How to cheat on the test

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Best Ways To Cheat On A Test
Video: 10 Best Ways To Cheat On A Test


If you are not ready, lazy, or for some other reason cannot successfully write a test or pass an exam, you may decide to resort to a fallback: cheat. Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal.


  1. 1 Decide which type of cheating is best for you - a cheat sheet, cheating from a classmate, or the Hard to Prove method. (For more information on these methods, see the sections below.)
  2. 2 Don't get caught. Cheating only helps if you know how to do it. Here are some simple tips to avoid getting caught cheating:
    • Don't arouse suspicion. It is important to find a balance between how to best cheat answers and how not to explicitly. Therefore, do not spin too much. If you need to look around, never hold your gaze in one place for more than five or ten seconds. Look in different directions, then the teacher will not have suspicions, and he will not know where you are cheating from.
    • Don't swing too high.It's possible to blame it on the highest score if you work hard, but if everyone else gets low marks, you will draw attention to yourself. It's okay if you usually get good grades, but if the instructor knows you are a weak student, he can guess. Skip some questions on purpose - just enough to get a good result anyway. We advise you to first get a four and gradually increase your result until you get an five - remember to do this slowly.
    • Discard evidence. As soon as the test is over, ask to go to the bathroom (unless, of course, you have already) and flush or throw away any evidence of cheating. The longer you keep the cheat sheet with you, the more chances you will be caught because someone will sooner or later notice it.

Method 1 of 4: Cheat Sheets

  1. 1 First, gather the information you need. This includes formulas, keywords, terms, dates, definitions, names, conjugations, and so on.
  2. 2 Please write or print the information correctly. The font should be good, medium size (not too large, but not too small). You may want to write as much information as possible on a small piece of paper, but remember: if the font is too small, you will focus heavily on the cheat sheet, thereby risking attention. If you can print your cheat sheet, do so. If it is subsequently found, the teacher will not be able to determine that it is your handwriting.
  3. 3 Rewrite the words you want. This is most common on spelling tests. Rewrite the words from your spelling reference book correctly on a piece of paper. Then put it on your knee or tuck it into your sleeve. But doing this is very risky, so be careful.
  4. 4 Hide the sheet.
    • Try the Body Cheat Sheet method. Don't print your cheat sheet, just write it somewhere on your body. If you are a guy, it is better to do it on the forearm, if the girl - on the upper thigh. Both are fine, as you can wear a dress or long-sleeved shirt to hide the cheat sheet when you don't need it. The main thing is not to show that you have something written on your body. Write the words in a place that only you can see.
    • Try the Water Bottle Cheat Sheet method. Print your cheat sheet on a colored piece of paper that resembles a water bottle label. Then stick it on this label and rotate it so that only you can see it. Ideally, try to imitate the lettering on the label to avoid suspicion.
    • Try the "Cheat Sheet in a Folder" method. If you carry your study materials in a folder and it has a transparent pocket on the cover, insert the cheat sheet into that pocket. Place the folder on the table so that the edge of the cheat sheet is visible to you, but not to the teacher.
    • Try the Calculator Cheat Sheet method. This is suitable for those who write the math test, because only then can the calculator be used without arousing suspicion. Slide the formulas or terms sheet under the back of the calculator cover.
    • Try another way of using the calculator: If you have a graphing calculator, save the math formulas there. Then transfer the information to the archive so that you can use it, even if your teacher forces you to clear the RAM. During the test, unzip the information, and then clear the memory. If you do not know how to archive, look in the instructions for the calculator or on the Internet.
    • Try the "Cheat Sheet Elsewhere" method. Hide the cheat sheet where there is no indication that it is yours - for example, on a bulletin board in a classroom, in a school toilet, or on someone's chair.
    • Put on a long-sleeved shirt and tuck the cheat sheet up your sleeve. This is a very good way, as the teacher will not look up your sleeves.When the teacher is not looking at you, you can easily pull out the cheat sheet and then hide it back in the same way.

Method 2 of 4: Cheating on a Classmate

  1. 1 Try the "Peek at a Neighborhood" method. If you don't have regular seats in your class, sit behind a student who is good at writing tests (or bragging about being prepared or having a good knowledge of the subject). Move behind the desk to be to the right or left of him and see his desk diagonally. This way you can look over his shoulder and not move your head too much. Never sit down with the student in the center of the classroom or at the first desk, as the teacher may notice that you are cheating. Of course, you can also cheat on the one who sits next to you, if you are performing the same version of the task.
  2. 2 Try the Sign-in to an accomplice method. Agree with a classmate and develop a signaling system. This will double your knowledge of the subject because you will be working together signaling each other for answers. On tests, you can do the following:
    1. Agree on which hand or foot taps would represent options A, B, C, D, E and “wrong answer”. By choosing the signal for the "wrong answer", you will increase your chances of writing the test well by helping each other eliminate the wrong answer. Also, think of a beep to get the accomplice's attention without raising suspicion (for example, coughing or kicking).
    2. Cough first to get his attention.
    3. Use your fingers to point to the question number (for example, first 3, then 2 for question number 32).
    4. Wait for your accomplice to signal an answer to you (for example, if the answer is B, pulls your ear).
    5. If you don't know which of the two answers to choose, cough to give the question number, then signal the answer that seems correct to you.
    6. The accomplice can nod his head if the answer is correct. If the answer is wrong, he will give a signal "the answer is wrong" (for example, pull the hair into a ponytail).

