish I could celebrate with you."
    • Schade translates as "pity" or "regret".
  4. 4 Word dass means "what" and wir means "we".
    • Word nicht this is a particle "not", but können translates as "to be able".
    • Mitfeiern means to celebrate.
    • The phrase is pronounced like this: Shade das vir nicht mitfeiern können.
    • Ask "Wie geht's dem Geburtstagkind?" This translates as "how is the birthday boy?" or "how is the birthday girl?"
  5. 5 Wie geht's translates as "how are you?".
    • In german dem this is an article that is not translated into Russian.
    • Geburtstagkind this is the "birthday boy" or "birthday girl".
    • The expression is pronounced like this vi geyts dem gebostagkind.
  6. 6 Also ask "Wie alt bist du?"This is the question of how old the birthday boy is.
    • Wie means "how much", and alt This years old. Bist it is a form of the verb "to be".
    • Word du translates as "you". To say you use a pronoun Sie ", then instead of the verb" bist "you need to say" sind ". Like this:" Wie alt sind Sie? "
    • It is pronounced like this: vi alt beast doo (or "vi alt zindt zi")