How to plan your trip by car

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Regardless of your age or occupation, you should be outdoors from time to time. Traveling with friends or family can be a great way to get rid of the burden of everyday problems, relieve stress, forget about your troubles for a while, and keep fond memories of the trip. It is also one of the new stages of life for those who live in a country large enough to take on a truly exciting journey by car. At least one such trip in your life can be important before you can really get a feel for how your country is living. Here's how to rejuvenate your spirit as you hit the road.


Method 1 of 1: Your Road Trip

  1. 1 Decide what kind of people you would like to see on your trip next to you. These people should want to have fun and be ready for it. They should be prepared for problems (get stuck in the car for several hours), they should help to drive the car on some stretch of the road, share with you the hard work of the driver (with the obvious exception of children).
    • To get some ideas for yourself, read about how to take a road trip with your family or friends.
  2. 2 Get together one evening to discuss ideas for your trip. Lunch and shopping are the best options to do this, but a few cocktails are the best way to unwind. Planning your trip should be fun and make people want to participate. Do not get hung up on details or it will completely contradict the goal. It is enough to have a general idea of ​​the direction, know which places you want to visit, go to the desired site, so as not to return to the point of return.
    • There are many websites that can help you easily plan an approximate route and understand how long it will take, etc. Using this you can speed up the decision-making process.
  3. 3 You need to have an idea of ​​how long your trip should be and what places you want to see. The only thing you need to keep in mind is the return date. The fact that you are in Kazan when you should be in Kiev, etc. will not help the plan. Planning is essential to ensure that your trip gets you to the right place at the scheduled time! Also, if you are planning to visit specific locations, be sure to check opening times, special event dates, and hostel locations if you need them. If you are heading to a holiday or similar event, accommodation may be a problem, and if the holiday is popular you need to be prepared to sleep in your car or tent; at least one should not exclude such an option, but be ready for it.
  4. 4 Set a budget and stick to it. If you are short on cash, book a cheap hotel in advance and save on dining out. Also pack towels, blankets, sleeping bags, food, etc. This will allow you to cut costs if difficulties arise, or if you get to town too late for a decent dinner, etc. Some tips for packing your essentials are outlined in the following steps. You must have at least one emergency credit card (preferably one card per person), as well as small amounts of cash for cash payments (cheap accommodation, meals).
    • Plan ahead for your fuel costs.
    • If you are staying after a tough night, take a shower. You can find paid showers at campgrounds and caravan parks.
    • Stay in national and state parks, it can be paid, but not very expensive. Also use permanent campsites, check for long-term passes - it will be cheaper if you plan to stay there often.There are parks that will provide you with the best places for a fee, as well as hygiene products.
    • Avoid toll roads and stops in big cities and you will avoid having to pay for road use and parking. Take your new roadmap with you so you always know how to avoid tolls or where to find free parking.
    • For more information, read on How to Choose a Camping Site.
  5. 5 Check your car. The most important element in car travel is your car, which must be reliable, economical and safe. Before leaving, the car must undergo a technical inspection and be in working order. Spending most of your trip in the garage is not going to be fun, so save yourself the nightmare by checking the car before you travel. Some things you might want to look out for are wheel alignment, tire changes, fresh lubrication, windshield chipping, checking the grip and brakes, and general engine health. Once you are sure the car is in top shape, you have one less problem.
    • Check for a spare tire. And if you don't have it, take it along with the jack. If you still don't know how to change tires, ask the mechanic to show you how. Better to be a little awkward now than somewhere in the middle of the desert, where there is not a single person who could help you.
    • Check the connecting cables for starting the engine.
    • Make duplicate car keys and give out to everyone who drives the car. This will help if the doors are locked and will be more convenient when changing drivers. It will also help if you lose your keys, because someone will always have a spare!
    • Check the availability of insurance for your car and insurance when traveling abroad. Some companies may even provide you with free maps and navigation to your final destination.
    • If possible, choose the most fuel efficient vehicle possible.
    • Read on How to check your car before you travel for more information.
  6. 6 Pack your things. Contingency planning is important. Food, bedding, clothing, and water are all essentials that need to be collected to keep you feeling confident. Be sure to wear and bring comfortable clothes with you, as you will have to sit for a long time and you should not be hot or cramped.
    • Bring sleeping gear: at least one sleeping bag, one pillow and one blanket / quilt for each person. Add one or two canvas tarps for different purposes and a few kitchen / hand towels (or similar) for homemade curtains on your car windows in case you have to sleep in it at night.
    • Grab something to defuse (a soccer ball to play when you stop, a frisbee to leave, or a deck of cards to play in a café).
    • Bring paper towels, dishes, dishwashing clothes, storage and trash bags, and a supply of toilet paper. All of these items can help you save money and help you get out of a difficult situation.
    • Remember that you can travel in a rather deserted area, so you need to bring your essentials with you. Take 3-4 liters of water, 3-4 liters of fuel, 15-30 meters of tow rope, duct tape, first aid kit, flashlight (the kind that does not use batteries is good because you do not have to worry about batteries), insect spray , connecting cables, pocket knife, compass, umbrella and blankets. It is useful to have an electricity converter for charging a music center, laptop, cell phones, etc.
    • If you are planning to travel to another country, you will need a passport and a required visa. Check your passport expiration date.
  7. 7 Take care of your food. Try to choose healthy foods. Food is one of the most important aspects of the trip, especially if you intend to cross the country in two days. If you want to travel a long distance, you shouldn't stop too often to eat. If you're worried about your health, you also shouldn't eat on the go all the time. Eating poorly will make you sleepy and less focused, increasing your risk of accidents on the road. Pack foods that you might not want to eat, but you still need to take them. Snacks or nutritional bars are great choices. In addition to them, it is worth taking fresh fruits, cereals, nuts, seeds, mixes of dried fruits, etc. Bring condiments, pasta, instant rice, and camping grocery bags to prepare your meals. You can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat from local farmers and fishermen during your trip. Fresh groceries are great and buying them will be part of your on-the-go experience. When restocking food, it is important to consider dietary restrictions such as gluten intolerance, vegetarianism, etc. (if any). Roadside eateries don't always have food to eat if you're on a diet.
    • Find a good foldable cooler that won't take up more than one space. Buy ice packs or sealable bags that can be filled with ice. Do not put ice directly into the cooler, because you will be very upset if it melts and you have to buy more at every stop; always keep ice in a container. If you are staying overnight, you can freeze an ice pack in the bar fridge. But don't forget to pick it up from there.
    • You can always bake cookies, fry eggs, or cook other foods on your car engine, as long as you bring aluminum foil and condiments with you! To get started, read on how to cook food on a car engine.
    • Also read more on how to keep food fresh.
  8. 8 Take your map with you and / or use GPS. Always take regular paper maps or book maps with you, even if you have a GPS. With GPS, things can go wrong and you can get stuck on the road just because you relied on it alone.
  9. 9 Each person should have a CD with their favorite music. For example, some people like music that reminds of summer, others like music that was popular in high school, etc. To create a general mood, each person should bring into the car some objects that remind him of something pleasant, for example, candy, tiaras, cheap sunglasses, bows. It will be fun if you keep these details a secret until you hit the road.
