How to plan a European tour

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
2 Weeks in Europe | 5 Amazing Europe Travel Itinerary Ideas Perfect for 2 Weeks in Europe
Video: 2 Weeks in Europe | 5 Amazing Europe Travel Itinerary Ideas Perfect for 2 Weeks in Europe


Many people dream of going on a tour of Europe, but not everyone makes that dream come true. In fact, planning a Eurotrip is easier than it seems at first glance, especially given modern technology and the sheer number of travel guides.


  1. 1 Make the decision to take a trip and start saving money right away. The flight alone can cost a fairly large sum.
  2. 2 Get an international passport if you don't have one yet!
  3. 3 Decide where you want to go. This is the most difficult stage in planning. People usually don't have much time to travel, so identify the key spots right away. List the places you MUST see - cities, countries, landmarks, flea markets - whatever!
  4. 4 Determine the most reasonable route on the map. Using Google Maps, highlight the places you want and get directions.
  5. 5 Think about how much time you will spend in one place or another. This may vary depending on your budget, but you need to define a minimum number of days. For example, one day in Paris or Madrid will not be enough!
  6. 6 Choose your way of travel. Traditionally, trains and commuter trains that run throughout Europe have been the smartest option. You can get to small towns by bus. In addition, there are low cost airlines such as RyanAir, EasyJet and BMIbaby that make air travel more affordable. If you carefully study the websites of these companies, you can find many literally penny flights. Usually the price varies from 25 to 30 euros each way. But Eurail / Interail Pass trains can also be great for your trip. One of the advantages is that you pay in advance, which means one less problem on the trip. However, it is very important to study the policy of the national railway system of the country where you are going. For example, in Italy, most trains and commuter trains require a specific seat reservation. The price depends on the distance and other factors.
  7. 7 Plan your budget based on flight or train prices. Most prices can be found online. After that, start looking for hotels or other places to stay in the selected cities. You can either book a hotel or choose a more budget option - a hostel. Hostels are good! The main thing is to study the reviews and all the available information. Many hostels have a very friendly and sweet atmosphere. A night at a hostel usually costs 20 euros. You can also look for people willing to shelter you for a couple of days. Not only is it free, it gives you an amazing experience. The hosts can show you a different side of life, far from the tourist one.
  8. 8 Now that you've sketched your travel plan, buy your plane ticket! Check several sites before buying, it may be cheaper somewhere.
  9. 9 Search the internet for a list of things you need to know, or use the specifics of the place you are going to. If you take one backpack, your journey will be easier, since you will have to move around a lot. Remember that you can buy some items locally. Also make sure your backpack is comfortable to carry.
  10. 10 You are now ready to go! Make sure to collect all the necessary paperwork, money, and communications. Have a good trip!


  • If you are dealing with different languages, learn a few essential phrases or carry a pocket phrasebook with you. Especially if you are visiting places away from the main attractions.
  • Bring an extra battery or memory card for your camera. Make sure you can replace them. You can also ask an electronics store for help. On most trains, you will be able to find a power outlet next to the seat or by the toilet.
  • Learn the basic laws. The fact that you are a tourist does not absolve you of responsibility.
  • If you are traveling with someone, everyone should have their own list of places that he or she wants to see. Compare lists and find a compromise.
  • Whether you are a student or under the age of 26, you may receive a variety of discounts! Take your student ID card or international ISIC card with you.
  • Look for information about other people's experiences.


  • Remember, planning is necessary, but too much detail can ruin your trip. Make a list of the places you want to see, and the rest of the time just wander around and explore the unknown.
  • When you travel, you are the face of your country, as well as guests in a foreign country. Don't forget the courtesy rules!

What do you need

  • map
  • money
  • travel documents