Lose weight within 3 days

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to lose Belly Fat in 3 days Super Fast! NO DIET-NO EXERCISE
Video: How to lose Belly Fat in 3 days Super Fast! NO DIET-NO EXERCISE


Maintaining a healthy weight is an enduring, lifelong process. But sometimes you want to lose some pounds quickly, whether you have to meet a certain weight requirement, feel better in your bikini or fit into your wedding dress. There is not much you can do if you want to get thinner in 3 days, but you can lose a little weight and fat in a short time by following a diet and taking measures to reduce water retention. To really burn fat, lose pounds, build muscle and achieve long-lasting results, you will need to make more drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle.

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Method 1 of 5: A strict diet for short-term results

  1. Try the "3-Day Diet." The "3-Day Diet," also known as a military diet, is a strict diet regimen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Proponents of this diet recommend following meal plans as strictly as possible, then eating 1,500 calories a day for the rest of the week.
    • Breakfast on day 1 consists of:
      • 250 ml of black tea or coffee without sugar
      • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
      • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
      • 1/2 grapefruit
    • Lunch on day 1 consists of:
      • 250 ml of black coffee or tea without sugar
      • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
      • 1/2 can of tuna
    • Dinner on day 1 consists of:
      • 85 grams of meat
      • 350 grams of green beans, steamed
      • 1/2 banana
      • 1 small apple
      • 250 ml vanilla ice cream (yeah, a dessert!)
    • Breakfast on day 2 consists of:
      • 1 egg, prepared the way you want
      • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
      • 1/2 banana
    • Lunch on day 2 consists of:
      • 1 hard-boiled egg
      • 250 ml Hüttenkäse
      • 20 grams of baked sweet potato
    • Dinner on day 2 consists of:
      • 2 sausages (not on a bun)
      • 350 grams of broccoli
      • 170 grams of carrot
      • 1/2 banana
      • 250 ml vanilla ice cream (another dessert, hooray!)
    • Breakfast on day 3 consists of:
      • 1 small apple
      • 1 slice of cheese
      • 20 grams of baked sweet potato
    • Lunch on day 3 consists of:
      • 1 egg, prepared the way you want
      • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
    • Dinner on day 3 consists of:
      • 340 grams of tuna
      • 1/2 banana
      • 250 ml vanilla ice cream (really, again!)
  2. Consider fasting for 3 days. There is evidence that if you just drink water for 3 days and eat less than 200 calories a day, you can boost your immune system and lose some weight quickly.
    • In this form of starvation, you deplete your energy reserves (in the form of glycogen), causing your body to recycle immune cells and then start producing new immune cells when you finish fasting.
    • Warning! Fasting can be dangerous, especially for the young and old, or if you have health problems. If you're seriously considering a three-day fast, talk to your doctor first.

Method 2 of 5: Get rid of moisture for short-term results

  1. Stop salt. Salt makes your body retain water, so if you eat less salt you can lose a little weight by getting rid of moisture.
    • Limit your daily salt intake to 1-1.5 grams. (The medically recommended limit for people under 50 is 2.3 grams.)
    • Do not eat canned or other ready-to-eat foods, such as sauces and dressings. These types of foods are usually loaded with salt as a preservative.
    • Do not eat cold cuts. There is also a lot of salt in it.
    • Add less salt when you cook.
    • Eat less cheese. Cheese contains a lot of salt.
  2. Drink. It is important to stay well hydrated.
    • Drink lots of water. It may seem contradictory, but if you drink a lot of water, you retain less moisture. Drinking about 3.5 liters of water a day will keep you well hydrated.
    • Put some lemon juice in the water. Lemon supports digestion and is diuretic, so you retain less moisture.
    • Have a second cup of coffee or tea. These drinks also act as a diuretic, causing your body to excrete more water.
  3. Get enough rest and sleep. In addition to salt, cortisol can also influence how much moisture you retain.
    • Make sure to keep your cortisol levels in check by sleeping 7-9 hours a night.
    • Exercise a little less for three days. By exercising you can increase your cortisol level a bit.
    • Relax with calming tea, soothing music, meditation and breathing exercises. As a result, you become relaxed and your cortisol levels go down.

Method 3 of 5: Counteract bloating

  1. Take a pill for bloating. although it not it is recommended to take urine or diet pills, you can take a remedy for bloating or flatulence to quickly look a little thinner.
  2. Try a magnesium supplement. If you don't have any stomach or intestinal complaints, you can take a magnesium supplement to cleanse your intestines.
  3. Do some abdominal stretches. This allows you to lengthen and relax your abs.
    • Lie on your back on the floor and pull your knees up all the way. In some cases, this position can also stimulate bowel function.
    • Also focus on good posture. Try to stand or sit upright and be careful not to walk bent or hold your stomach in. Then you get cramps.
  4. Make some adjustments to your diet. Paying attention to what you eat can help prevent bloating.
    • Do not eat beans as they are known to cause flatulence.
    • Eat smaller meals, eat slowly and spread them well throughout the day, then you will feel less bloated.
    • Eat low-salt protein shakes, yogurt, and soups instead of solid foods. Liquids are easier to digest and your stomach dilates less than solid foods. Toss some high-fiber fruit into your smoothie or yogurt to keep your bowels working properly.
    • Do not drink fizzy drinks or eat chewing gum. The bubbles in the soda can make you feel bloated, and when you chew gum you swallow a lot of air.

