How to get closer without sex

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Your temptation to masturbate and have sex will increase, the closer you get to God.
Video: Your temptation to masturbate and have sex will increase, the closer you get to God.


Beyond intimacy, there are many ways to get closer to your partner. Intimate connection generally develops on the basis of emotions, therefore, for a start, it is worth paying attention to the development of emotional intimacy.Do not be afraid to become vulnerable to your partner and learn to listen carefully to him. If you both want to abstain from sex in a relationship for a while because you're not ready for it yet, if you don't want to rush and are trying to build deep, sincere relationships, there are ways to strengthen your bond without intimacy.


Part 1 of 3: Work on Emotional Intimacy

  1. 1 Be prepared to show your vulnerability and be honest about your feelings. Emotional closeness means being honest and open about your feelings and thoughts, even if you feel uncomfortable at first sharing them. Be prepared to share your thoughts, hopes, needs, and fears with your partner. Opening up to a person is pretty scary at first, but a good partner will definitely support you and try to understand your position.
    • Openness and sincerity on your part will help you and your partner get to know each other better and learn to truly support each other.
    • For example, tell your partner about your dream of becoming a pastry chef or getting a master's degree.
  2. 2 Start building trust. Trust issues in a relationship can generate a lot of conflict and doubt, especially if you feel like you can't be honest and open with the person emotionally and physically. Prioritize honesty. Learn to say what you think and think about what you say. Show your partner a willingness to be there and watch to see if he responds in kind. Respect each other's personal, emotional, and social boundaries.
    • For example, if your partner values ​​personal space and privacy, you shouldn't share the intimate details of your relationship with other people. If you've agreed to keep things private, keep your word.
  3. 3 When your partner decides to share their thoughts with you, listen carefully. Happy relationships between people are possible only when partners do not just hear, but listen to each other. When communicating with your partner, you need to turn in his direction, put aside the phone and turn off the TV. Listen carefully to the person, without judging or drawing conclusions, support him. It is also important to feel that your partner will do the same for you. A strong emotional and intimate connection can only be built if you both know that you can calmly express to each other everything that lies in your heart without fear of condemnation and criticism for your words.

    Learn to actively listen to your partner and build your relationship, knowing that you can rely on each other and count on that person's support and attention.

  4. 4 Ask each other open-ended questions about personal topics. Try to understand what is going on in your partner's head, to better understand his inner world. Open-ended questions will help each of you open up and think about what you and your partner like, what turns you on, how close you are to him. It is these questions and conversations that will help strengthen the emotional connection and bring you closer. Try to ask open-ended questions so that you can reflect on the answer and discuss it.
    • For example, you might ask the question: "If you could become anyone, such as a real person or a fictional character, who would you choose and why?" And also: “What would you say to yourself from the past if you could? What would you say to your future? "
    • Also ask questions about your relationship. For example: "Why do you think we made a good couple?" - or: "What do you think can be improved in our relationship?", "What do you like in our relationship?"
  5. 5 Feel free to ask your partner for help. If you've had a bad day, there is nothing better than being able to rely on someone to support you. Of course, asking your partner for help, let alone allowing yourself to cry in front of him, is not as easy as it seems. But the support and care of a partner is worth it.In addition, it is thanks to such situations that you understand that you can rely on your partner, that he is there even in difficult times.
    • For example, say, “Look, I really had a really hard day. Can we discuss this? "

Part 2 of 3: Develop Physical Intimacy Without Intimacy

  1. 1 Don't Miss Opportunities hug each other. Hugging is the best way to create and strengthen a bond, and to feel physically close without removing your clothes. Whether you're watching a movie together or just lounging on your bed, reach out and hug your partner to feel a physical connection.
    • Sometimes one of the partners has to be the first to initiate physical contact.

    Advice: reach out, touch your partner, wrap your arm around the waist or shoulder, and try to touch each other as often as possible.

