How to become a cheerleader

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become a Cheerleader With No Experience | Alyssa Revecho
Video: How To Become a Cheerleader With No Experience | Alyssa Revecho


To become a cheerleader you will have to work hard, be motivated and have a positive attitude. If becoming a cheerleader is your dream, it's time to make it come true! We hope this article helps you become a better cheerleader. You should also be happy and enthusiastic. You must have a SPIRIT! If you dream of becoming a cheerleader ... go ahead! Take action!


  1. 1 Decide what kind of cheerleading you want to do. If you want to participate in competitions, learn acrobatics and tricks, and do other such things, then you should join competitive cheerleading. If you want to do something simpler, join your high school or football team's cheerleading group. If you've never done acrobatics, cheerleading, and don't know much about it, sign up for a health class and, after you get the basics, you can join a real team.
  2. 2 Get in shape if you're not physically ready. Cheerleading involves a very strenuous workout.
    • Be flexible. See how cheerleaders stretch. You need good bends and jumps with your legs apart. Stretch out every morning and every evening. This will lengthen your muscles. You need good flexibility in your back, legs and arms for tricks, jumps, and acrobatics. The more flexible you are, the less you will harm yourself, as you will have to twist and twist frequently.
    • Get strong. It doesn't matter if you are thrown or thrown, whether you provide front or rear belay, you should do weight lifting exercises at least three times a week.You will be catching and throwing about 30 kg in each trick, so you need strong abs, legs and arms. Good exercises for your arms are barbell or dumbbell lifts, good leg exercises are squats, calf raises, mountaineering, and frog jumping.
    • Run 5K three times a week, or do aerobics at least 4 times a week. During your workouts, you will quickly become exhausted if you are not enduring. Running long distances will build your stamina and prepare you better for the competition.
    • Strengthen your corps. You need to keep your abs in shape. 50 squats and / or 25 push-ups a day will greatly increase your jumping range and make tricks easier.
    • Develop an exercise plan to get in shape.
    • Eat a healthy diet. Don't force yourself to starve! Fasting will only drain your energy. As a result, you will not be able to perform tricks with full dedication, for example, during performances.
  3. 3 Learn basic cheerleading skills.
    • Jump correctly. Remember to keep your back straight, arms and legs tense, and remember to raise your legs high when jumping.
    • Find a good cheerleader team in your area and learn skills such as back flips, aerial acrobatics, outer tuck and back tuck, and more. Be sure to head over to the team's website and do some research to decide if it's a good team or not. Watch the team's performances to get your opinion on the team. All-Star (competitive) cheerleading teams are the best.
  4. 4 Appearance. Make sure your hair is tidy and combed so you can pull it up in a ponytail if needed. You should also choose the right clothes - shorts, T-shirt, crop top, tank top, sports bras, etc. When training and performing, make sure your shorts are neither too small nor too big. Don't wear anything crazy, too colorful, too trendy, or too sexy for your workouts. Your shape should always be clean, ironed and elegant.
  5. 5 Speak loudly and clearly without yelling. Screaming will damage your voice, making it harder to sing a song that supports the team's fighting spirit. Use your chest voice; it will give you the power of your voice in front of the crowd. Even if you are on a competitive team, it is important to shout the cheer (chant) loudly during the competition.
  6. 6 Workout. Come on time and be enthusiastic. Study the program ahead of time and be prepared to follow the instructions. Talk to old people and find out more information. During rehearsals, learn to make eye contact with the judges. AND smile... This will help them understand that you are actually "influencing" the crowd.
  7. 7 Listen to the coach and / or captain and respect their team management practices. Smile and greet the trainer (s) as you go to the show. Ask them how they are doing. Be supportive to each member of their team, and don't laugh at anyone just because they can't make the elements that most people on your team do!
  8. 8 Practice at least 2-5 times a week. Repeat your chants and programs over and over and over ... and then repeat again. Practice with your teammates as much as possible to achieve synchronicity in movement. In your spare time, don't sit around: practice your exercise program. Remember, practice makes perfect.
  9. 9 Maintain a positive attitude. Don't let the smile leave your face! During the competition, pretend that you are having fun, even if your team is not performing well. Keep in mind that the judges will give you points for facial expressions, and if no one on the team smiles, you will lose points. If you have friends on the team, they will help you before rehearsals or practice sessions ...if you already know some of the material, you will impress the judges.
  10. 10 Do not be afraid. If you are afraid, you will not be able to learn new skills and improve your acrobatics, dancing and much more. You must always be fit and diligent! Most importantly, transfer all your energy to the mat. Do your best in competitions so that your team can get the first place!
  11. 11 Trust your team. If you believe that they will catch you, then they will Catch you.
  12. 12 Be confident and don't worry about what other people think. Always carry your most reassuring smile and remember that without a cheerleader bow there will be no reassuring atmosphere !!


