How to deal with a short stature complex

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pakistanis / Indians: Tall Germans se Insecure Feel Karte ho? | How to Overcome Short Height Complex
Video: Pakistanis / Indians: Tall Germans se Insecure Feel Karte ho? | How to Overcome Short Height Complex


Small stature can be due to various factors: perhaps you are still growing, or you have a disease that interferes with growth, or you are simply shorter and smaller than most of your peers. Whatever the reason, unfortunately, short stature sometimes causes shame and some problems, and sometimes becomes the cause of bullying from other people. However, all of this can be avoided. There may be nothing abnormal about short stature. In some situations, this can even be an advantage. To come to terms with your growth, learn to take advantage of its benefits and respond appropriately to negativity from others.


Method 1 of 4: Dealing with Negative Attitudes from Other People

  1. 1 Realize that your height is not an issue. People who worry about their own appearance or height often criticize or harass others, and this is how growth problems arise that are not really there.
    • If people treat you badly, it is possible that they have been mistreated as well. It may be that they do not have very good relations with peers or relatives. Or, perhaps, short stature seems unattractive to them due to the inconsistency with the standards of TV shows, films or photographs on the Internet.
    • Imagine that no one comments on your height or treats you badly because of it. Would you worry about growth in this case? Perhaps this will help you understand that the problem lies with other people, not your height. Do you like something about your small stature?
  2. 2 Learn to respond appropriately to those who hurt you because of your height. If you don't like comments about your height, talk about it, rather than silently accept criticism.
    • Try to react as calmly as possible to the words of those who oppress you. Do not call these people names and do not lose your temper, as such a reaction will only irritate them.
    • For example, if someone pats you on the head and comments on your height, ask the person to stop. If a person speaks negatively about your height, calmly answer him: "Actually, I like my height," or: "Actually, I am small due to illness, so you shouldn't make fun of me for that."
    • If you feel that you cannot answer because your safety will be at risk, or if someone threatens you with physical injury or otherwise, inform your parent, teacher, school psychologist, police officer or anyone else. whom you trust.
  3. 3 Seek help from others. Ask someone you trust for help if you are unable to stand up for yourself in front of those who offend you or allow themselves disrespectful words or actions because of your height. If someone physically harms you or threatens you, report it to the police as soon as possible.
    • If you are a child, talk to a parent, teacher, school counselor, or any other adult you trust and describe the situation.
    • If you are an adult, talk to a friend, mentor, psychologist, or HR manager if you have a problem with a coworker.
    • When talking to people, follow the example of a friend, a celebrity, or any other person you like and who is also short.
  4. 4 Move with confidence. To avoid negative comments, you should act in a way that makes people feel confident about you. Keep your head down and don't be afraid to take up space when walking, standing, or sitting.
    • Physical manifestations of self-confidence will visually add to your growth. If you look at the floor, feel depressed and afraid to take a seat, your shoulders and head will drop, and you will seem shorter.
    • Look people in the eye. Flip your socks towards the person you are talking to. Walk and speak slowly and clearly. All of these actions will let people know that you are confident in yourself.

Method 2 of 4: How to change body size

  1. 1 Follow your doctor's recommendations. If you are worried about not being able to grow and gain weight, or if you have a medical condition that interferes with growth and weight gain, see your doctor. Follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment, supplementation, and lifestyle.
    • Ask your doctor about possible nutritional deficiencies or other common health problems that can affect height and weight, especially if you have other unusual symptoms.
    • Always check with your doctor before changing your diet or training system to grow or gain weight.
  2. 2 Eat a balanced diet. Eat healthy, fresh foods regularly and in accordance with your health-related diet.
    • Calculate how many calories you usually eat per day and add 200-500 calories per day to start gaining weight if your dietitian approves of this plan. But don't add on the missing calories from junk food.
    • Get protein from meat, eggs, and nuts, complex carbs from rice, whole wheat and potatoes, and healthy fats from olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado.
    • Try to eat small meals five times a day or snack between meals to get enough calories.
  3. 3 Exercise to build muscle. Work out in the gym or at home. Sports can help you build muscle and health, and build muscle in a healthy way.
    • Before you start exercising, watch the fitness video and read the instructions for home equipment. Ask a trainer to show you how to do the exercises to avoid making mistakes with the machines.
    • If you decide to do strength training, do 8-10 exercises for different muscle groups for 8-12 repetitions. Do this at least twice a week initially.
    • Check with your doctor before starting new exercises. Remember, you don't need to exercise to achieve a specific goal or weight. Sport is good for general well-being and health.
  4. 4 Choose the right clothing. Wear items that fit well and have long, straight lines. Such styles will visually add height and emphasize your physique.
    • If you're a woman, go for flared pants, vertical stripes, and V-neck tops. They will visually lengthen the body.
    • Remember that heels will make you look and feel taller, but you should try to love yourself as tall as you are.
    • If you are a man, choose monochrome clothes and pants and shirts that fit your figure. V-neck pieces will also work.
    • Short women should pay attention to brands and models for miniature figures, and men will suit certain brands (for example, Peter Manning) that do not require an additional fit.

