How to Use Whey Protein

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Protein Powder: How to Best Use It For Muscle Growth (4 Things You Need to Know)
Video: Protein Powder: How to Best Use It For Muscle Growth (4 Things You Need to Know)


Whey protein is a nutrient-dense protein that has been extracted from whey milk and removed from the fat. Whey protein is usually sold in powder form and is easy to use. This article will guide you through a few different ways to use whey protein. However, be aware that whey protein is not as good as egg protein and is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance.


Part 1 of 4: Calculating protein requirements

  1. Find the table showing your protein requirements online or from a nutrition store. Too much protein in the daily diet can cause adverse reactions and especially harmful to the kidneys. Therefore, the table showing protein requirements is an important tool when you want to add whey protein to your diet.

  2. Calculate the amount of protein your body needs, based on your weight. Experts recommend that adults (both men and women) should consume 8 g of protein for every 10 kg of body weight (that is, 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight) per day. For example, people weighing 70 kg need 56 g of protein per day.
    • In general, strength and speed training athletes should consume 1.2-1.7 g of protein for every 1 kg of body weight; Meanwhile, endurance athletes need about 1.2-1.4 g of protein for every 1 kg of body weight.
    • For example, an athlete weighing 79 kg needs to consume 94.8 g of protein per day to reach a minimum of 1.2 g / kg of body weight.

  3. Determine how much protein you eat. With the help of a nutrition calculator, you need to calculate calories in each meal and every week (if necessary). This will help determine the amount of protein to add with whey protein.
    • There are many online sources to help determine the amount of protein in the food you eat each day or week. You can find a useful example here.

  4. Determine the amount of protein to get from whey protein. If you look at the table showing protein needs and the amount of protein you need to add is higher than the amount of protein you are getting through your diet, then you can offset the difference with whey protein. After using the nutrition calculator to determine the amount of protein you are eating, subtract the result from the protein needed (based on the table). This difference is the amount of protein you need to get more from Whey protein.
    • In addition, if you are a male exercising regularly, whey protein supplementation may benefit you, helping to recover from exercise faster.

Part 2 of 4: Make a protein shake or smoothie

  1. Use a blender. Combining ingredients together is the most convenient way to create a shake. Follow the instructions on the Whey protein container to measure the amount of powder needed. Then grind with recommended amount of liquid and other ingredients until a smooth mixture is formed.
    • If you don't have a blender, you can use an electric mixer, shaker, or use a fork or whisk to mix ingredients together in a glass or bowl.
  2. Choose the whey protein taste you like. You can buy whey protein in many different flavors and it affects the taste of a smoothie. Popular flavors include vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, banana, chocolate, etc.
  3. Combine fruit or other ingredients. Whey protein shakes can be combined with fruit and other ingredients to alter the flavor and nutritional content. You can find a variety of recipes in books or online that show how to prepare a variety of Whey protein shakes. For easy blending or blending of fruit with a Whey protein shake, add the liquid first. Depending on your preference, add 1-2 cups or more of the following ingredients:
    • Juice
    • Banana
    • Dig
    • pear
    • Mango
    • Succulent fruits, including oranges, pineapples and watermelons
    • Milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut water or other low-fat dairy

  4. Add ice cubes. Blended ice cubes help thicken and cool a Whey protein shake, giving a smooth texture to a smoothie or shake. Or you can freeze bananas, raspberries or other fruits (or buy frozen fruit) before adding them to your drinking water. Besides, you can even make ice cubes from milk and use it instead of regular ice.

  5. Add more flavoring ingredients. Whey protein shakes can benefit from the added ingredients for improved flavor. Add these ingredients to your taste to improve the flavor of your shake. Some of the ingredients you can consider adding include:
    • Honey
    • Vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon
    • Yogurt
    • Dried fruits, including raisins, dried apricots and dates
    • Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or other powder for milk shakes

Part 3 of 4: Use Whey protein to build muscle

  1. Use Whey protein for breakfast. Add 1 teaspoon of whey protein powder to your breakfast cereal, preferably oats. Mix well with a spoon and eat immediately. Adding whey protein to food this way increases your protein intake without having to over-adjust the diet.
    • You can add 1 tablespoon (14 grams) of peanut butter to the mixture to add more protein.
  2. Get whey protein before exercise. Drink the Whey protein shake 30 minutes before training. When you exercise, muscle fibers are broken down and the stored carbohydrates (glycogen) are depleted. Drinking whey protein shakes before workouts helps prevent muscle breakdown and replenish energy.
  3. Get Whey Protein After Workout. You need to nourish your muscles immediately after exercise to help your body recover. There is evidence that taking whey protein immediately after a workout enhances protein synthesis and in turn enhances muscle strength.
  4. Mix Whey protein with your last meal of the day. Sprinkle some whey protein into your final meal of the day. This will help increase the amount of amino acids in your body while you sleep, which in turn supports the muscle building process.
    • In addition, you can take whey protein before bed to prevent protein breakdown that occurs naturally while you sleep, and enhances protein synthesis in your muscles at night.

Part 4 of 4: Support Whey Protein Weight Loss

  1. Determine the amount of whey protein to incorporate into your diet. There are many weight loss plans available for those who want to take whey protein for weight loss. In general, however, experts recommend only consuming whey protein support diet instead instead of, replace Whey protein shakes. Using whey protein to support diet will help you feel fuller, eat less, thereby stimulating weight loss.
    • Combine whey protein with a low calorie diet. Whey protein works best when combined with a healthy and balanced diet.
    • Be aware that a high-protein, low-carb diet can have negative health effects. Always aim for a healthy, balanced diet.
  2. Use a dietary supplement whey protein shake to stimulate weight loss. When you want to lose weight, you need to increase fiber and avoid consuming too much sugar. You can boost your fiber intake with less sugar by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your shake. The following suggestions may help:
    • Add blueberries or raspberries. Both fruits are rich in fiber and low in sugar
    • Or you can add spinach (spinach) or cucumber. Both of these vegetables are high in fiber and do not taste as strong as some other vegetables. Thanks to that, you can combine them with the shake without worrying about the strange taste of the drink.
    • Avoid honey, maple syrup, or sugar. These ingredients contain high amounts of sugar and are detrimental to the diet plan. The fruit that you add to a smoothie will naturally sweeten it.
  3. Drink a Whey protein shake or smoothie before a meal. Whey protein shakes can quench hunger and provide energy, helping to reduce cravings for other foods. One study gave people a whey protein shake before a buffet and found that they ate less than others.
    • Although not recommended, replacing the meal with the most calories with a Whey protein shake or smoothie may result in the fastest weight loss. Replacing snacks with whey protein drinks also stimulates weight loss but at a slower rate.
    • Drinking whey protein shakes also help lower blood glucose after meals and improve insulin levels.


  • There are three types of whey protein: the split, the concentrated, and the combination of the two. Whey protein isolate is the purest and best form for the body, but more expensive; Whey protein concentrate, on the other hand, contains more fat. Of course, the isolated and concentrated whey protein is both healthy, acceptable, and economical.


  • A list of potential whey protein side effects can be found here.
  • Like most things, too much protein can be harmful.The extra protein intake is broken down and excreted, but they can put additional pressure on the kidneys. There is still much controversy on this issue. Therefore, talk to your doctor or dietitian about using whey protein in your diet. Also, be sure to research the protein panel to determine the recommended amount of protein based on weight.

What you need

  • Whey protein powder comes with a spoon
  • Blender or shaker
  • Milk, water or fruit juice
  • Fruits, yogurt and oats
  • Ice
  • Spoon
  • The pitcher to keep the shakes cold during exercise