How to create a fictional boyfriend or girlfriend

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create a Fake Boyfriend or Girlfriend - A wikiHow Article
Video: How to Create a Fake Boyfriend or Girlfriend - A wikiHow Article


Sometimes we need a fictional relationship so that others do not think that we are so alone.Plus, it's a good way to divert the attention of others from your unconventional relationships that you have to hide (for example, gay relationships in a conservative culture). However, mimicking a relationship is not easy. To do this, you will have to fulfill some obligations, almost like in a real relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Come up with a partner

  1. 1 Choose a name and age for your partner. This is the best place to start coming up with a boyfriend. When fantasizing about a fictional guy, it is important to immediately consider all the details of his image. Pick some name that is not too simple, but also not too complicated.
    • A good way to come up with a name for your fictional boyfriend is to choose a common last name and an unusual first name (or vice versa). For example, Vanya Ivanov is too simple, and Vseslav Kosnadchuk is too unusual. But if rearranged a little, it sounds better: Vseslav Ivanov or Vanya Kosnadchuk.
    • As for age - everything is within your imagination. Age should be appropriate for the stories you will be telling about your boyfriend. For example, it may be an older guy who often leaves for another city on business trips or on business.
  2. 2 Come up with a biography. You need to think about some details about your boyfriend. For example, you need to choose his profession, hometown, college or institute where he studied, school - all this will not hurt. However, everything should sound pretty standard. There is no need to come up with complex, confusing stories and names in which you yourself can be mistaken.
    • Your fictions can be based on real facts that concern your friend, so that they sound more believable.
    • Just change some details. If you assign a biography and interests of your acquaintance to a fictional guy, you will quickly be brought to clean water on social networks.
  3. 3 Think about his personality. When inventing a guy for yourself, you need to decide what type of personality he will have. This is so that your messages with him look believable. For example, he can be open and sweet, or he can be reserved and nerdy.
    • The best way to come up with a personality for your boyfriend is to decide what personality traits your dream boyfriend would have.
    • Another way to come up with personality traits is to remember one of your favorite characters (from a book, movie, or TV series). Think about what character traits make him unique. Give these personality traits to your fictional boyfriend.
    • Don't forget to come up with the bad sides of your fictional boyfriend, his interests and dislikes. For example, decide that he likes and does not like to eat, watch, or read. This way, you will add some details to his biography and interests.
    • These details must be remembered so that you can refer to them as needed.
  4. 4 Choose a photo for him. It's important to find a fake photo for your fictional boyfriend (especially on social media). The photo complements the image of a fictional guy.
    • Finding the right photo is not easy. You need to choose a photo that looks not too trivial, but also not too original. In addition, in no case should you take photos of your friends and acquaintances, because they can easily find you and your fictional boyfriend on the network, if you do not agree with them in advance.
    • You can find common non-copyrighted pictures on the internet and use them as a photo for your fictional boyfriend. Plus, if you want to make your boyfriend's profile more real, you need to pick up a few photos and pictures.
    • If you are very ambitious and you have the opportunity, you can pay someone to take a photo with you. Find sites where people exchange requests. When meeting with a person who agreed to take a photo with you, be sure to take a friend with you (for safety and a variety of photos) and make an appointment in a public place.
  5. 5 You shouldn't make yourself up too “perfect” image of a guy. Remember that each person has their own flaws. If you're going to pretend you're dating a supermodel with the perfect character, you might not be believed. Your fictional boyfriend's appearance should be average, as should his personality. So don't forget to come up with some flaws as well as likes and dislikes.

