How to enjoy life as a teenager

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Teen Tips | How To KICKASS In Life | How To Be Crazy Successful & Happy
Video: 10 Teen Tips | How To KICKASS In Life | How To Be Crazy Successful & Happy


The teenage years are very stressful due to the rampage of hormones, but always try to find opportunities to enjoy life. Move towards small and big changes in yourself in order to spend this period with benefit!


Part 1 of 4: Realistically Assess the Situation

  1. 1 Realize that there is no right lifestyle for teens or a surefire way to live for your pleasure. All people are different, especially at this stage. Create your own "path" that will give you joy, because there is simply no universal recipe for happiness! Someone prefers to spend all the time with friends, someone absorbs knowledge and works. Someone chooses calmness and loneliness, while someone declares himself loudly without fear. There is no one way of life for all, and there cannot be, and this article contains only general advice and does not require strict adherence to all recommendations!
    • Others may not share what makes you happy, but that's perfectly fine. Many adolescents' tastes and views coincide, but not always. If you are 13 years old, this does not mean at all that from that moment everything has changed dramatically.
  2. 2 Don't judge yourself according to the canons of the media. The teenage years are no simpler or more difficult than other stages of life. Despite the number and scope of changes, it is not at all necessary to perceive adolescence as the main test in life. Contrary to the notion that this is the most dramatic and precarious moment, all people experience adolescence in the same way as infancy a decade before.
    • It should be understood that the media paint a very inaccurate portrait of the average teenager. In films, music and literature, the lives of adolescents are shown extremely limited. You should not judge youth by films, TV shows or TV shows on teenage channels. Fictional stories deliberately exaggerate and dramatize the everyday life of secondary education, which is not so dark at all. Also, do not compare yourself or others with actors from drama films about teenagers. Many of them are over 20, and sometimes even 30 years old. Not all people are given a model appearance, outstanding abilities and other bright qualities. YouTube home videos featuring real teens have a lot more to do with real life than movies and TV series. Many films for teenagers, especially films of the last century, have become nostalgic for the current generation of adults, and modern programs and films on channels for teenagers are more focused on children.
  3. 3 Each year of adolescence is not like the previous one. The ages of 13 and 19 are separated by six years, and they all differ from each other. High school is not like high school, which is very different from the university and the first work experience. A timid and puny teenager at 13 can turn into a confident and handsome young man at 18.

Part 2 of 4: Develop

  1. 1 Work on your own personality, focus on personal thoughts and goals, do not think about someone else's opinion. For many people, adolescence is years of stress. Don't overreact! Many worries are associated with stranger opinion ("What if I disappointed them with this act?" own thoughts. Do what you like, you do not need to rely on the opinions of others. Dye your hair an unusual color and wear clothes that are comfortable for you. No need to chase fashion. Call someone you like, choose your path in life and don't think about how others will react to your decisions! Only you have to live your life, so live your life as you think is right.
    • Of course, there are reasonable limits to everything. For example, if you want to express your opinion, then this is quite natural, but you cannot insult others or argue with people in the wrong place. It is important to follow accepted social norms (for example, you cannot beat those who annoy you). Distinguish between situations in which it is necessary to listen to social rules, and not to your own opinion.
  2. 2 Notice and develop your passions. As a child, you were often told how important it is to find a hobby for yourself. You probably have several hobbies. Turn them into benefits.Spend a little more time with useful skills (for example, learning to play an instrument) or delve into your interests (instead of a diary, start writing poetry or stories). Do not be afraid to try new things, because it is never too late to look for new hobbies. It is possible that your new hobby will become the main hobby in life!
    • Always strive for the "golden mean". For example, if you are most interested in computer programming, then you can try more creative activities such as drawing or learning a foreign language. It is not necessary to limit your interests to one field of activity, even if you are an "expert in technology" or "art critic". Narrow interests are boring.
    • Explore your style and hobbies. It's time to experiment. You don't have to hold on tightly to one thing. Take an interest in everything from the world of fashion to music and films. Ignore labels and traditions: it's okay to dress like a rocker and still listen to jazz. Do what makes you happy.
  3. 3 Get rid of prejudices. Even if you think you are free from prejudice, you may have negative perceptions about different groups of people. Implicit bias towards people of different religions or races makes it difficult to see the world around you clearly. All prejudices are fatal. Nobody - this is also a stereotype, so do not consider groups of people as "the same as those", because such an attitude does not allow us to understand the true essence of an individual person.
    • On a small scale, stop thinking that people you don't have a relationship with are bad. If the person hasn't hurt you physically or mentally, then they are not as bad as you think they are. Are your ideas about a person based on hearsay? Never rush to believe rumors! You don't have to be best friends, but why don't you show some respect. Be friendly. Unfamiliar people often turn out to be different from what we imagine them after a short communication!
  4. 4 Develop a work ethic. Yes, school is always tough, but it takes even more effort in adolescence. All your successes during this period can become decisive in later life. Take time to study to build solid knowledge in middle and high school. Strive to complete everything on time and not postpone until the last moment. Learn to prioritize school, work, and any other activity. Try to study well (and have fun!). Not all subjects and topics seem interesting, but they will come in handy in the future and, over time, can captivate Not only "Nerds"!
    • It is not necessary to be an excellent student and receive honorable mentions, but pass all subjects on time. Try not to skip, otherwise it will be even more difficult later.
    • Don't rush homework to see your friends sooner. Acquire new knowledge. Many have forgotten that you need to study at school, and not spend the prescribed number of hours.
  5. 5 Slowly understand yourself. The teenage years are full of confusion and change, so there is a high likelihood of a constant change of hobbies. People are constantly changing at any age, growing and developing as individuals throughout their lives. Do not try to fully understand yourself when you are young. If others say that you it's time decide on the future, they are wrong. Don't be surprised if your most indestructible plans and beliefs change, as your path in life is a mystery.

