How to deal with hangover nausea

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Cure A Hangover
Video: How To Cure A Hangover


Waking up after a big party with alcohol can be tough, especially if you feel nauseous. However, don't worry! Eat a little and drink some fluids, take an over-the-counter pill, and, most importantly, get some rest. Very soon you will be on your feet. In the future, you should focus on preventing hangovers and drinking alcohol in moderation, but for now, just focus on making yourself feel better.


Method 1 of 3: Eating and Drinking to Relieve Nausea

  1. 1 Refresh yourself with toast or crackers. Food may be the last thing you want right now, but it is one of the best ways to relieve nausea. Try taking a bite of dry toast or regular crackers. Continue snacking until you feel good enough to eat a full meal.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration plays a significant role in the appearance of a hangover. If you want to relieve nausea and feel better, you need to restore your fluid levels. Drink fruit and vegetable juices or isotonic drinks to replenish electrolytes. As soon as your stomach begins to calm down, start drinking water in small sips.
    • Avoid sodas and other high sugar drinks.
  3. 3 Eat bananas. Chronic alcohol consumption depletes the body's potassium stores and this can affect hangovers. Try eating a banana or mixing it with almond milk for a smoothie.
  4. 4 Drink mint tea. Peppermint is great for relieving an upset stomach. Make yourself some mint tea and sip it. This is a great option because it helps restore fluid levels in the body while reducing stomach discomfort.
  5. 5 Drink a maximum of 1 cup of coffee. Coffee has long been considered a hangover cure, but this advice has been taken a bit erroneously. A cup of coffee can help you wake up and relieve the buzzing in your head, but on the other hand, coffee can aggravate an upset stomach. If you drink coffee daily, try to limit yourself to only 1 small cup. If you don't usually drink coffee, don't do it now.
    • If you are suffering from acid belching, do not drink coffee at all during a hangover. Caffeine can make the situation worse.
  6. 6 Try Pedialyte Electrolyte Powder for Mouth. Pedialyte is a product designed to help kids recover from dehydration, but it can be good for you as well. Pedialyte is also available in liquid form, but resorption of electrolyte powder is more likely to calm your stomach, helping you restore electrolyte levels. You can order this powder on the Internet, for example, here.

Method 2 of 3: Using drugs

  1. 1 Drink Alka-Seltzer if you have body aches. Alka-seltzer is composed of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), sodium bicarbonate and anhydrous citric acid. Aspirin is anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, while sodium bicarbonate and citric acid neutralize stomach acid. Place 2 tablets in a small glass of water and drink quickly.
  2. 2 Try bismuth subsalicylate if you have symptoms of severe poisoning. Bismuth subsalicylate ("Kaopectate") can treat nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion and indigestion. If there are several symptoms of poisoning, most likely bismuth subsalicylate is what you need.
    • Bismuth subsalicylate is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration and in the form of tablets.
    • Read package directions and follow dosing guidelines.
  3. 3 Take sodium citrate dihydrate if you want something without salicylate. Sodium citrate dihydrate (Zivox, Octanine F) is supplied in the form of a solution for infusion and in the form of tablets. Find out the exact dosage with your doctor.

Method 3 of 3: Relaxing

  1. 1 Take a shower. Sometimes a shower really helps you to recover. Try to take a quick shower, wash, and put on clean clothes. Removing the scents and smells of the previous night will help relieve stomach upset. Plus, showering is a great way to freshen up.
    • Do not run too hot water or stand in the shower for too long, otherwise nausea may worsen.
  2. 2 Get plenty of rest. It's good if you have time to sleep off. In addition to dehydration, a hangover can be caused by exhaustion. Try to fall asleep again or take a nap after lunch. If you can't sleep, lie down on the couch.
  3. 3 It takes time. While any of these methods can help you feel a little better, the truth is, the only cure for a hangover is time. Wait a few hours (or, in the worst case, all day) and you'll be back to normal again.