  2. 2 Cuddle as long as possible. Hugging can reduce stress and strengthen the bond between partners. Get in the habit of hugging your partner when you meet and goodbye. For example, hug your loved one when you leave for work or school in the morning, hug him in the evening when you meet.
    • Just hug your partner, putting your hands on your waist or shoulder, hold on for a minute, do not immediately disperse.
    • If a hug doesn't come naturally to your partner, ask them directly.
  3. 3 Breathe together. In fact, sharing breathing allows you to get closer physically and emotionally even without touching. Start simple: sit opposite each other and look each other in the eyes. Concentrate on your breathing, close your eyes and breathe. Once you're ready, you can open your eyes and look at your partner's belly, trying to adjust to their breathing.
    • You and your partner breathe the same air. Regardless of whether you can manage to synchronize your breath, the chances are you and your partner will feel that your relationship has grown closer.
    • Once you have finished this exercise, it will be time to talk and discuss those difficult questions and topics that are difficult to talk about in other situations.
  4. 4 Close your eyes together. Close eye contact can be a symbol of love and intimacy. If you close your eyes together, you will feel vulnerable and even a little intimidated by this feeling. Maintain this connection, try to overcome feelings of embarrassment or fear, and focus on your partner. Remember that you can feel calm and safe even when your partner sees you for who you are, without embellishment.
    • Close your eyes and spend some time together. Sit opposite each other and look each other in the eyes. Start with 30 seconds and then raise the bar and increase the time, most importantly, make you feel comfortable.
  5. 5 Kiss passionately. If gradually your kisses have turned to lazy "pecks" and "smacks", try to return to the relationship the former passion, making your kisses more passionate both in everyday situations and during mutual flirting and hugs. Gentle and passionate kisses are a good way to bond and get closer, especially if we are talking about long-term relationships. It has been proven that couples who kiss frequently tend to be more satisfied with their relationship.

    Advice: try to kiss your partner in different ways. For example, you can kiss him on the lips, cheek, neck, you can kiss his hands and other parts of the body (which do not lead to intimacy).

  6. 6 Try more intimate touching. You may not want sex yet, but there are many other types of intimacy that you can try in a relationship with your partner - they will bring you new sensations and help you strengthen your bond even without sex. For example, touch each other, kiss each other, enjoy each other's body. These simple ways of communication will bring you even closer, and you don't even have to worry about the consequences of sex.
    • Talk to your partner about the level of intimacy and comfort that is acceptable to you. If you deliberately abstain from sex, it is best to create personal boundaries in the physical area of ​​your relationship. For example, you might be comfortable kissing but uncomfortable undressing.

Part 3 of 3: Remember to have fun as you work on intimacy in your relationship

  1. 1 Try something new together. This often requires a certain amount of courage, because it is in new activities that you see yourself and your partner from the other side. Perhaps you will realize that you like something that you could not have imagined before, or you suddenly discover something new in your partner that you did not notice before. Vivid impressions and new experiences in relationships help to become closer and strengthen the bond with each other.
    • For example, try boxing, go-karting, or dancing together.
    • Remember what you talked about when talking on intimate topics. Think about what activities please both of you. Another option is to try something that will be special for one of you.
  2. 2 Add some adrenaline to meetings and dates. It will help you feel more attractive and strengthen your bond, making you even closer to each other. Try to find something fun and even a little risky to do together. For example, you can try skydiving, rock climbing, ziplining.

    Keep in mind: Spending time together, which is accompanied by a sense of adrenaline rush and exciting emotions, often helps to strengthen the bond between partners.

  3. 3 Try to do something slightly intimidating together. Of course, we are not talking about constant fear and excitement, you just need to do something unusual from time to time, something that excites, scares a little, inducing a sense of adrenaline - this will help ignite a spark between you and your partner. Knowing that you can rely on your partner and count on his support will help you feel close and trust in your partner.
    • For example, you can go to the fear room or just take a walk in new mysterious places, take a walk together in the dark.
  4. 4 Take a look at old photos together. Take a short trip back in time and show your partner how you looked in the past. In fact, looking at old photographs from your childhood, where you are surrounded by people who were once very important to you, is a very intimate experience. When you talk to your partner about things that play a big role for you, as well as the people and events that made you who you are now, you and your partner become more vulnerable and close.
    • Show your partner your hometown and share memories of your childhood and adolescence. Then ask him to do the same.
    • It is actually quite difficult to discuss family troubles and situations, but try to answer all your partner's questions.


  • Respect each other's personal boundaries. And, of course, don't forget about your own.
  • Remember that touching, stroking and other types of intimacy should be discussed with your partner in advance and accompanied by his full consent and enthusiasm on his part. Touching a person without his permission and consent is equivalent to violence and violation of personal boundaries.


  • Keep in mind that some of these tips can lead to intimacy and sex. If you are absolutely not in the mood for it, say so. Don't be afraid to discuss important issues.