  • If you make a mistake, just send a beaming smile to the crowd and pretend that what should have happened happened. Don't get angry or look embarrassed; just keep going. For example, if you land on your knees during a back flip, perform a high V winking at the crowd and act as planned!
  • Never miss a workout and be prepared for a strict trainer.
  • Flyers, remember to keep your body tense and never fall flat. Always keep your legs and arms locked and your glutes tight to help your base stay as close to your stunt as possible. Don't shake when you are in the air - the base is very difficult when they try to do other things with your legs. When falling, don't push your bases out of support - keep your feet together! To avoid landing on your toes, lift your big toe up and your other toes down - this will raise the front of your leg just enough to land on a flat foot in the hands of the base.
  • You must understand that people are looking at you. In your uniform, you need to be more responsive and friendly with everyone while presenting your team beautifully.
  • Participate in every competition your team competes in! Do not skip a competition simply because you are bored or too difficult for you; this can easily lead to being kicked out of the team!
  • If you are in your last grade of high school and plan to continue training in high school, try contacting your upcoming high school coach for details!
  • Inquire about spring events or summer cheerleading camps and get in! This will give you more confidence when it's time for the big game and a good opportunity to make new friends.
  • Find a few friends who will provide you with insurance, help you with pirouettes, back and forth flips, and any other difficult movements.
  • Bases: Don't shake as this will make the flyer unstable. Never get out of support; keep close to another base.
  • Don't smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, or anything like that while wearing your team uniform. Better yet, never at all. This can damage your team's reputation or be kicked out of it.
  • It is very important to establish friendly contact with your team. If the team has a division into groups, this is not what you need.
  • No matter how difficult it may be for you, congratulate other teams to increase trust and sociability. By congratulating the winning team, you will show a good sporting tone.


  • Use pom-poms only during chants on the game, never in acrobatics or lifts. They can be slippery at times. Never, hold pom-poms in your hands while belaying or while at base during support.
  • Know the difference between competitive cheerleading and cheerleading at your school. If you train with an all-star team, you will be doing a competitive program and traveling to competitions all over the country.If you train on a school cheerleading team, you will compete with other schools locally and support the soccer / basketball team during matches.
  • Remember that cheerleading will not make you the most popular girl in school and will not make you attractive to all boys. Cheerleading is a sport, not something that automatically makes you cool.
  • You must wear special shoes during your lifts! In some cases, girls lose their toenails due to improper shoes during lifts and flyers fall to their feet.
  • Do not wear jewelry, loose or baggy clothing, etc. Wear something that won't fly apart during acrobatics.
  • Don't stop at one particular position, expecting to be in it all the time. Ultimately, the coaches or team leader determine this because they know what's best for you. Just remember: there is no separate self in the team, and you have to be content with just being part of the team.
  • In general, the reality is that sometimes, no matter how talented you are, you will not get on the team because of your position in society. All seats can be occupied by those who meet these standards. In this case, the team is corrupt and more than likely mediocre. Don't betray yourself or take it personally.
  • Don't expect tuck back flips on your next workout if you're only working on your dips. Acrobatics is tricky and difficult to learn, especially for beginners. Lying to others about how "close!" you stand to achieve mastery in hard tricks, and nothing will help you.
  • In 2002, there were 22,900 reported serious cheerleading injuries. Do not be irresponsible or careless when performing your movements because someone might get hurt. Don't try to move without preparation in the first place. If you don't know how to do lifts, acrobatic stunts, etc., be patient. Don't try until you are taught. Otherwise, you could be seriously injured.

What do you need

  • Training clothes for your high school / football cheerleading team (usually a white jersey and shorts)
  • Cheerleading shoes, especially for flyers. It will make support much easier. Cheerleading shoes are not needed during training! It will only be needed during competitions, games and performances.
  • Cheerleading Accessories (Optional)
  • Hair tie (Optional)