  10. 10 Take care of your driving. Car travel is an amazing experience, try not to ruin it with dangerous driving or recklessness. Try to drive during cooler times of the day (less air conditioning and everyone will be less hot) and use cruise control to keep the speed constant. There are a number of tips to follow while driving:
    • Never over speed or overtake on blind corners / hills, no matter how confident you feel as a driver. A car or truck driving the other way has nothing to do with your confidence!
    • If you feel that you are tired of driving for a long time, listen to this feeling. If you overpower yourself and continue to drive, you are approaching a danger zone of sleepiness, poor reaction and speed of decision-making. Any drowsiness is worth listening to, finding the nearest halt, pulling over and resting for 20 minutes. During this time, you need to stretch, walk and, possibly, have a snack and drink.
    • Pay attention to the space required for large vehicles (trucks, SUVs, buses, etc.) as you overtake and overtake them, as well as leave them wide space when cornering. Remember, if you can't see their mirror, then they can't see you. Get around them quickly but safely, and do not cut too early when overtaking.
    • If you are driving at night, there should always be one sleeper and one awake person.
    • If you have to drive all night and everyone is tired, change each other in shifts, every 1 hour and 45 minutes. Everyone should sleep in cycles of 1.5 hours. An additional 15 minutes gives the person the opportunity to settle in and fall asleep. It will also be better if the next person to drive starts waking up a few minutes before you stop.
    • To stay awake, drink caffeine, eat crunchy foods (apples), open windows, turn on music (if others don't wake up from this), bite your lips, pinch yourself, or often move in a different lane. Read about how to stay awake while driving for more details.
  11. 11 If you decide to sleep in your car, choose the right location. This should be a well-lit place, away from traffic and pedestrians, where the car inspection will not knock on your windows.
    • The parking lot of a motel with no available rooms can be a good place to sleep, especially if you are really tired and tired of looking for a place to sleep. Parking lots are often well-lit and away from roads. However, be careful as you may run into thieves trying to break into the car, who will be very surprised to see you inside!
    • You can stay at a campsite or trailer park (charge), but stay in your vehicle. It won't be free, but you can save time and not set up a tent, especially if you're in a hurry.
    • You can stop at well-lit truck parking lots. Sleeping in such places is a common habit of many truck drivers.
  12. 12 When driving through major cities and towns, try to drive "against" busy traffic and not during rush hours. There is nothing more terrible than being in a traffic jam while traveling by car, especially when you are passing through an unfamiliar city in transit. Take an interest in traffic (traffic jams usually occur in the city center early in the morning, in the middle and at the end of the working day) and avoid problem sections of the road. Or transit outside rush hours.
    • If you are stuck, tired and feeling that you are losing strength, leave the road as soon as possible and wait it out. Use your free time as an opportunity to explore a new place, or have a coffee.
  13. 13 Wait for the right moment and enjoy driving! Once you have planned, checked, and you know what risks and problems you may accidentally face, it's time to hit the road. The ride will be as grand, amazing and memorable as you decide to make it, so don't get hung up on preconceived notions and unrealistic ideas. If along the way you come across interesting things that you did not expect to see at all, give in to a whim and discover something completely new. You will not regret discovering and exploring new aspects of life around you, you can meet the most incredible people on the road!
    • If you are in another part of the country, take the scenic route whenever possible. You may wonder how special and beautiful your country can be.
    • Be spontaneous. If you see a billboard for some insanely attractive store or crazy attraction, go there. Don't be held hostage to your schedule or route.
    • Wherever you go, make sure you get out into town and interact with the locals.
    • Do your best to avoid eating at chain restaurants.Local restaurants are much better 95% of the time and much more interesting 100% of the time. In addition, you will most likely meet some wonderful characters in local eateries and restaurants.
  14. 14 Overcome boredom. Remember that conversations are likely to be your main source of entertainment and you should schedule time for them. You will spend a lot of time in the car, and you will not always be entertained by conversations and landscapes outside the window. If you can read in your car, books and magazines could help you while away the time. If not, listen to music, watch DVD on your portable DVD player, pay attention to the shape of the clouds, count cars and play car games:
    • Game "Guess the license plate". You need to see the place of registration, the region and perhaps even the country. The winner is the person who has seen the most registration areas by the end of the trip. (It is a good idea to keep the notes on a laptop.) Or, vary using the letters of each license plate to form a phrase, for example "CBD" could be "cow without horns" and so on.
    • Scavenger hunt game. Ask someone to make a list of items that need to be seen within a given time frame. The first one to notice all the items on the list wins.
    • Game "Cows". Count cows or other objects that you see during a certain time of the trip. As soon as you reach the cemetery, you lose all your points and must start counting again. The winner is the one who has counted the most objects.
    • Game "Alphabet". Look for letters on your side of the road in signs, storefronts, transportation, and more. The winner is the one who collects the entire alphabet first.
    • Game "Narration". One person says the first sentence, the second continues his sentence with his sentence, and so on, until the first person's turn again comes. The crazier the story gets, the more you laugh!
    • For more ideas, check out which games are best to play in auto. And don't forget to sing in chorus!
  15. 15 Enjoy developing relationships as you travel. As you travel together, you will get to know each other more than ever. You and your companions will start arguing, falling in love, discovering deep and meaningful things about each other, etc., take the time to sort out your feelings and conversations with each other. It's part of a car ride to rally and learn more about each other, so don't ignore the conversations and don't let your feelings get out of hand. Stop and listen to each other.
    • Being in close proximity with certain people for a long time can lead to the fact that your friendship reaches the point of breaking. If so, it can be especially embarrassing if you have to drive 1000 km next to each other, so be sure to take "breaks" so as not to get on each other's nerves.
  16. 16 Keep a diary of your trip. Preserve your driving memories by documenting events digitally and in writing. At least take pictures! No matter where you are or what you are doing, if you don't, you will regret that there are no photos of your experiment left. In addition, try to write down at least a schematic of all the places in which you have been. If you have enough energy to write down your feelings, that will be great! All these memories will bring you back to this trip for years to come.
    • A digital camera is the best option for travel photography. Make sure you have plenty of fully charged batteries and enough space to store your photos. If the memory cards are full, the files can be thrown onto a CD in large supermarkets, pharmacies, anywhere. If you are on vacation with family or friends, just use their computer to copy to disk.
    • Don't skimp on photography.Shoot a lot and take at least a few shots of the same rock, monument, set or event!
    • Take pictures of bridges between states, border signs, motels where you slept, and you will have a funny story with interesting sights, etc.
    • Make a list of photographs that every traveler should take. For example, every day someone has to take a picture with a random family, take a picture of a garden, a monument, a church, etc. Photograph one person at the border of each province or state. While it may be gaudy, you are guaranteed to laugh, and these photos make the perfect keepsake.
    • Be sure to photograph your fellow travelers. And if you can record their daily or ongoing travel experiences, do so.


