How to combine parenting and university studies

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Sell Online Courses (3 Must-Know Principles)
Video: How to Sell Online Courses (3 Must-Know Principles)


By and large, it is not even a matter of sufficient "maturity", and an eight-year-old can behave maturely under certain circumstances. The idea is to make sure everything is under control, both at the university and in your personal life. And it is possible.


  1. 1 Try to find accommodation as close to campus as possible. It will be much easier for you to shuttle between home and university if you live nearby. If you need a dorm, but there are no vacancies, talk to the head of the housekeeping department and ask to put you in the first place to get the vacant room, since you need to look after the child.
  2. 2 Talk to teachers. Some teachers (but only "some") may not mind if you take your toddler with you to class, especially if the child is less than 10 months old, because in this case, he does not need to move around the room. Find out the opinions of all teachers. Even if this is a completely unusual situation for your university, still someone can meet you halfway.
  3. 3 Find a private daycare center next door. Agree to leave your baby there for a couple of hours a day. Even these couple of hours will help you to focus much more on your studies, and at the same time not to leave your child for too long.
  4. 4 Do it yourself. Different subjects can be taught at different ends of the campus, making it uncomfortable to run between buildings if you have a child with you. Talk to the dean and find out if it is possible to study some of the subjects on your own.
  5. 5 Don't sign up for evening classes.
  6. 6 Ask for a private dorm room. While you might be tempted to share a room with a roommate who might occasionally look after your little one, these are too high hopes. It is unlikely that anyone will agree to constantly mess with the child. In addition, if the baby is capricious and often cries, you will cause a lot of inconvenience to your neighbor.
  7. 7 Spend two full days (weekend or vacation) watching your baby sleep, eat, and when it needs attention. Non-obvious things may appear, for example, you may notice that if you turn off the light, the baby falls asleep by himself, or that he needs the most attention during the day. Try to organize your schedule with these considerations in mind.
  8. 8 Use your baby's sleep time. If your child is not yet six months old, you have one advantage: even if the sleep-wake cycle is somewhat chaotic, children at this age sleep a LOT. If you are in class, and the baby wakes up and cries (to be fed or changed), he may fall asleep again and wake up later. You need to get back in time.
  9. 9 Sleep when your baby sleeps. If you came home and your baby fell asleep, sleep with him... You may have to wake up at night to feed your baby or change his diaper, so don't miss out on naps. This is very important... You will be wake up when your baby cries. If in doubt, use a baby alarm clock that rings when a baby cries. This way you cannot help but wake up.
  10. 10 Talk to all of your teachers and warn them that because you need to care for a small child, you will have to run out of class every now and then. Ask for permission to use the recorder, if you suddenly need to leave the middle of the lecture, you can later listen to the recording and stay aware of what is happening in the classroom. Ask the teacher or one of your classmates to turn on the recorder for you and keep it if you do not have time to return to the end of the class.
  11. 11 Reassure your teachers that you will be studying what you missed in class.
  12. 12 Get a laptop or computer and surf the Internet. If you need books from the library, check if there is an electronic version of them online. It is best if you do research activities exclusively at home, without leaving anywhere and without leaving your baby.
  13. 13 Take your child with you wherever possible. Start kangarooto carry your baby with you while keeping your hands free.
  14. 14 Buy all the necessary goods at once for a month in advance.
  15. 15 Try to practice outdoors. Go to the park and take your baby with you. Both of you need to change your surroundings from time to time.
  16. 16 Be with your child as often as possible, but look for opportunities to leave your child for a couple of days with their parents or someone else during the exams.
  17. 17 Leave the child with you if you owl and prepare for exams at night, because it will help you stay awake and occasionally distracted from your studies.
  18. 18 Enjoy your role as a mother. This is your child and he loves you no matter what, simply because you gave him birth. Love him back.
  19. 19 Try to find a job (preferably at a university) that will allow you to take your child with you. Even if you don't need money at the moment, save it. When your baby is a little older and starts to run, and you are still learning, it will be much more difficult for you to leave him, even for a couple of hours, then you can use this money to pay for a nanny.
  20. 20 Make sure you attend the minimum required class of subjects. At least for the moment. Your priority is not just to finish training, but to finish it happy and healthy (and, of course, with a happy and healthy baby). You are not a super mom. Make sure your schedule is organized so that you can be both a good student and a good mom.
  21. 21 Even if you complete the minimum tasks and think that you could have more, don't fall for this temptation. You young mom and student. You must allow yourself to waive all additional responsibilities for several semesters.
  22. 22 Relax.
  23. 23 Organize your schedule entirely around the child. Eat when he eats, sleep when he sleeps, and have fun when he wants to play. It can be a little annoying, but this approach will save you unnecessary stress.
  24. 24 Find yourself some company.Don't isolate yourself from people... When going for a walk with your baby, invite someone with you. Chat with people (this will only cheer you up, and also give you the opportunity to meet your future nanny).
  25. 25 Tell yourself:I can... People have dealt with this situation before. And you will have the strength to cope with it.


  • If it becomes too difficult for you, but at the same time you do not want to drop out of school (by the way, this is worthy of all respect), go to the correspondence form of study. It will become much easier for you to organize your life.
  • If you need more help, try to find volunteers and possibly help from within the university.
  • If a large number of unfulfilled assignments accumulate, take a break for one semester. This will not harm you much, and you will have the opportunity to rest a little and concentrate on your mother's role.
  • If you are just starting your first year, gain strength and finish the first semester, and take a break in the second.


  • Don't think that you are a bad mother. You are a good mother if you are looking for solutions to your existing life situation.
  • NEVER drink or use drugs when trying to combine college and parenting. Try to relieve stress through healthier methods, such as watching comedy movies (sometimes a light romantic comedy is great) and having a good group of friends.
  • If you feel yourself getting depressed, try to get out to the movies or for a walk and do something enjoyable and distracting. If your depression is on the rise, seek help! Feelings like these are natural at times, but you should learn to recognize them and take action.