Method 4 of 5: Make better long-term choices

  1. Don't skip breakfast. This is really the most important meal of the day, even if you want to lose weight. Opt for lean proteins (such as eggs or low-fat yogurt) for breakfast to help boost your digestion, feel full longer and burn calories more easily for the rest of the day.
  2. Don't forget your vegetables. By eating fiber-rich fresh vegetables with your meals and in between meals, you can control hunger and eat less throughout the day.
  3. Drink lots of water. Swap drinks with sugar for tasty, pure water.
    • Drink 250 ml of water before each meal so that you are already full before you start eating. Water also stimulates and supports your digestion.
    • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
    • If you flavor water without adding sugar, with lemon juice, fresh mint leaves or cucumber, for example, it is easier to drink a lot.
  4. Avoid liquid calories. Drinks with a lot of calories are very dangerous because they give you a lot more calories than you think. Drink less juice with sugar, sweetened coffee and tea or alcohol.
  5. Eat less "problem foods". The main types of "problem foods" are hydrogenated fats, added sugars and starches. They quickly make up more than 800 of our daily calories, and we often eat them without realizing it!
    • Pay attention to labels and avoid products with hydrogenated fats, trans fats, and saturated fats, in addition to added sugars.
    • Cut fast food and processed grains (white bread, for example) from your diet, as they are often full of fats and unnecessary sugars.
    • If you eat less salt and starch, your body retains less moisture, which means that you will quickly become thinner.
  6. Limit your portions. It's not just about what you eat, but how much of it you eat. Try to cut your portions so that you eat fewer calories and follow these guidelines:
    • Eat 140-180 grams of lean proteins such as chicken, beans and fish.
    • Eat 140-220 grams of grains, at least half of which is whole grain.
    • Eat 270-360 grams of fruit
    • Eat 380-530 grams of vegetables
    • 700 ml of low-fat dairy
    • Eat not anymore than 5-7 tablespoons of oil (preferably vegetable)
    • Eat not anymore than 121 calories from hydrogenated fats or added sugars
  7. Eat smaller meals more often. Instead of a few large meals a day, it is better to divide your food into several small meals. This will keep your blood sugar level better and your digestion will continue. You also have less need to snack between meals.

Method 5 of 5: More exercise for long-term results

  1. Focus on cardio training. Cardio training such as running, swimming or aerobics burns a lot of calories, which is ideal if you want to lose weight quickly.
    • Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
    • Make sure that you already sweat during the warm-up, and keep your training intensive for an hour.
    • Also try to do interval training, alternating short, intensive periods with slower periods.
    • Try to do 70 minutes of cardio every day if you want to lose weight within 3 days.
  2. Train with weights. By doing light strength training you will build muscle and lose fat.
    • Muscles eat fat and calories, even when you're not moving.
    • Don't overdo it the first times you train with weights. You shouldn't hurt yourself. Start with some simple strength training.
  3. Try to burn as many calories as possible. If you burn 500 calories more daily than you eat, you will lose about 0.5 to 1 kilogram after a week. If you eat between 1000 and 1200 calories a day and exercise for an hour, you can lose between 1.5 and 2.5 kilos.


  • Throw tempting snacks and sweets out of your house. If it isn't there, you can't eat it!
  • Keep a food diary and write down everything you eat. Then you can discover patterns and see if you are eating things with a lot of hidden calories.
  • Eat from a smaller plate, then you also make your portion smaller.
  • When dining out, share your starter with your friend, or ask if you can take half of your main course home with you.
  • Eat more vitamin C and calcium. Both vitamin C and calcium burn fat, and research has shown that people with little vitamin C in their body burn less fat than people with normal levels. The minimum dose of vitamin C for women is 75 mg and 90 mg for men, but you can take as much as 400 mg per day without danger.
  • Vitamin C is found in strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes; and of course in vitamin C supplements. The recommended amount of calcium is 1000 mg per day for both men and women.
  • Calcium is found in dairy products and supplements. Other good sources of calcium are sardines, canned salmon, tofu, soy milk, white beans, watercress and broccoli.
  • It is also essential to eat enough protein if you want to lose weight (and if you want to gain muscle and stay healthy). Eating enough proteins will keep you full for longer, and because your body has to work harder to burn them, you will lose more calories. Swap high-carbohydrate snacks (such as chips and bread) for protein snacks (such as dried meat, nuts, or yogurt).
  • You can prevent dessert cravings by brushing your teeth right after dinner. Chances are that you will no longer feel like sweets afterwards.


  • Don't follow a starvation diet, focus on healthy lifestyle changes. Then you lose weight and the kilos also stay off.
  • Please refer to always your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise regimen.