Part 2 of 3: Create his social media profile

  1. 1 Start with email. Almost all social networks require an email address when registering. So choose on which platform to create your fictional boyfriend an email and register an account for your boyfriend.
    • Choose a username or name for the guy, enter your date of birth and some other personal information, come up with a password.
    • If you can't come up with a plausible email address, use a real name as the basis, such as "Vseslavpresident" or "Merryweater333".
  2. 2 Create a social media profile. To create a normal profile, you need to enter basic information (email address, username, name and date of birth). In addition, you can fill out the "about yourself" section and write down some interests you have invented.
    • Complete your profile with personal information, interests and dislikes, photos and biographical information.
    • Register an account for a fictional guy on a couple of social networks. If you register it everywhere, you simply won't have time to keep track of all of its pages.
    • Be aware that some social media platforms have anti-fake page programs. If you are not creating a fake page for illegal purposes (to launder money and blackmail), you should not be in trouble. However, administrators can delete the account if they think it is fake.
  3. 3 Please refresh the page regularly. Sometimes write comments to friends and leave messages and reposts on the wall. Remember that the messages should be appropriate for his personality, but be fairly standard. The fact is that people have a lot of different posts on social networks: from bragging about a new job and news about the death / birth of a loved one to photographs of food, films, and so on.
    • For example, you can leave the following entry: “Finally got my dream job! Soon I'll start working on ... "and for a change, you can leave the following entry:" I definitely recommend this restaurant. Yesterday I ordered there…. Incredible yummy! "
    • If you do decide to pay someone to portray the role of your boyfriend, it will not be difficult for you to regularly upload new photos and leave new entries on the page. After a couple of months, recruit the person again and choose places in the city where you can take pictures.
    • If you are photographing yourself, remember to wear different clothes in the photographs and use your photography skills to change some of the details in your appearance.
    • Be sure to add friends to the fictional guy's page, otherwise it will look suspicious.
  4. 4 Set up private access to this page. Make the photos and posts on the wall visible only to those users who have your fictional boyfriend as a friend. Thus, any random user who stumbles upon this profile will not see the information and photos, so they will not notice anything suspicious.
    • In most social networks, you can change your privacy settings in such a way as to independently choose which of the users has full access to the profile. Although, on some social networks, all users have access to your records and photos.
    • To choose which of the users will have access to your information, go to "privacy settings". Or find the "privacy" section in the settings. Here you can change the settings and choose which users can see your profile information.
  5. 5 Use this account. Once you create an account and complete your profile, proceed with your fictional relationship. Basically, you create the foundation for this relationship with your social media profile.
    • Change “marital status” in your profile to “have a friend”.
    • Leave comments on his page from your profile and go to his profile to leave a message on your page.
    • Leave funny pictures and GIFs on the walls.

Part 3 of 3: Create fictional buddies for your boyfriend

  1. 1 So, the guy should be as realistic as possible. The most important thing in this fictional relationship is to talk about a guy like a real person. You can accidentally mention how your last date went, talk about his work or business trip.
    • For example, you might say, “Oh, my boyfriend and I had such a great weekend! We went to the premiere of the new film, have you already watched it? "
    • Another way to mention a fictional boyfriend is, “My boyfriend is leaving town this weekend. He's got a blockage at work now. "
    • Don't forget the ups and downs. For example, today you may be in a good mood, because the guy allegedly gave you flowers, and the next week you may be gloomy and unhappy about the fact that you had a fight.
    • Describe it. Don't be afraid to downgrade his image to make it appear more realistic.
  2. 2 Be prepared to answer questions. If you're talking about a new boyfriend, many people you know will start asking questions. Be prepared to respond calmly to them.
    • For example, be prepared to answer the following questions: "Have you been dating for a long time?" or "What does he look like?"
    • If you are faced with a question you cannot answer, try changing the subject. You can say, "Enough about me already, how about you?"
  3. 3 Ask a friend to help you. If you want to pretend you're texting a guy, ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to send you cute messages. Change her name in the phone book to your fictitious boyfriend when you need her to correspond with you on his behalf.
    • You can even tweak the phone conversations, but in this case, you need to ask a friend to play along with you, because a man's voice should be heard on the phone in case someone wants to overhear you.
    • This should be normal conversation. For example, you can chat for 5 minutes, discuss weekend plans, or decide together where to dine.
  4. 4 Try downloading dedicated apps. You can use these applications online, make a request for a service that sends voice messages or even postcards. Of course, these services are paid, but it will help make your fictional relationship more believable.
    • In addition, you can configure the application settings so that messages come to you spontaneously. As soon as you hear a signal on your phone, say, “Oh, a guy is texting me. Sorry, I will answer very quickly! "
    • Such applications are available for IPhone and Android smartphones.


  • Keep in mind that a fictional relationship will greatly diminish your chances of having a real relationship. If someone wants to ask you out on a date, chances are they will change their mind when they find out that you are already busy.
  • Try not to run things too far, because the longer your fictional relationship lasts, the more likely you are to screw up on something.

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