How to deal with naughty children

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child
Video: 7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child


If you don't want your child to look like the character "Veruca Salt" from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," start fighting bad behavior immediately. Spanking and corporal punishment were still in vogue twenty years ago, but modern parents are trying to find a softer, kinder approach to combat stubbornness. Unfortunately, it’s beginning to seem like no method permanently perpetuates positive behavioral changes.

However, given that humans have raised children for quite a few centuries, there are proven and correct ways to transform a child from a tiny demon into a socialized human being, and this article has tips to help you deal with inappropriate behavior, whether it's your child or someone else's. ...


  1. 1 Use Murderous Gaze (stare intently, pouring out large amounts of hatred and anger). Otherwise known as the "Mother's Insight," the Murderous Gaze can be very effective if done properly. By and large, it is used in situations where a child throws a tantrum just from scratch. And it doesn't matter if he demands a new toy or is just naughty before bed - this method must be used to dramatically return the child to reality:
    • Grab the angry child firmly by the shoulders and gently lean him / her against the wall.
    • Make eye contact with your toddler and try to conjure up the look of "crazy eyes". The best way to achieve this effect is to think about the last person who cut your car, or that your computer is completely melted.
    • Maintain eye contact with your baby - don't back down and never turn away. If possible, don't even blink. This will make it clear to the child that you are going to act decisively.
    • There should be no emotion on the face, but keep the crazy look - it will look very intimidating.
    • After a while, slowly raise your eyebrow. This will reinforce the fact that you are angry, and another movement means ... death (of course, not in the literal sense of the word).
    • Maintain eye contact for as long as possible. Don't say a word or let your child speak - this is a non-verbal task.
    • When you feel that your baby's shoulders are relaxed and he / she is looking to the side, release the baby and slowly step back while maintaining eye contact.
    • Keep staring even after your gaze has softened.
  2. 2 Learn a fear-instilling technique known as the Clint Eastwood style of chilling children, which should not be used by inexperienced adults. Ideally, you should have already established yourself as a formidable person, but if not, you can still try to learn the intimidation method. This tactic includes several characteristics, including:
    • Walk slowly. If the child is "on their ears", do not jump up in a rage - this is what he or she expects from you. Instead, reincarnate as Dirty Harry, walk slowly towards the child using a murderous gaze.
    • Speak in a muffled tone.Does Dirty Harry scream shrilly? Here's another! He is scary because he speaks softly, just like a madman when he grinds his teeth. Choose your words carefully and speak in a low and commanding voice.
    • Catch the kid bluffing. If a child threatens to spill paint on the floor, do not give in to provocations. Most likely, the paint will remain in the can, but if he or she performs an act of total disobedience, we immediately use a murderous look and get the child to clean up the dirt.
    • Don't break your character. Children should think that you are a very, very bad person who will stop at nothing to restore law and order. An adult is relaxed and cheerful only with good children.
  3. 3 Become a scary military sergeant. Not to be confused with intimidation, the scary military sergeant has intimidating qualities, but also few skin wounds. The attractiveness of a military man is how you turn children from the path of disobedience. As a threat, you must have the qualities of a crazy, evil ancient man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants (or at least this is what the kids should think of you). Combine a distraught gaze with an unshakable pose and you have a scary military sergeant. If children start to fight back:
    • Speak imperatively hasty tasks in a monotonous, but at the same time loud voice. Get into the form of a drill sergeant by saying, “Did I tell you or not to pick up the toys? What did I say? I can not hear you!" Repeat the same command over and over in the same maddening voice until the child, desperate to stop it, runs off to carry out the task.
    • Complement starter lessons with housework. A busy child has fewer opportunities to be naughty. Find a few activities for the child or children and walk around the room with an intimidating look, imperiously repeating tasks and gazing at each child intently.
    • Make the military gesture "I am watching you" with your hand. Use two fingers (index and middle) to point to your eyes, then point to your child with your index finger. This means that you follow the child ... like a hawk.
    • Give push-ups for cocky responses. Nobody likes push-ups, especially kids. Plus, being physically active will tire them out, which will thankfully make the child or children less disobedient.
    • Threatening to tell the school principal or the police. Okay, maybe you're not going to tell anyone, but the danger of you reaching out to an authority figure drives many kids into hysterics. Choose someone in whom you are confident that he will make the child obey.
