How to deal with separation from your loved one

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Someone You Love Dies,There Is No Such Thing as Moving On | Kelley Lynn | TEDxAdelphiUniversity
Video: When Someone You Love Dies,There Is No Such Thing as Moving On | Kelley Lynn | TEDxAdelphiUniversity


Everyone who has been in a long-term relationship knows this feeling: when your other half is far away, you miss this person very much. Fortunately, there are some ways to deal with your emotions. This simple guide will help you with that.


  1. 1 Don't take it personally if communication is impossible. Consider the location. If your loved one is cut off from technology, stop waiting for a phone call or message. You know it won't happen, so why get upset? Even if access to a computer or phone is possible there, do not wait for hours at the phone - it is not always possible to send a message at any free second. This will only make you miss more.
  2. 2 Get distracted. Plan an evening with friends to take a break from thinking about your loved one. If it seems to you that your friends have left you too, leave the house. Go to the mall or market. Take a walk. Send the package you "forgot" about.
  3. 3 Don't ask yourself what you will do without your soul mate. Think better of those special days you will spend together when you return. You can go to a concert, an art museum, arrange a spa day for yourself, or just have a special lunch.
  4. 4 Although it may seem to you that the separation will last forever, in fact, it is not. If you feel empty inside, tell yourself that you are bored and switch to other thoughts or activities.
  5. 5 If none of these tips work, try next time either to join your soul mate and ride together, or to go somewhere nearby for a short while. For example, if he / she is traveling to a big city, you can go together and have some fun. Or if your loved one is in the suburbs, you can stop in town and visit him / her occasionally.
  6. 6 Don't act like you can't survive without your soul mate. So the situation will only get worse. Sure, you miss, but there are other important things in life.
  7. 7 Do the little things that bring you closer to him / her - wear his jackets, eat at your favorite restaurant, or revisit photos. Sometimes it is comforting to sort out old memories.
  8. 8 Try to prepare something for the arrival of your soul mate. Planning will help you channel your arousal and distraction, and make you feel close to the meeting.
  9. 9 Don't talk to your friends about how much you miss your loved one, unless you are sure that they will calm and understand you. People who advise you to "get through it" often do not understand the full power of this feeling and will only upset you more.


  • Instead of counting countless minutes until your next meeting, think that every second that passes brings you closer to the moment you see you again.
  • Go for a walk, cook a meal when you're bored. Just think how lucky you are to find each other and how happy you are.
  • Try to arrange special times for each other, such as watching the same show at the same time. You will feel closer to the fact that you are watching the same thing, and you will also have something to discuss, besides how you miss each other.
  • You do not need to constantly cheat yourself and worry about being cheated on every second of the day. This is in a series of things that will upset you even more.
  • If you can reach your significant other by phone, don't call every hour to "check" how things are going. It will only scare the person. Believe me.
  • If you receive frequent calls, try to speak openly and explain how you feel.
  • Don't be intimidated when you expect complete and honest love after a breakup. Maybe the person has a day off and he / she just wants to be alone.


  • If you will be apart for a long period of time (for example, 2 months), do not focus on how many days you have left until the date. Often the answer in this case is a lot, and you will only get upset because of these thoughts.
  • Love yourself and do what you want ... but don't usually find the time for that. For example, take up painting or paper appliqué ... whatever makes you happy.
  • If you make an elephant out of a fly, you may be left without a loved one, whom you need to miss. Don't act like it's the end of the world.
  • Don't lose sleep because of anxiety. It's not worth it.