How to be cool

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL
Video: 10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL


Appearance may not be everything, but being easy on the eyes is not a bad thing. Maybe for some reason you want to have a good look. Luckily, there are quite a few factors that influence your appearance rather than just relying on your genetics (or your jeans). In order to be good looking, you need to have the right attitude, style, and tricks.


Part 1 of 3: Style

  1. Pay attention to how you dress. Take the time to choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and satisfied in the mirror. Keep in mind that being relaxed doesn't mean you should dress like you've just woken up. Likewise, being trendy doesn't mean following fashion: never are worn outfits that are not body-friendly just because they are in fashion.
    • Form the right style of dress and learn about how to dress in style, whether you're a man or a woman. Look for clothes with colors and designs that make you look slimmer.
    • Always remember to dress appropriately according to the situation. Are you preparing to go to the cinema? You can choose from casual outfits; the prom shirt will make you look pretty outrageous. And it's the same as when you're going out - you should put your Converse sneakers at home and take the time to put on more dramatic outfits.

  2. Determine the look you want. Do you want to look like a pro? An entrepreneur? A figure skater? This method will make it easier for you to identify the style you crave. However, you should not imitate the way others dress - usually, this will not be right for you as your body size and shape will not be like them.
    • Don't be afraid to look silly. Being good looking and having good eye looks is a skill that you can learn through your own trial and error. If others praise you or if you feel good about yourself, you are on the right track.

  3. Find out how make up fit. Poor makeup will make you look worse, not prettier. If you tend to wear heavy makeup, try changing to a more natural method of makeup. In order to highlight your eyes, you should learn how to style your eyebrows better for you.
    • As simple as possible. Gentle makeup will make you look better than if you put a foundation about 5 cm thick and a ton of mascara on your face.
    • Makeup can sometimes help cover the hair on the face, but sometimes it doesn't. If you have a few dark areas on your face and you want to cover them up, consider waxing, using depilatory creams, or plucking them.

  4. Haircuts. Choose hairstyles that suit your face shape. Don't leave your hair long if it makes you look older; You might be hesitant to get rid of long, hard-to-find hair, but you will be quite amazed at how luxurious and full of life short hair can do.
    • And if you don't believe in the power of bad hair, you can search Google for pictures of your favorite superstar. They can quickly change from a super glamor to a bastard - sometimes just because of their hairstyle.

Part 2 of 3: Health

  1. Drink a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water not only helps you lose weight, but also helps you have a clear and fresh skin. Try to drink 2 - 3 liters of water a day (sometimes it can be from the food you consume). The taller you are, the more water you have to drink.
    • Try to stay away from dehydrated beverages, such as coffee and soft drinks. They are just foods high in sugar and empty calories. Purified water is the best choice for you to become beautiful.
  2. Maintain hygiene. One of the easiest ways to become good looking is to take care of your body regularly. Small details can make a big difference; anyway, who wants to be around someone who doesn't take care of themselves? You should focus on:
    • Cleanliness: shower every day, wash hands often
    • Scent: use deodorant products; If desired, you can spray in a little more fragrant fragrance
    • Skin: use sunscreen; Apply lotion every day to maintain skin smoothness; If your skin is acne prone, try to control them
    • Hair and hair: keep hair neat and clean; If the hair is growing on unwanted areas of your body, you can shave or wax
  3. Don't forget to keep your hands and feet clean. Regularly trim and keep nails clean; If you have long nails, you can paint and style them. Usually, the smallest thing will be the most prominent factor.
    • As for the rest of your hands, you should apply lotion every time you wash your hands so they are always smooth and soft.
    • The feet are also very important. Apply lotion after bathing; Keep your feet clean and pay attention to the smell.
  4. Brush your teeth and floss. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially after drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. No one wants to be around someone with bad breath. Flossing is also important - did you know that it reduces the likelihood of heart disease and gives you fresh breath?
    • Also, have regular dental check-ups to make sure you don't have cavities and whiten your teeth if necessary. You can whiten your teeth at home or through the help of a dentist.
  5. Pay attention to your own health. People who look healthy tend to look more attractive. And what better way for you to look healthy than you really are owned good healthy? Now is the time to take care of your body. Start with the basics: drink plenty of fluids, eat healthy, and stay fit.
    • Get enough sleep each night. Have you heard of the phrase "beauty sleep"? This phrase was formed for a particular reason.If you get 8 hours of sleep, you will look prettier.
    • Stop smoking and stop drinking, if you are an alcoholic. Both of these habits will minimize the health of your skin, bones, enamel, hair, and internal organs.
  6. Exercise to stay fit. Interval training is a great way to quickly burn excess fat and improve heart health. If you're feeling shy about going to the gym, home exercise is a private (and economical) way to stay slim. What you need is an exercise regimen that you can stick with for a long time. Whether it's taking a walk after dinner, or riding a bike around the street. You can do whatever you want.
    • Taking care of your body by exercising is essential for you to have a beautiful appearance. Exercise has a wealth of benefits, inside and out. But aesthetically, exercise helps to tone your muscles and thereby improves your posture, makes you able to stand taller, and move with more confidence. Exercise also helps increase blood circulation to your muscles and skin. And it will give you a healthy and radiant skin.

