How to Create Manga Comics

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
[HOW TO MAKE MANGA Pt.1] - 6 Tips to Get You Started!
Video: [HOW TO MAKE MANGA Pt.1] - 6 Tips to Get You Started!


Have you always wanted to understand how to learn how to create manga? In this case, this article will help you understand the basic principles of creation.


  1. 1 Come up with a storyline that interests you. It can be romance, adventure, comedy, or a mixture of all of the above.
  2. 2 Try to write the entire text first and only then start drawing, so that if you don't like something in the plot, you don't have to redraw it all over again.
  3. 3 Make sure you know the purpose of the story. This is always a weak point when making a comic.
  4. 4 Control the development of events and the motives of the heroes' actions. If you don't create a good motivational base for your characters, then your plot may lose integrity and your reader will get lost in the interweaving.
  5. 5 Once you've decided on the plot, try to fit the whole idea of ​​your comic into one sentence. For example, if you analyze the Death Diary manga, you get something like: "The cursed notebook helps a young man to kill the crime bosses of this world, while a private detective is hunting him." If you can do that, then writing a story will be a breeze for you.
  6. 6 Make sure you know exactly where the events will unfold and that you can describe the location clearly enough. If your place is fictitious, then come up with for yourself what could be around this place and what happens at the place itself. If this is a real place like Japan, then Wikipedia will help you in determining the details of the characteristics. Use this information when creating your manga.
  7. 7 Come up with multiple characters to populate your fantasy world. Create good and bad characters, define them as good and bad, describe their story. Remember that all heroes must be 3-D, not 2-D. What does it mean?! Make your heroes unpredictable and unique. Are they unnecessarily clumsy, have weird hairstyles, or an unusual look? It all depends entirely on you. Remember that it is your heroes who create your story. Every story has at least one main character, and one person or thing who opposes them, as well as supporting actors. Give everyone different guises so that you can tell them apart at a glance. This can be especially useful if you are not good at drawing. Creating characters is really challenging, but challenging your creativity and can be a lot of fun!
  8. 8 Try to practice drawing your characters interacting with each other before starting the actual manga. If you are not very good at drawing, then try to find someone who could translate your ideas on paper. YOU can write a story and someone else can draw it. Many comics were created in this way, for example the same "Death Diary". But your product will be really good if you find a decent artist. And try not to change the plot when it starts to be drawn by the artist, otherwise it can lead to large delays in the work and even to a possible disruption of the deadline, if at the end of the work it turns out that everything needs to be redrawn. You don't need extra problems, do you?
  9. 9 If you are having trouble, try looking for a manga drawing guide. Many people use other manga examples as guidance on how to create them. It is also very important to think over everything well and draw someone else's manga as an experience, so to speak, get your hands on before starting the work itself. The only thing is that you should exclude copying someone else's manga. Otherwise it will be plagiarism.


  • Think about the plot in your spare time.
  • Sketch first, then move on to final materials and complete drawing, you will see a huge difference in the result.
  • Let your imagination run wild as you create new characters or keep describing old ones. Try to make them as different from each other as possible, so that you can distinguish them in the first place. They should have different habits, looks, abilities - in general, they should be different types of personalities. Do not forget that they should have not only strength and positive sides, but also some flaws. Heroes who are perfect are unrealistic, as are villains who are too one-sided and lack any positive qualities. If you want to make your manga even better, then try to make sure that the characters have an equal number of positive and negative qualities.
  • Manga has many genres, the most popular of which is Shoujo (usually related to romance and its main audience is teenage girls) and Senen (mainly specializing in fighting, action and its main audience is mainly teenage boys) ... There are also other popular genres such as sci-fi, horror, etc. You can create manga exclusively in one genre, or mix them and create something completely new.
  • Change the background on each page otherwise the reader may get bored.
  • Enjoy the creation process!
  • In classic manga, all dialogue is read from right to left. However, this point is ignored in the English-speaking version. Therefore, you can also be free to choose the direction of the text.
  • Read some guides on how to create manga. They can help you determine the direction and develop your artistic skills or even come up with plot and characters. For example, you can find in the English version of Christopher Hart's book "Manga Mania" and Hikaru Hayashi's "Ultimate Manga Lessons".


  • Don't copy someone else's work! You don't want to get caught plagiarizing.
  • Be respectful of those who don't like your work. Perhaps this is a signal to go back to the drawing board, or perhaps it's just tastes, which, as they say, do not argue about. Harry Potter and Twilight was also rejected by 10 publishers, but look how popular they are now.