  4. 4 Look at the child sideways. The famous "sidelong gaze" is a great way to non-verbally express disapproval or general irritation. Unlike a murderous gaze, a sidelong gaze is when you turn your head in the opposite direction while gazing at someone. Often a sidelong glance is a call to a fight, but in the case of naughty children, you convey that they "can't even go there." To make it look more effective, make your face frown as much as possible, which says, “Oh my God! Are you going to run into ... "
  5. 5 UUse the Stop, Leave, Drive method. Older children who are naughty (9 years of age and older) do not just behave badly at home or in the store. There is a need to resolve the issue of driving in a car, as obnoxious behavior can create a dangerous situation.
    • Pull over to the side of the road and look at the children with silent murderous eyes. Children need to know that you have serious intentions, and getting off the road will certainly grab their attention. Do not return to the track until you are sure they will not misbehave anymore. If they start again, do the same.
    • Stop, leave, leave. Use this tactic only as a last resort, provided that you are in your area and during the day.Stop the car and order her or him to leave the car. Make sure the distance to your home is within 1.5 kilometers; just that you forced him or her to walk home is not only shocking, but also makes you wonder about the behavior that led you to resort to such a method. To be on the safe side, supervise your child secretly to make sure they return home safely.
  6. 6 Try to show that you don't care. Indifference is reasoning. A child who understands that no amount of hitting, whining, screaming or pulling by the hair will make you react will soon begin to change their tactics for the better. To do this, take a quick glance and make sure the child is safe and say something like, "When you stop being stupid / mean / impolite, then we will resume our conversation." Then walk away or turn your back. Grab a magazine or book, turn on the TV, or do your homework. Just do not let the capricious behavior for a second. A little indifference on your part will help the child understand that you will not succumb to provocations.
    • A variation of this theme is to show how ridiculous such manipulation seems to you. This method works with older children, it will not work with babies. Never directly insult a child or adolescent, but focus on behavior. For example, say, “Behavior like a raging elephant will not help you benefit here. Go and see how angry / sullen / domineering you seem from the outside; you will be surprised how it spoils your attractive appearance. " Then take an indifferent attitude and don't say anything else.
  7. 7 Lock the child outside. Often used by many tired mothers, locking a child in the front or back yard, where he is on his own, can solve all problems. The only condition under which this method is effective is a guaranteed clean and safe perimeter around the house, daytime and good weather outside. Light rain can add drama, so make sure the rain is shallow and not icy before locking him or her outside. These tips are for older children ONLY, use on toddlers can be potentially hazardous.
    • Make the attack a surprise. Don't say you’re going to take him or her out into the street if they don’t take their minds. Wait for the moment when you are already at the limit (and the path is clear) and then, without saying a word, firmly grasp them by the hand, bring them to the front door and push them out into the street. Do not forget to lock the door as the children will immediately try to return.
    • Consider how long you will keep the baby outside. You can wait until the screaming and crying stops. Then be patient for another half hour and unlock the door - but don't talk about it. Let him find out for himself.
  8. 8 Know that you are the mirror of behavior. This is especially important if you are a parent or guardian of a child. Your offspring observes, imitates, learns from what you do. And even if you are not going to part with bad habits or outbursts of anger, all this will be observed and analyzed by the child. If you cannot manage your irritability, are unable to control your temperament, or suffer from anxiety or depression, it is important to get help from professionals who can help you overcome your own problems. Once you are able to cope with your difficult behavior or blues, you will be better able to control childhood outbursts of rebelliousness. And don't worry - you can correct your own past mistakes in the eyes of your child by being honest, sincere, and actively involved in breaking bad habits. Just remember to be a good example.


  • If you are confronted with someone else's capricious child, avoid offers to be a nanny and do not invite to your home to play.
  • Remember that some methods are only used for your children and not others.Techniques such as the Scary Military Sergeant, Murderous and Squint Looks are good for general use.
  • However, if none of these techniques work on other children, check with the child's parents or stop inviting the child home altogether.
  • When a child asks you for an explanation, give him or her an old school answer. The phrase "Because I'm an adult" will be enough. There is no need for "reasoning" in the middle of a conflict.
  • Before raising your child, make sure he knows your rules and conditions as well as the consequences.
  • Naughty children get attention. Once your child has consistently followed your rules and met expectations, reward him.


  • Never hit or train him by force. This is especially important if the child is not yours.
  • Always check the safety of your surroundings when working with disobedient children. Either you lock your child outside the house or force him or her to walk as punishment for misbehaving while in the car, you must be present and aware of your surroundings to ensure safety.
  • You don't need to scare a naughty child very much.

What do you need

  • Disobedient child
  • This article is wikiHow;)