How to lose weight in the thighs

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach & Thighs Without Very Much Exer... : Lose Weight by Eating Right
Video: How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach & Thighs Without Very Much Exer... : Lose Weight by Eating Right


Do you want to have shapely hips? Do you feel like you need to change your lifestyle a little and find a new source of inspiration? Slender hips don't magically appear, but with a little work on them, you will definitely see the results. Read on to find out how to lose weight in your thighs.


Method 1 of 3: Exercise

  1. 1 Start a pedometer. The pedometer counts how many steps you take each day. You can attach it to your thigh; today you can buy a pedometer that no one will notice, so there is no reason to refuse it.
    • Try taking 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day. This may sound like a huge number, but it is less than you think (5,000 steps is a little over 3 kilometers). Always find a reason to walk. Go up the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving. It takes a little practice to walk 10,000 steps a day, but it's worth it.
  2. 2 Try running up and down the steps in the stadium. Wake up your inner Rocky and start climbing and descending the stairs. Feel the burning sensation in the muscles and remember that there is no result without pain. Also try taking the stairs at home and at work instead of taking the elevator!
  3. 3 Try interval training. In interval training, you alternate short-term intense exercises with lighter, longer ones. For example, you can jog three laps and run the fourth lap at maximum speed. You will be exhausted, but that's the beauty of it.
    • Interval training has been scientifically proven to burn more calories and build endurance. Start by replacing a few routine workouts with interval workouts, gradually increasing the load. You will see results faster if you do them regularly.
  4. 4 Jump legs together - legs apart. Instead of just doing jumps, which may seem boring and not very effective to you, try doing them when you have already exhausted yourself with training. After you have run a couple of kilometers, swam 20 laps or dashed off on a bike so that your heart jumps out of your chest, stand up and do 20 of these jumps at full strength.This is a good way to make your workout really intense and you can feel it on your thighs.
  5. 5 Engage your inner thighs and abdominals in a scissor exercise. This is a great exercise you can do almost anywhere without special equipment. Lie on your back, hands under your buttocks, lift your legs into the air and begin to bring them together and spread them in short, quick movements. Remember that the toes should point away from you and that both feet should move. If you want to intensify your workout, place your arms at your sides, not under your buttocks.
    • To put more stress on your hips, spread your legs wide and quickly bring them together. It's like jumping legs together - legs apart, just lying on your back.
  6. 6 Dance to your favorite music or enroll in a dance class. It's a great way to have fun, and it's also a very effective workout because you won't even notice it. An additional plus of classes in the class: you will study for a certain time, and not just until you get bored.
  7. 7 Go in for sports. You may not be an athlete, but there is a sport for every person. So if you don't like basketball, take up tennis. If you don't like tennis, start playing football. The competitive spirit will help you to forget about the monotony of training and turn it into fun.
    • Team sports or group workouts can burn more calories than doing alone. If you play football for an hour, you will burn about 730 calories. If you do that same hour of hatha yoga at home, you will burn about 200 calories. This is a big difference!
  8. 8 Do lunges to tighten your muscles. Take a small dumbbell in each hand and lunges forward with one leg, so that the knee of the other is just a couple of centimeters from the floor. Take a step back to return to the starting position and repeat for the other leg.
    • Bodyweight exercises such as lunges are ideal for those looking to have healthy, toned muscles without bulking up.
  9. 9 Understand that you cannot lose weight in just one part of your body. There is a myth called "spot workout" that you can only lose weight in your thighs or any other part of your body. In fact, in order to lose weight in the thighs, one must lose weight in general.

Method 2 of 3: Nutrition

  1. 1 Consume fewer calories than you burn during the day. Do you want to lose weight? This is the only sure way to do it. Since 500 g contains 3,500 calories, you need to burn approximately 3,500 more calories than you consume in order to lose 500 g of weight.
    • Don't be intimidated by this number. 3,500 calories cannot be burned in one day. Try to lose 500 to 800 calories a day. This means you need to cut your calorie intake by 1,500-2,000 and burn 2,000-2,800 with exercise and vigorous activity.
    • Get in the habit of counting the calories you consume. Many people don't know how many calories they consume per day until they start writing them down. Create a list of the energy values ​​of the foods you eat throughout the day. This list will help you follow your weight loss plan.
  2. 2 Eat more in the morning and afternoon than in the evening. It is important to eat a balanced lunch in the morning to start the day. This will give your body all the energy it needs to carry out its daily functions. If you eat too much at night, it is harmful not because you slow down your metabolism, but because you are more likely to snack on something harmful.
    • Studies have shown that animals that eat exclusively at the "right" time cycles - when they are most active - lose weight faster than those that eat at the "bad" time (for humans it is night, for mice - day). If you eat late, then draw to gain weight.
  3. 3 Eat the right foods. To lose weight in general, as well as in thighs in particular, it is important to eat the right foods. Scientists and doctors recommend using these products:
    • Lean proteins: white poultry, soy and dairy products, fish, and so on.
    • Vegetables and legumes: spinach, kale, broccoli, carrots, peas, lentils, beans, and so on.
    • Fruits: citruses, bananas, apples, kiwi, pears and so on.
    • Whole Grains: Whole Grain Paste, Whole Grain Bread, and so on.
    • Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, and so on.
  4. 4 Give up junk food. Processed foods, foods with saturated or trans fats, and foods with a high glycemic index are best avoided. These are products such as:
    • Refined sugar: sweets, cakes, sugary drinks (soda), and so on.
    • Simple carbohydrates: pasta, white bread, and so on.
    • Saturated and trans fats: butter, lard, margarine, etc.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, keep your organs happy, and partly make your stomach think you're fuller than you really are. If you are really hungry, drink a glass of water before eating. You will feel fuller and will not eat as much as you planned. People often confuse feelings of hunger and thirst.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle

  1. 1 Reduce your stress levels. When stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. It can raise blood sugar levels and cause weight gain. If you live a very stressful life, try to get rid of at least some of the stressors.
    • Concentration activities such as tai chi or yoga can help relieve stress and are physical exercise at the same time.
  2. 2 Get enough sleep. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. How much you sleep can affect your hunger. If you sleep less than 6 hours at night or more than 9 hours at night, you may well be eating more.
  3. 3 Don't starve to lose weight faster. Oddly enough, fasting has a negative effect on weight loss. If you deprive your body of the necessary energy, it begins to store it in order to prepare for the period when there is not enough food. In other words, your body prepares for hibernation. Instead of burning fat, you can lose muscle and other dry tissue. This is not at all what is needed for real weight loss.


  • You will get the best results if you drink plenty of water.
  • Follow the recommendations every day.
  • Another good exercise for the legs: while lying on your back, raise your legs 2 cm from the floor, while they should be brought together, and hold them for as long as possible. You should feel a burning sensation in your thighs.
  • Stretch after a light workout to lengthen and slim your muscles.
  • Don't assume that if you eat something harmful, you can burn it later. Follow your plan.
  • Avoid skipping meals to help you lose weight faster. If you do not eat, you will gain even more.
  • Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Always stretch because you can stretch your muscles.
  • Everything has its time. Don't expect to see results in 2 days.


  • If your body hurts a little, then the exercise is working. If not, you need to try a little more.
  • If you experience severe pain during these exercises, stop immediately and see a doctor, or take a break and return to exercise after a while.
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