How to deal with seeing a girl you like with another guy

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Deal With Other Guys Hitting on the Same Girl as You During a Conversation
Video: How to Deal With Other Guys Hitting on the Same Girl as You During a Conversation


Seeing the girl you are in love with with someone else can be very difficult. It's even harder if you can't avoid meeting them at school. It is difficult to behave normally when this couple flickers in front of your eyes. You may be heartbroken or even hopeless. These are natural feelings. Fortunately, there are ways to make your life easier. And after a little time, you will most likely feel much better.


Method 1 of 3: Keep Calm

  1. 1 Breathe. It's not very pleasant to see your beloved with another guy, especially if you had no idea that she was already dating someone. You thought that you had a chance to strike up a relationship with her, but suddenly it turned out that this is not the case. At first, you are likely to panic or even get angry. And frustration is a normal reaction. You may find yourself breathing very quickly or holding your breath when you see them together. Unfortunately, this can only increase your anxiety.
    • Take a moment to focus on your breathing.
    • Breathe slowly and deeply. Close your eyes briefly if that helps.
    • Inhale for a count of five, and then exhale for a count of five as well.
  2. 2 Look away. The more you look at her with another guy, the more painful it will become in your soul. It won't be easy, but still force yourself to look away. Otherwise, you will likely become noticeably upset, which will make you feel even worse. If you stare at a girl, she will most likely notice and feel uncomfortable. If her boyfriend pays attention to this, he will probably get angry. You will feel better if you focus on something else.
    • Get out your textbook or notes and immerse yourself in reading.
    • Even if you're too upset to read, do your best to keep your eyes on the page.
    • If you're not in class, get your phone and text a friend or play a game.
  3. 3 Get out of the situation. This is not always possible, but if there is a chance, get up and leave the room. Try to do this as calmly and naturally as possible. Head towards the door at a normal pace. Find a quiet place to retreat. Chances are, your first thoughts will be extremely negative. You may be angry with yourself or think that you are not good enough. This is fine.
    • Try to send positive messages in the trail of every negative thought. For example, you might be thinking, “He is much more popular than me and is doing great sports. Of course, she likes him more than me. "
    • Try to immediately counter this judgment with a positive thought. For example: “But I'm also popular. I have many friends. I may not be an outstanding athlete, but I am great at other things. "
  4. 4 Find a friend to talk to. One of the best ways to deal with this situation is to immediately track down one of your friends and talk to them. This must be a person you trust and whom you can open up to. Tell him what happened, even if you're a little ashamed.
    • Chances are, your friend was in the same situation. As a rule, this happens to each of us at some point in our lives!
    • Talking to a friend will make you feel much better.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid Painful Situations

  1. 1 Unsubscribe from her on social media. This can be tricky because you will naturally want to see what she is doing. Unfortunately, her profiles are likely to have a lot of photos and posts of her and that guy. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram. But it is not necessary to remove her from friends on VK, as she will probably notice this, and your communication will become awkward. Better use the privacy settings in VK to block the appearance of her posts in your news feed.
    • It will be much more difficult for you to cope with the situation that has arisen if the girl is constantly present in your virtual life.
    • Following on social media will help you think less about her and you won't be obsessed with what she does.
  2. 2 Avoid places where she often spends time. Most likely, you know where she usually spends a lot of time, which means it will be easier for you to completely avoid these places. This is a temporary measure, and you should not think that because of the girl, the doors of these establishments are closed to you forever. But nevertheless, it will become easier for you if you bypass them for a certain period (at least for the first time).
    • “Out of sight, out of mind,” is an old, hackneyed proverb that can be very helpful if you’re trying to cope with falling in love.
    • It will be more difficult for you to forget about this situation if it is constantly in front of your eyes.
  3. 3 Load yourself up with chores. It's easy to isolate yourself from the world around you if you yearn for unhappy love. Probably, you will not have the desire to be near people, and the preferable option would seem to be loneliness within the walls of your own room. Try to focus on your studies or find a new hobby that makes you actively think about other things. Look for activities that involve getting out of the house and socializing with others.
    • You may need to put in a little extra effort to switch your thoughts from the beloved to something else, but you will succeed.
    • New hobbies and plans with friends will help you distract yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Move on

  1. 1 Get support. If this crush affects you too much or negatively, talk to your friends and family about it. Ask friends to distract you and change the subject when you talk about your beloved. Sometimes it is helpful to give your heart to a trusted person, such as a parent or sibling.
    • If you are embarrassed to talk to your parents or friends about your crush, consider discussing your feelings with a school or paid counselor.
    • Sometimes it's easier to open up to someone you don't see every day.
  2. 2 Find an outlet for your feelings. Many people find that keeping a journal in which they describe their feelings helps them better deal with negative situations. If you don't like writing, there are many other ways to express emotions. Try doing something creative like painting or music.
    • If physical activity helps you more, play sports or go for a walk often.
    • Try downloading your favorite songs to your iPod and turn on the treadmill.
    • Physical activity can help you distract yourself and also have a positive effect on your well-being.
  3. 3 Take care of yourself. Love experiences can cause many negative consequences. You may be having trouble sleeping. Sometimes people lose their appetite and start skipping meals. This is a normal reaction to sadness. Even if you don't feel like taking care of yourself, try not to run yourself out during this period.
    • Drink plenty of water and eat well. Sleep as much as possible.
    • Whenever the body is depleted, dealing with emotional problems becomes much more difficult. Maintain physical health to move on faster
  4. 4 Open up to new love. Try to connect with people with whom you have similar interests and hobbies. Not only will this distract you, but it will also provide a good opportunity to meet new love. For a short time, it may seem to you that your current beloved is the only girl in the world. You may think that you will never love another girl as much as you do her.
    • This is a normal feeling and it will pass. Remember there are other girls around!
    • You can be a little sad, but not immersed in mourning forever. Meeting a new person will help you get over falling in love and move on.
  5. 5 Develop resilience. Resilience is a quality that helps people move forward when faced with difficult situations. Try to develop resilience so that it is easier for you to forget everything and protect yourself in the future. Here are some steps you can take to build resilience:
    • develop positive outlooks for the future and for yourself;
    • set realistic goals;
    • know yourself.
  6. 6 Learn to deal with disappointment. As you move forward, it's important to understand that this is likely not the only time you experience frustration.However, you can develop the ability to cope with disappointments in order to be in all weapons in the future. To do this, you can:
    • Face disappointment. Instead of avoiding the situation, acknowledge the problem, find a solution, and learn from it.
    • Allow yourself to feel the emotions for a while. It's okay to be seething with emotion when you're upset. Above all, do not dwell on these feelings. Try to share your feelings with a friend or write about your feelings in a journal to take the burden off your soul.
    • Do something nice for yourself. When things don't go the way you want them to, it can be helpful to do something good for yourself, as if you were cheering on a friend who has lost heart. Buy yourself a new book, shoes, or outfit. Sign up for a massage or go to the movies. Or, simply allow yourself to spend the day doing whatever you want, like playing video games, watching movies, reading, or walking in the woods.