  • Take your mobile phone car charger with you.
  • When traveling with children and / or pets, collect all their equipment and take constant care. They need frequent stops, frequent feedings, constant good ventilation, entertainment, and reassurance. All this can be done, but the trip will be more "responsible"!
  • If you are planning to visit friends, do not forget to first ask (rather than assume) if they have a room for you, time and whether they are interested in you as a visitor. Be polite and make sure they have room for everyone. If they feel uncomfortable, let them know that this is not a problem and you will just stop by for coffee / dinner. If you need to stay somewhere for free, you can always visit
  • If you plan to stay in hotels or motels, please make a reservation in advance so that it will be yours. Use your mobile phone to locate your location and book a hotel room. Use time estimates on maps to let the hotel know your likely arrival time. The map will also help them know where you are at the moment, so they know that you may be arriving later than you were told.
  • Visit many interesting places and have a great time!
  • You should always have a tent in your trunk. She can always come in handy.
  • Rent a trailer if possible. This will be more convenient for storing food, sleeping and watching movies.
  • If you are going to work during your trip, look for seasonal work, check local employment newspapers, visit agencies that specialize in finding temporary jobs and helping people. Meet people, find out what is happening in a particular area, go to the local chamber of commerce where you could get a job, and visit resorts where you can also find some kind of temporary work.


