How to sleep with a sleep mask

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Manta Sleep Mask Review - Work for Side Sleepers? No Lights Gets In?
Video: Manta Sleep Mask Review - Work for Side Sleepers? No Lights Gets In?


Sleep mask is a great solution for those who have sleep problems related to increased sensitivity to light. Darkness is essential for healthy deep sleep. In the dark, a mechanism is triggered to release special chemicals in the brain (the hormone melatonin) that help a person fall asleep and get enough sleep. To prevent irritation and other troubles, you should choose a sleep mask carefully. To choose the right mask model, you need to consider the purpose of its use and the pose that you usually take in a dream. Once you choose the right mask, getting yourself into a comfortable sleep pattern is key to enjoying deep, healthy sleep.


Part 1 of 2: Choose a Sleep Mask

  1. 1 Choose a mask that blocks out excess light. If you are looking for a mask that will help you fall asleep at night in a relatively dark room, it is better to choose a mask of medium thickness, because at night it is almost dark in the room. If you are looking for a mask to sleep comfortably on the plane, car, or just in the middle of the day, it is better to choose a mask made from a denser material.
    • It is best to choose a mask in person - this way you can appreciate its physical qualities, which are very important when using it (level of blocking of light, fit, comfort, and so on). These qualities are very difficult to assess when choosing a mask online.
  2. 2 Choose a mask that best matches your favorite sleeping position. Masks usually have an elastic band that adjusts (or closes) the back or side of the head. If you usually sleep on your side, and the fastener on the mask is also on the side, you will most likely feel some discomfort trying to sleep. Therefore, when choosing a mask, you need to make sure that it closes or adjusts where your head rarely comes into contact with the pillow.
  3. 3 Choose the most comfortable material. Sleep masks are made from different fabrics: from natural (cotton or wool) to synthetic (polyester). Some sleep masks (usually more expensive models) are made of materials that may not be comfortable for everyone. Even mild irritation, tingling, or tickling on your face can make it very difficult to sleep. Therefore, it is important to try on a mask before purchasing, if possible.
  4. 4 Arrange it as you like. An irregularly shaped sleep mask that does not fit your face can be uncomfortable and allow light to pass through. So it's worth trying different brands and sizes until you find one that works best for you.
    • Adjust the mask so that it fits snugly on your head and does not slip around your face, but is not too tight or pressing on your eyes.
    • Pay close attention to how the mask sits on the nose. If it does not fit snugly against the nose, it is possible that it will transmit light through the gap that forms between the nose and the mask. Some masks are sold with special elastic "caps" that cover the nose area, preventing light from entering.
  5. 5 Consider additional options. Today there is a wide variety of sleep masks with additional options. For example, there are masks with comfortable gel eye liners, built-in earplugs to block out unwanted sounds, or plugs to block unpleasant odors. Explore what additional features a brand can provide, and decide if you need it.
    • Some newer models have some interesting built-in features like flashing lights to help you fall asleep or even lucid dreaming by helping you control your sleep.In fact, not much research has been done on the effectiveness of such devices, but it might be interesting to try.

Part 2 of 2: How to Sleep with a Sleep Mask

  1. 1 Put on the mask and position it comfortably. This should be done before going to bed or getting ready for bed. Trying to comfortably adjust the clasp of the mask right before bed can only be annoying (especially in the dark) and distract you from sleeping.
    • It is a good idea to have someone nearby to help you put on and adjust the mask, especially if it is difficult to fasten.
    • If you don't have a sleep mask with you, you can try covering your eyes with a pillow, blanket, or some piece of clothing. You can put your arm so that you get an impromptu sleep mask - just raise your elbow so that it is at eye level.
  2. 2 Put on the mask and lift it over your forehead. If the mask is on your forehead, it will be very easy to lower it over your eyes when you go to bed and are ready to fall asleep. Once you've positioned the mask and adjusted it, you can forget about it for a while and start preparing for bed.
  3. 3 Go to bed and try to relax. Spend some time in bed doing a relaxing activity (such as reading) before putting on a sleep mask to help you prepare for sleep. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, give yourself about an hour before bedtime for such a rest.
    • Avoid using electronic devices or watching TV before going to bed. The light emitted from the screens of electronic devices interferes with sleep.
    • It is best to relax in a dim light (for example, turn on a night light or desk lamp). This will help your eyes and brain relax and prepare for sleep. It is best to use a luminaire with a dim light of the blue spectrum, or adjust the illumination level with a dimmer.
    • If you're trying to fall asleep on an airplane or in another public place, it can be helpful to wear headphones or ear plugs to block out excess noise and completely relax.
  4. 4 Turn off the lights and lower the sleep mask over your eyes. After spending a little time getting ready for bed and relaxing, chances are, you will already feel a certain drowsiness and will be ready to close your eyes and fall asleep. Check if the mask is adjusted comfortably, then turn off the light and go to bed.
  5. 5 Concentrate on deep breathing and imagine something good. If you have troubled thoughts before bed, try your best to replace those thoughts with happy and beautiful images. Some people find it quite effective to count inhalation and exhalation, which, by the way, should be slow and deep. Relax and allow your mind to move from one positive thought to the next. You should be asleep very soon!
  6. 6 The best answer to insomnia is getting up. If you're in bed and can't sleep for 20 minutes or so, take off your sleep mask, turn on dim lights, and get out of bed. It is best to go to another room if possible. Spend some time reading, listening to relaxing music, or enjoying another relaxing activity. Once you're ready, go back to bed, put on and position your sleep mask, turn off the lights, and go to bed.
    • Before you turn on the light, be sure to remove or lift your sleep mask so that you don't bump or bump into anything.
    • If you are trying to fall asleep on a plane or train, where there is no way to get up and take a walk, just listen to calm, pleasant music or read a book.