Part 3 of 4: Work on the relationship

  1. 1 Develop social skills. Some adolescents experience communication problems for a variety of reasons. Since social interaction is an important aspect of a successful life, strive to get rid of shyness and social anxiety. Develop your social skills with friends or family members your age. Such experience is always useful, although it does not replace new acquaintances.
    • For adolescents with autism and other mental disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or social anxiety, communication is much more difficult. In autism, learn to develop your social skills, understand body language, and distinguish between figurative expressions and sarcasm in order to better interact with the world around you. For ADHD and related disorders, learn not to interrupt others, direct the conversation, and focus on other people and tasks.
  2. 2 Be polite with unfamiliar people. You meet strangers every day at school and elsewhere. It may seem funny to laugh at them, but it's rude, and you can always be in the place of such a person. You will have to work with new people later, so try to be polite to strangers. Be as friendly as possible. People appreciate this attitude, even if you don't notice it at all.
    • If a stranger is awkward and everyone laughs at him (for example, he dropped his books), you better help him and do not scoff. A person will always appreciate your kindness, even if he does not show it.
  3. 3 Find close friends. You don't need to be at the top of the social pyramid and know everyone at school, but strive to find a couple of close friends. Friendships develop social skills, and trying to build strong relationships can help you understand what you value in friendship and relationships with the opposite sex. After all, friends will make your life easier and brighter. Good friends will never humiliate you or get you into trouble. In adolescence, you need to enjoy life, not suffer from fake "friends"!
    • Find friends who are fun to talk to and who inspire you to get better.
    • Try to be with those with whom you are really interesting, and don’t worry about those who don’t bring anything into your life. Friends replace each other, so you will meet different people, the number of which will be unstable. It should be so. The number of friends does not matter, much more important their qualities, no matter how stereotyped it may sound!
    • If you can't find friends, then try to meet people who share your interests. Do you like to draw? Sign up for courses and find like-minded people, go to extracurricular activities at school. If you prefer literature than noisy companies, then find a circle of writers. Individuals with autism can look for friends who face similar problems.
    • Use social media if you can't find friends in real life. Be very careful, as online friendship is strikingly different from traditional communication. Often people pass themselves off as another person. Anything can happen on the other side of the screen. In some cases, it is not human at all. Be careful when dating online and never agree to a meeting alone. Do not provide personal information if you do not know the person in real life. On the Internet, it is better to communicate with those who are already familiar to you.
  4. 4 Take your time with romantic relationships. Some adolescents are interested in such relationships and seek to find a partner. If you have a couple, then take your time and work on harmonious communication in order to build a healthy relationship in the future. You also don't need to get too attached to your partner. Relationships shouldn't deprive you of friends and personal hobbies. Don't start a relationship if you're not ready for it yet.
    • The end of a relationship is not the end of the world. If you've been hurt, sometimes you want to leave the relationship forever, but don't be prejudiced. People change and grow. Relationships that developed successfully six months ago can be disastrous today. Remember that only a small number of couples stay together after graduation. Distance and other factors are among the reasons.
    • Beware of violent relationships.If you have to constantly tiptoe around your partner so that he does not get angry or use force, if your partner views conversations with other people as cheating, then these are loud warning signals of unhealthy relationships that need to be stopped! The same goes for toxic friends.
  5. 5 Maintain a good relationship with your family. Family members (especially parents) worry about you and your youth. Many teenagers become withdrawn, unsociable, alienated from their families. Don't let this happen. The family is the closest people, the building blocks of all future relationships - friendships, romantic ones, your own family. Plus, you have to see each other every day, so why not make the conversation enjoyable?
    • You don't have to be every family member's best friend, but treat everyone with kindness and spend time together. Play video games with your sister, help your brother through school, go shopping with your mom, or play chess with your dad. Don't sit in your room all day to go out to dinner in the evening and hide again.
    • Strengthen relationships with siblings. It's okay if you sometimes argue and swear, but remember that such a relationship is one of the longest in your life. Brother and sister can become your faithful allies, mentors and friends not only now, but also in old age.
    • Fight back violent family members. Relatives can not only be close friends, but also have a negative impact on life. Do your parents constantly humiliate you? This is moral bullying. Does your brother often hit you? This is already physical violence. While talking with a close friend or fighting off the abuser can usually improve the situation, you also need to know who to report the abuse.
    • Also communicate with distant relatives. Try to see your cousins ​​and siblings. Usually such meetings are not very frequent, so strive for quality communication!

