How to make a snag book

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Maintenance Log in Excel / Snag List / How To Make Snag List / Excel Hindi
Video: Maintenance Log in Excel / Snag List / How To Make Snag List / Excel Hindi


1 Choose a book, preferably a thick hardcover.
  • 2 Tear off the first few pages you want to leave for camouflage (plus one more) and secure them to the cover with cling film so they don't get dirty with glue. Pages separated in this way, with the exception of the last, cannot be cut. This will allow the book to look natural when opened and these pages will hide the stash area. ...
  • 3 Mix white emulsion adhesive with water. Bring the mixture to a consistency that is thin enough to glue the paper together, and at the same time so that the glue is easily absorbed into the pages without leaving obvious marks. This consistency usually corresponds to a solution consisting of 50% - 70% of glue and, accordingly, 50% - 30% of water. One book usually takes half a jar of 35mm film, but it all depends on the size and thickness of the book. Alternatively, you can try using a ready-made craft glue.
  • 4 Now that you have the top cover ready and the first few pages have been separated with cling film, use a paintbrush to cover the three end sides of the book with glue so that they are sufficiently saturated. The glue will hold the pages of the book together. Remember: after use, the brush must be carefully and immediately cleaned of the glue, otherwise it will harden and the brush will become unusable for step 9.
  • 5 Place the book under a press, which can be any heavy object. Let the book dry for fifteen to thirty minutes.
  • 6 Open the book on the first glued page. Draw margins 1.2 centimeters from the edges on all four sides of the first page (including the spine). Drill holes in each corner of the drawn rectangle to the depth you need for the cache. (This will make it much easier to cut the pages, as it is difficult to achieve even 90-degree corners with a knife.) The last glued pages must be left intact.
  • 7 It is necessary to cut along the inner line of the drawn rectangle with a straight-sharpened knife (a clerical knife with removable blades is ideal). Try to make the cuts as vertical as possible, or try to cut at an angle, gradually narrowing the window you cut out. If you use a ruler at the same time, then the matter can be greatly simplified. When cutting, it is recommended to press down on the book as hard as possible to cut multiple pages at once. It is advisable to use a metal ruler in this case.
  • 8 Continue to cut layer by layer. Do not rush at this stage, because the more carefully you implement it, the better and more beautiful the final product of your labor will be. Remove pages as you cut
  • 9 Apply a layer of glue with a brush to the inside of the cut and let it absorb well. The glue dries and becomes translucent, so there is no need to worry about some smudges that may form. While the mortar is drying, apply a second coat of glue to the outer ends of the book.
  • 10 Apply a thin layer of glue to the inner sides of the "frame". The entire page will stick directly to the frame when you close the book. ...
  • 11 Close the book again, this time removing the cling film from the first pages. Let the glue dry for 15-30 minutes. At this stage, the untouched top page will glue to the frame, as mentioned in the previous step. ...
  • 12 Cut out the saved page carefully around the edges of the rectangle so that the inside of the cache is visible. The inner surface of the cut box may still be damp because the book was closed during drying. Now is the time to dry the book completely open. ...
  • 13 Make sure the entire book is completely dry. Press down on it and see how the glued parts react, whether moisture appears on the end glued surfaces, and only after making sure everything is dry, place your secret items in the book, close the book and put it in a bookcase or put it on a shelf. Now only you will know that this book has a cache!
  • Tips

    • Use only hardcover books. If the cover is thin, then you can easily cut through it during the manufacturing process. However, if desired and with sufficient skills, it can be used to make a cache and a brochure.
    • Before starting work, estimate the size that will be formed as a result, so that it fits the item that you plan to hide.
    • Perhaps in the process of making this cache you will have a question: "Why did we leave the first page and pasted it at the very end?" This was done in order to hide those auxiliary lines that you drew at the very beginning, and also so that the inner surface dries evenly when you close it after gluing the "frame", since a snug fit is very important for the realistic end result.
    • Use a metal ruler (or a wooden ruler with a metal edged edge) to guide the knife. The illustration shows a plastic ruler, but a knife can easily cut plastic (or wood) and ruin both the inventory and the whole thing.
    • The Dremel tool is fast and capable of cutting 30-40 pages at a time, and sometimes its blade gets so hot that it burns the paper being cut, leaving smooth brown edges on the inside of the cache. (See warnings)
    • If the area you cut out is slightly smaller than you want it to be, you can grind down the edges with sandpaper or an abrasive bar. As a result, the edges will be somewhat shaggy, depending on the quality and weight of the paper.
    • Do not carry the cache book with you at all times. It will look at least suspicious when you regularly look at the book without reading it.
    • If you are using a paperback book, place a hard board that you cannot cut through between the cover and the last page.
    • Some public libraries donate unwanted old books from their archives for free to everyone. But try to avoid using books from your family's library to create a cache - it can easily turn out to be a valuable antique rarity that someone of your loved ones needs.
    • A special book press allows you to center and evenly distribute the load and make your cache structure more stable. It must be ensured that the press provides an even distribution of weight, and that the load is sufficient to glue the pages of the book at a microscopic level.


    • Burning paper often contains dioxins, which are potent carcinogens. Therefore, make sure that you work in a ventilated area, that you have the ability to use a fan or extractor hood.
    • Since the Dremel cuts fast enough, you could accidentally cut right through the book. Also note that it will burn pages and the smoke may smell bad depending on the type of paper the book is made of. The depth of cut is also limited by the radius of the cutting disc.
    • The use of cache books is “not” effective in relation to law enforcement agencies.
    • Old books are often heavily contaminated with numerous foreign substances in the dust. Dust particles can remain in books for years, trapping bacteria and harmful chemicals. Depending on your cutting method, this dust may appear in the air in varying amounts. Therefore, it is recommended to cut in a well ventilated area.It is recommended to use a HEPA vacuum cleaner with a filter, and most importantly, you must protect the respiratory system with a mask that can filter out such particles. In addition, safety goggles can be used to prevent dust and other small particles from entering the eyes that may appear when cutting. This is especially important if you are using electric tools like the Dremel. Dust tends to spread throughout a room, so make sure you close all doors to minimize the spread of such particles to other rooms.
    • When choosing a book, make sure that none of your friends and relatives will need it. Also, try to find out which of those who have access to your library might be interested in this book, as it will be very embarrassing if someone accidentally finds your cache.
    • Try adding a lock to the binding of the book. It can be a magnetic clasp, a button or a strap. Otherwise, it may spontaneously open and its contents will fall out of your cache!

    What do you need

    • Hardcover book
    • White emulsion adhesive
    • Tap water
    • Container for dissolving glue
    • Plastic cling film
    • Paper knife or cardboard cutter
    • Brush for applying glue solution
    • Rags for wiping glue
    • Pencil or pen
    • Ruler
    • Flat heavy object for making a book press
    • Smooth work surface
    • Drill with a small drill