How to schedule your workouts

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create A Workout Plan For Beginners - How To Create Your Own Workout Schedule Program Plan
Video: How To Create A Workout Plan For Beginners - How To Create Your Own Workout Schedule Program Plan


Are you overwhelmed with work, family and life responsibilities? Are you struggling to fit workouts into your busy schedule, worried about skipping workouts and reaching your fitness goals? How to get out of this impasse? Finding the time for your strength training and exercises requires planning carefully. Think less, act instead. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will save time and get closer to reaching your athletic goals.


  1. 1 Choose a time for weekly planning. To find windows in your schedule for each coming week, get yourself a calendar; it will take you no more than 15 minutes to organize your schedule. To remind yourself of your scheduled time, make sure you have this information on the calendar that you are likely to look at every day.
    • You can choose the calendar that suits you: Google calendar, your personal calendar on your phone, or the good old paper version. You can use other suitable forms for planning your weekly schedule: PDA, diary, or spreadsheet.
  2. 2 Write down everything you do during the week. Fill in whatever you can think of that takes time.
    • Are you or someone in your family going to the dentist? Have an appointment with a hairdresser? Need to finish a project?
    • Write it all down.
  3. 3 Take a close look at your free time windows during work or meetings. It is during these windows that you can go about your daily workouts.
    • Highlight open time windows. Define varying time slots to adapt your workouts to your available time. The more time you have the better. No matter what time slots you have, there are ways to suit your lifestyle:
      • 60 minutes or more?
      • 50 minutes
      • 40 minutes
      • 30 minutes
      • 20 minutes
      • 10 minutes
  4. 4 For optimal results, set aside 30 minutes of cardio workout 3-4 times a week. Many people find cardio challenging because they do too much cardio. That's right - too much! To achieve most fitness goals, you will need 20 to 30 minutes of cardio three times a week at your target heart rate. This means you can change clothes, jump into your sneakers, and complete your cardio workout in a total of 30-40 minutes!
    • Make sure to choose what you want to do. Choosing something different from what you enjoy doing can make it difficult to motivate yourself to do cardio.
    • Record "cardio" workout in your spare time in the range of 30 to 40 minutes. Go ahead and fill in 3 of these intervals:
      • If your knees bother you, choose an exercise bike, elliptical trainer, or go for a swim.
      • Are you attracted to a bouncy stride or run in your area?
      • How about those stairs in the office? Go up and down it in the allotted time.
      • Do you prefer classes at your local club or city hall?
      • Under the video in your living room?
      • Not sure what you like? Try a few different options and find what is most likely to work for you.
  5. 5 Set aside 30 minutes for strength training at least three times a week. This first step is often the most difficult. Challenge yourself to be in charge by signing up for a personal training session or exercising with a friend. 30-40 minutes for strength training is the optimal time. However, you can do some exercises for as little as 10 minutes if you are willing to optimize those short bursts of free time.
    • Prepare a set of dumbbells that you can place under the table.
    • Place several different types of resistance bands in your desk drawer for quick access.
    • Bookmark some interesting workout videos on YouTube.
  6. 6 Limit yourself to three 30-minute workouts. If you choose ten minute blocks, make sure to do three of these short workouts in one day.
  7. 7 Study your schedule carefully.
    • Can you find time for 3 cardio sessions of 30 minutes each during your week?
    • How did you cope with strength training? Have you planned at least three workouts of 30 minutes each?
  8. 8 Stick to your work schedule for the week. Implementing your plan will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can adjust your routine next week if needed.
    • When you finish each workout, mark it on your calendar, PDA, mobile, etc.
    • Pay attention to what helps you and what doesn't, so you can make changes when the next planning day comes.
  9. 9 Repeat this process every week. By sticking to your planning day and creating a schedule each week, you are more likely to stick to your plan and achieve your goals.
    • At the end of each week, notice what worked and what needs to be changed.
    • If your plan worked this week, repeat. If not, make the necessary changes.


  • Stick to your plan for the week.
  • Your city has a range of sports activities at an affordable price.
  • Check your local Craigslist or service Freecycle for finding inexpensive cardio equipment. Or ask your neighbors or family members if they have equipment that they no longer use or need.
  • If you're looking for videos to get started, search for free exercise videos on YouTube or Netflix. Free workout programs can also be downloaded from various sites.


  • Rest your muscles between workouts. Two days is the optimal break for muscle gain and recovery.
  • Move correctly when doing strength training to avoid injury.
  • Always consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine. This is especially important if you have been sick, pregnant, or for medical reasons.

What do you need

  • Calendar, PDA, diary, mobile phone, etc.
  • Exercise supplies (if needed)