  • Don't go too far from where you cannot return.
  • You do not need to keep driving if you are tired. Use hints in hints only to get to the next stop. Feel free to wake someone else up if you're tired! Short-term sleep (even if it only lasts 1 - 2 seconds) can lead to fatal accidents. Don't take risks.
  • Avoid taking strangers or hitchhikers into your car. This is dangerous and can end badly.
  • Not knowing where you will end up is important. Make sure you at least have a general idea of ​​how you will be getting home or you might find yourself in trouble.
  • Music choices can cause controversy among travelers if their tastes differ greatly. If you have a disagreement over the music, let the driver make a choice.
  • Beware of potential problems. Do not exaggerate anything, but do not forget about the possible dangers posed by animals and people who steal things from cars.
  • Don't tell your friends about any awkward moments that happened to them on the road.If you do, your friends will tell a story about you.
  • Observe traffic regulations / instructions when traveling outside the state. You need to be safe and still have fun, so wear your seat belts.

What do you need

  • Bags, clothes, shoes
  • Food and water, including snacks
  • Mobile phone

* Entertainment (music, games, books, writing materials)

  • Journal / diary and pen
  • Camera
  • Emergency stock for the vehicle (jack, spare wheel, safety triangle, etc.)
  • An emergency supply for you (medicines, a first aid kit, candles and warm clothing if you are traveling in winter, water (there is never too much water), etc.)
  • Bedding, pillows, neck pillows, window coverings, tarp
  • Budget, credit cards and cash
  • Maps, atlases, GPS
  • Sunglasses / Reading Glasses / Driving Glasses, Sunscreen, Headgear, Insect Spray, Antiseptic Wipes
  • Personal items (deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)