Method 3 of 4: How to Take Advantage of Being Small

  1. 1 Start doing gymnastics or wrestling. Find out if you can join a school or city team. There are many sports where short people have an advantage.
    • Try wrestling, boxing, martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, weightlifting, horse racing, or any other sport where being short is better.
    • Shorter people usually do well in these sports due to a lower center of gravity and / or greater mobility and speed.
  2. 2 Take advantage of the fact that you fit into small spaces. Take up small spaces for fun or as needed.
    • If you are short, it is easier for you to move in the crowd. In addition, other people may skip you ahead at a concert or other event if you cannot see anything due to tall people.
    • Take up small spaces and comfortably sit on planes, cars, and other vehicles where there is usually little personal space.
    • Play hide and seek and other games where it will be easier for you to hide compared to other players.
  3. 3 Stand out from the crowd. Treat your height as what sets you apart from other people. As you age, or as you become more integrated into a particular industry or group, you will begin to appreciate it more.
    • Consider height as your defining trait if you're an actor or actress, choreographer, or work in any other industry that places a premium on appearance. You can stand out from other people who do what you do and even build your personal brand based on your growth.
  4. 4 Save money by shopping for kids' clothes and taking advantage of special discounts. People of short stature can continue to enjoy the special facilities for children and into adulthood.
    • Buy clothes from children's departments. It will fit better and cost less.
    • Ask for discounts for children and teens at museums, cinemas and other venues with events. Because of your appearance, you can get a discount even if you are not the age to match.
  5. 5 Know the health benefits of being short. Studies have found that short stature has certain health benefits.
    • Shorter people have a lower risk of developing cancer. This is because their bodies have fewer cells and a lower need for energy.
    • Be aware that your risk of blood clots is two and a half times lower than that of taller, larger people, because your body has a shorter pathway for blood to travel.
    • Remember that you are more likely to live longer because the growth hormone is also involved in the aging process.

Method 4 of 4: Making Your Space Safe and Comfortable

  1. 1 Analyze the ergonomics of your workplaces. Many tables and chairs are designed for the height of the average person, and the ones you use may not suit you.
    • Choose a chair or chair that suits you. Ideally, you should be able to lower the chair so that your feet are on the floor. Pay attention to the depth of the chair. The back should rest against the backrest, and the knees should protrude beyond the seat. Adjust the armrests and lumbar bolsters for your height.
    • Adjust the height of the work chair to suit your height.
    • Make sure your feet are on the floor when you are sitting. If they do not reach the floor, or if you need to raise the chair higher so that it is convenient to work at the table, place a stand or any other object under your feet (a stack of paper, a box, an unnecessary book).
    • Adjust the height of your desk or other work surface. If the height is not adjustable, as is the case with kitchen surfaces, either work at a lower table (such as a dining table) or stand or sit higher. You can use an aerobics platform. It is stable and adjustable in height.
    • Adjust the height of your monitor or screen. Your eyes should be at the same height as the top of the screen, or at least the top quarter. Many modern monitors are height adjustable. If yours is not adjustable, mount the monitor on a wall or on a special stand.
    • Use a keyboard stand if required. This will lower the keyboard and position it at an angle that does not strain your wrists.
    • Try using a smaller mouse and keyboard if you have small hands. Pay attention to portable and travel devices.
  2. 2 Keep the items you use frequently in accessible places. Place these items on the lower shelves.
  3. 3 Reach out light objects above head level with a hook, pliers, or other device. Use a long-handled fixture if you need to wipe high places, hang garlands, or replace light bulbs.
  4. 4 Climb up carefully. Use stable chairs or ladders that are appropriate for your purpose. Keep a chair or ladder in a comfortable place and only on a flat, hard surface. Do not climb random objects, shelves, swivel chairs, or castors.