Method 3 of 4: "Difficult to Prove"

  1. 1 Try to get a “teacher's book” for your textbook. If teachers use ready-made tests from the methodological manual for the training course, purchase your copy. Find the edition of this book on the Internet and buy it. Memorize the answers to the questions before the test. This method is good for subjects such as science (beginner level), a foreign language or history, because ready-made tests are often taken for them.
  2. 2 Try to get hold of an old copy of the test. This can be done by talking to a student in your grade or from another parallel grade who has already had this test. If you are confident that you will have the exact same test, learn all the answers.
  3. 3 Try the "Come back later" method. If you know that the teacher will let you finish the test later, don't finish it on purpose and ask if you can finish it on another day. Do not forget to remember the topics or questions, so you can find the answers to the test, which you will add later.
    • Say that you feel bad, go to the toilet near the end of the test and stay there until it ends or almost until the end of the test. Before using this method, make sure that the teacher will let you finish the work later, otherwise you can only make yourself worse if later it turns out that you cannot finish the work.
  4. 4 Try the "Bring Your Pencil" method. If you are submitting a paper and the teacher is not at the table, quickly take out a pencil and copy the answers from the test that is at the top of the pile.
    • Keep in mind that there are surveillance cameras in classrooms, and this method is very risky anyway.
  5. 5 Try the "Fake Mission" ("Bomb") method. If you know the format of the test in advance, write down (print) all the important points on a sheet that looks like a standard assignment sheet.
    • Observe formatting - number lines as if they were questions, don't forget page numbers and other details. Then make sure that the teacher does not notice you have an extra piece of paper.
    • If you are going to have a regular written test performed on simple sheets of paper and you know the questions for different options, you can write the answers on single sheets of paper, and then select the ones you want. However, the teacher must be able to see how you write, so you will have to be dexterous to swap out the sheets of paper that have been written down in advance.

Method 4 of 4: Try not write off

  1. 1 Try to remember important information at the last minute. If you fluently read your notes a few minutes before the test, you can do without cheating.
    • Try to memorize the key words for your essay. Typically, teachers pay attention to keywords or key messages; They are less interested in "water". If you know the topic or possible topics of the essay, learn four to five terms or important points that the teacher is likely to look for in your work. Instead of learning everything, you can succeed with less effort.
    • For exams and math tests, try to memorize the formulas. Knowing the formula can help more than taking the time to solve practical problems. If you have memorized the formulas well, then on the test you will only need to try to apply them to the problems.
    • For tests, try to group the information somehow. Instead of memorizing a list of words, try breaking it down into small, easy-to-remember lists. For example, to the world history test, if we are talking about the United States, instead of memorizing "Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Washington, Grant, Lincoln and Lee", break this list into "4 Founding Fathers: Franklin, Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton "And" 3 Civil War commanders: Lee, Lincoln, Grant. " Memorize them this way, and it will be easier for you to understand if you miss someone.
  2. 2 Next time, start preparing ahead of time. Create your own class schedule, taking into account other subjects and other school and extracurricular activities.


  • Never forget that the teacher is looking at you. No cheating method will help if the teacher is looking directly at you, while you are holding the notebook and frantically copying from them.
  • A classmate may complain to the teacher that you are cheating.
  • If it's a shared computer, you can delete your browser history.
  • See what the teacher does from time to time so you don't get caught cheating.
  • Cheating on each other is always better than cheat sheets, Hard to Prove methods are even better. The less evidence you are cheating, the better.
  • Don't brag about being cheated. You never know who can tell the teacher.
  • On some important tests, such as the UK school leaving exams or the Australian national school test, all test results may be invalidated if you are caught cheating. The worst punishment is a ban on taking exams for five years, which means that there will be no final exams or university.
  • There is always the possibility that you will be caught. Please, be careful.
  • If you are cheating from someone sitting next to you, bend over and lean on your arm while turning your head to the side to make sure it is not catchy.
  • Other students may suspect you of cheating and report it to the teacher.
  • If you are caught cheating, the consequences can be serious: not passing the test, suspension, and even expulsion. Many schools will even put a mark on your report card to indicate that you have violated the code of honor. Instead of looking for tips on how to cheat, try looking for tips on how to prepare for exams.
  • If you had to cheat because you didn’t have time to prepare, remember that it’s best to learn all the material after the test. You can have summary tests afterward, and the information learned can help.
  • In many professions, you will need the knowledge that you gained by studying the material, but not by writing it off. Remember, you cannot write off in the operating room when you are a surgeon and operate on a patient.