Part 3 of 3: Attitude

  1. Confident. Your self-esteem can be quite beneficial. For starters, you can improve your posture to become more confident - a slouch will never make you attractive, even if you are lucky enough to inherit a genome. beautiful. Also, learn how to connect with others through your body language so you can look closer as well. Confidence is the most attractive factor.
    • To get a good posture, hold your chest forward and keep your head up. Eyes looking straight ahead, not underfoot.
    • To create easy body language, don't fold your arms and raise your head, not bury your head in your phone.
  2. Don't compare yourself to a movie superstar or get caught up in the hype of plastic surgery. Any person possesses a certain beautiful trait in himself - be it eyes, smile, hair, and especially personality. Always take the time to look your best, but not based on comparison with others.
    • Being beautiful doesn't mean you have to spend time after waking up to put on lipstick on your face or regularly wear trendy outfits. It simply means that you try to be yourself.
    • Whatever your most prominent elements, make them your focus. You may not be lucky enough to have a body like a Barbie or a Ken doll, but you should know that no one in the world has one. You can adjust the body to whatever you want, and this is the key.
  3. Be a good person. Develop a good personality to add to your best friend's good looks. You need to be humble and honest. Only then will people have more reasons to appreciate you. Have you ever met someone you thought would look good, but as you learn more about them, you realize that they are truly lovable? Appearance is not the most important thing - it depends on your soul.
    • Likewise, have you ever seen someone who looks incredibly beautiful but when they talk, oh my gosh, should they be quieter? Human attitudes will be able to turn them from attractive to ordinary in a split second.
  4. Prove the difference. People are often attracted to rare and unique things. You are a separate individual - no one in the world is like you - and you should take advantage of this. You will be tempted to become similar to others, but remember that imitators will not be remembered by others. Be yourself and show your wonderful qualities.
    • Emphasize what makes you unique, whether it's your hair, your weight, your body shape, your eyes, etc. Let your looks reflect your unique personality. Here's how you can stand out.
  5. Smile. Frowning frequently is like wearing the "Stay away from me" sign on your face. Even a slight smile will brighten your face, make you look more friendly and, therefore, more attractive. What other element could be more inviting and easier to get close to?
    • A sincere, beautiful smile is the answer. Beauty doesn't come from your looks - it comes from facial expressions and body language. Be graceful and happy, but don't be fake. If not, people will think you're trying too hard.


  • Appearance may attract others, but your personality is what keeps them with you.
  • If you love yourself, the other person will automatically be attracted to you. There is nothing more attractive than a cheerful, energetic attitude.
  • Eat well. It will help your body do its job and prevent you from becoming overweight, making your hair shinier and your skin smoother.
  • Be yourself and be proud of yourself. Do not listen to other people, follow what you think is best for you.
  • Before you go on a diet, you should research it thoroughly. And if you are trying to cut down on sweets, do it little by little and allow yourself to enjoy some candies from time to time.
  • Always be yourself, it doesn't matter what other people mean.


  • Do not lose yourself. Trying to fit in and be good-looking doesn't mean you should undo who you really are. Take care of it. You need to remember that happiness is when you accept yourself.