Ways to restore tooth enamel

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Can Tooth Enamel Grow Back? (How To Prevent Enamel Erosion)
Video: Can Tooth Enamel Grow Back? (How To Prevent Enamel Erosion)


There are many ways to restore enamel, and not all of them require the use of oral care products. This wikiHow article will give you many helpful tips for restoring enamel.


Part 1 of 2: Restoring tooth enamel

  1. Know the cause of tooth enamel wear. There are many different causes of worn out enamel, including poor nutrition and several medical conditions. Understanding the causes of enamel wear will help prevent tooth decay.
    • Acidic drinks, including citrus juices and soda, can contribute to tooth enamel wear.
    • A diet high in carbohydrates and sugars can also lead to tooth enamel wear.
    • Medical conditions such as gastric acid reflux disease (GERD), dry mouth, genetic problems, poor saliva production and gastroesophageal problems can also cause tooth enamel to wear out.
    • Medicines such as aspirin and antihistamines can contribute to tooth enamel wear.
    • Mechanical factors such as natural wear, teeth grinding, friction, brushing too hard, brushing teeth at soft enamel.
    • Poor oral hygiene can cause tooth enamel wear.

  2. Identify signs of tooth enamel wear.
    • Your teeth are yellow. This is the result of the dentin exposed under worn enamel.
    • Extremely sensitive to heat and sweet foods and drinks.
    • Chipped and cracked teeth.
    • The surface of the tooth has dents or holes.
    • The stain is clearly visible on the tooth surface.

  3. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps fight acids and may even help reverse tooth decay at an early stage. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste can help restore enamel or prevent further loss of enamel.
    • You can buy fluoride toothpaste at most pharmacies or supermarkets.
    • Ask your dentist about fluoride use.Sometimes too much fluoride also leads to other problems, such as fluoridated tooth enamel, especially in children.
    • Your dentist can also prescribe stronger fluoride toothpastes than the ones you still buy without a prescription.

  4. Gargle with fluoride mouthwash. If you find that your fluoride toothpaste is too strong, you might consider using a fluoride mouthwash. This can help restore enamel or prevent further loss of enamel.
    • You can buy fluoride mouthwash at most pharmacies and some grocery stores.
    • Your dentist can prescribe a stronger mouthwash if the over-the-counter varieties don't work.
  5. Ask your dentist about fluoride therapy. The best use of fluoride is done by a dentist by applying a layer of fluoride to the teeth or wearing a fluoride tray. Your dentist can also prescribe fluoride gel for you to use at home. This therapy can help protect teeth from further loss of enamel, prevent cavities and improve oral health.
    • Fluoride therapy can help strengthen the enamel, prolong the life of fillings and restorative materials.
  6. Add minerals to your teeth in a natural way. Incorporate regular mineral supplements into your dental care routine. This can help restore enamel and repair damaged teeth.
    • Eat good fats, including fermented butter and coconut oil, to replenish your teeth with minerals and help restore enamel. Bone broth is also a good option.
    • Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements can help restore tooth enamel.
    • Adding 120 ml of coconut oil to your daily diet can help restore tooth enamel.
  7. Check with your dentist about restorative therapies. If home remedies aren't working, you can consult with your dentist about other options. The dentist's recommended options will depend on the degree of wear and the condition of the cavities in your teeth, which may include crowning treatments, fillings or porcelain crowns.
  8. Crowns for tooth decay and loss of enamel. Crowns can cover the teeth and restore the teeth to their original shape. Crowns are designed to fit the original tooth and can help prevent cavities and loss of enamel.
    • The dentist drills the decayed tooth and enamel, and then scans the outer crown.
    • Crowns can be made of gold, porcelain or resin.
  9. Use a ceramic backing. Porcelain tiles, also called onlays and inlays, are glued to the front of the teeth. Porcelain tiles cover worn, cracked, broken or chipped teeth and help prevent tooth enamel wear.
  10. Restores worn teeth with fillings. Filling can repair the holes that contribute to enamel wear. This therapy can help prevent damage to tooth enamel and improve overall oral health.
    • Fillings made of amalgam or composite with the same color as the tooth color, gold or silver, are designed to smooth the tooth surface and reduce tooth sensitivity.
  11. Consider a sealant preventive filling. A dental sealant covering the cavities in the molars and premolars can help protect the teeth from decay. You can visit your dentist with a sealant coating on your molars to protect them from acid and wear for up to 10 years.
  12. Complete the recovery process. You may have to return to the dentist's office many times to complete the enamel restoration procedure. Follow your dentist's instructions for treatment, maintenance and good oral hygiene. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Maintaining oral hygiene

  1. Brush your teeth and floss every day, after meals. Daily brushing and flossing after eating helps to maintain the oral health, dental restorations and gums. A clean environment can help prevent tooth enamel wear and ugly stains.
    • Brush your teeth and floss after meals, if possible. If food gets stuck in the teeth, it creates a harmful environment for the enamel. Chewing a gum stick can also help if you don't have a toothbrush on hand.
  2. Limit foods and beverages that contain sugar and acids. Foods and drinks that contain sugars and acids can contribute to tooth enamel erosion, and limiting these can improve dental health. Brushing your teeth after eating these foods can help prevent tooth enamel wear.
    • Eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes protein, fruits, vegetables and beans can help you maintain overall health, including dental health.
    • Certain healthy foods also contain acids, including citrus fruits. Continue to eat these foods, but limit the amount and consider brushing your teeth after eating.
    • Some foods and drinks to avoid are soft drinks, sweets, sweets and wine.
  3. Avoid using mouthwash and toothpaste containing alcohol. Alcohol-based mouthwashes and toothpastes can reduce the strength of the enamel and even stain the enamel. Use non-alcoholic toothpaste or mouthwash to avoid these problems.
    • You can buy non-alcoholic toothpaste and mouthwash at most supermarkets, pharmacies, and online retailers.
  4. Use tap water for drinking instead of bottled water. Most tap water in Vietnam has been fluoridated to reduce tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel. Except for specially bottled waters that claim to contain fluoride, distillation, filtration and reverse osmosis have removed naturally occurring fluoride in the water. In fact, increased consumption of bottled water may be related to recurrent cavities in children. By taking the bottle of drinking water handy instead of tap water, you may have contributed to the loss of enamel layer.
    • In addition, many bottled water contain acids that are harmful to teeth.
    • You can contact the manufacturer of the bottled water you use often to find out if their products contain fluoride.
  5. Don't clench your teeth. Crushing can damage teeth and enamel. You should ask your dentist about using a mouth guard if you have teeth grinding.
    • Crushing wears off the restorative materials and can cause tooth sensitivity and damage, including fracture and chipping.
    • Nail biting, bottle opening or holding on to objects are also bad habits. Try to quit these habits so you don't damage your teeth and fillings.
  6. Visit the dentist for regular checkups and cleaning. Regular dental check-ups and cleaning are part of your oral health care. Visit the dentist at least twice a year or more if you have problems with your teeth or enamel.
  7. Chew sugar-free gum. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which can help prevent tooth decay. Xyliton has been shown to inhibit bacterial activity and reduce tooth decay, so consider buying gum that contains xyliton. advertisement


  • Brush your teeth and floss twice a day. Prevention is always better than cure.
  • Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking acidic beverages like wine can weaken tooth enamel. However, you should wait half an hour before brushing your teeth.
  • Try to brush your teeth after meals to prevent plaque build-up. If you can't, you can try chewing sugar-free gum or using a mouthwash.


  • Always consult your dentist or doctor before making any changes to your diet or oral care.