Part 4 of 4: Help Others

  1. 1 Volunteer. Helping others is just a recommendation. If you are not interested in such work, then it's okay. Nevertheless, many volunteers admit that such work gives a pleasant feeling and even contributes to self-development. Assess all the advantages and disadvantages of community service and make an informed decision.
  2. 2 Do not assume that you "cannot help anyone." A teenager does not need to have a job (until a certain age it is simply impossible to find it) to become useful! Consider the prospect of volunteering, doing one-off jobs, or teaching others about what you are good at. Such deeds can work miracles! A part-time job and community service will give you invaluable experience that will come in handy in employment after graduation from university or other educational institution.
    • You don't have to leave home to volunteer. An internet connection will allow you to help others online (for example, you can edit articles on wikiHow if you are well versed in the matter).
  3. 3 Use your talents and passions. Interested in animals? Help the cat and dog shelter or collect food. Get along well with people? Find a job that requires a lot of communication. Designing complex web pages with ease? Help aspiring web designers. Use your talents and passions to help others and have fun at the same time!
  4. 4 Become a tutor for younger students. If you are an excellent student, then offer your help to lagging students. Help junior schoolchildren and become a tutor - every opportunity is open to you!
    • Don't be afraid to refuse help. If the neighbor's boy is too noisy and fidgety or you are not very good at the subject, then politely say "I'm sorry, but I can't help in any way" or "I don't think we will find a common language with your child."
    • Tutoring can be done for free and for a fee.In the latter case, charge a reasonable fee for your services. Few people will contact you at an inflated cost.
  5. 5 Participate in fundraisers and events whose goals are close to you. Some organizations carry out fundraising for specific purposes. For example, the march in support of cancer research allows us to raise funds and donate them to scientists who research this disease. You can also inform the community about various diseases or support people with disabilities. Do not refuse to participate in such events.
    • Always study the question. Some organizations have a controversial reputation. Study such questions carefully and only then agree to participate. There is no need to support questionable activities that do more harm than good.
  6. 6 Give joy to those around you. You don't have to be a volunteer to change the world for the better. Even little things can cheer others up - praise a classmate who wrote a poem, compliment a new hairstyle, help a person collect scattered things, hold a visitor's door with bags in hand. Little things like that make the world a little better. Do not be lazy and give joy to those around you!


  • Traveling helps a person to develop! This is convenient, but not necessary, so there is no need to be upset if you are unable to travel.
  • Do not strive to be a normal person, as there is no single "norm" for adolescents. Everyone needs to develop in order to find themselves! Now is the perfect time to experiment!
  • Not everyone likes adolescence, but that's how life works. If you can’t enjoy life as a teenager, then try to be kind to others and wait out this age. If you had to survive the blows of fate, then this is not a reason to throw cards on the table and leave the game!
  • Teenagers often dramatize the situation. Don't be discouraged and enjoy life.
  • Studying is not always boring, try to get the most out of school! Teens are taking their first step into adulthood and taking on new responsibilities, so always do your homework, try to learn, and make friends!