Ways to Make Someone Love You

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
37 ways to make someone fall in love with you
Video: 37 ways to make someone fall in love with you


Sometimes you meet someone and suddenly realize they are the love of your life. However, it is not easy to see his good qualities. Therefore, it's best to learn some tips to help you get the crush on you. Even so, remember that there's no way to work for someone loves you. All you can do is create opportunities and see what happens.


Method 1 of 6: Be lovable

  1. Take care of yourself. Appearance plays a big role in attracting others. The way you take good care of your health and appearance is something that is immediately visible to others, so spending extra time and effort on it is well worth it when you are trying to attract someone. The other person will notice when you don't take care of yourself and that way he or she won't be interested in you either.
    • To get in good shape, exercise, eat well, do personal hygiene regularly, and wear clean, decent clothes.
    • Don't be afraid to attract attention.

  2. Brand yourself, do something that makes an impression on them, and let them know you have much better than a smile.
    • Express your personality and let your crush know what you like and dislike. When you have a passion for a subject, you will be very attractive and others will notice you.
    • Be proud of your accomplishments and confident in your abilities. Confidence is something others admire, so don't be afraid to talk about your success.

  3. Be kind. How you want others to treat you, treat them like that. It sounds theoretical, but it's true. If you want to be cared for and respected by others, you should treat them like that first. We often have feelings for someone who has a good personality, is polite, and is kind to others.

  4. Show your flaws. Let your ex know the positive and negative things you have been through. For example, tell them the transition from a non-active person to an active, healthy person. Revealing your past will let your ex know who you really are and appreciate you more. advertisement

Method 2 of 6: Prepare for emotional barriers

  1. Don't act like you don't care. A lot of people choose to behave like that. Pretending that you don't care or feel uncomfortable about building a relationship will not help, but will put additional burden on the person and will not work out well.
  2. Be mentally ready. To have a relationship is not easy. Before you fall in love with someone, be prepared for it. If you just want to cut off your old relationship to date someone or aren't ready to bond, then it's best not to fall in love with someone else.
  3. Determine your feelings. Ask yourself how you feel about this person. Do you love that person? You need to define clearly that it is a love for a boy and a girl, not a close relationship between two close friends. Often this is very difficult to distinguish. If you haven't really loved your partner yet, slow down. If both of you have feelings for each other, a close relationship will gradually form.

    Christina Jay, NLP

    Experts say: It's hard to know if you are right with someone if you haven't had their first date. To see if they are ready to date you, try flirting and letting them know you intend to date.

  4. Consider your reasons. Think about why you want to start a relationship. If you just want a partner to take care of your sadness after the end of a relationship or to make someone jealous, don't start a relationship. This can be very damaging if your ex's true feelings for you gradually develop. If you want a long-term relationship and experience the joys and sorrows of your life with your significant other, come to that person.
  5. Determine your goals. Set a long-term goal for the relationship. If you find the relationship is going nowhere, then there is no reason to try to make your ex fall in love with you. This will hurt the feelings of you and your partner. Regular dating doesn't say anything; If you want to date someone but don't see results in the long run, just enjoy a good time together and don't go too far. You don't have to be in love to keep dating.
  6. Believe that there are still people right for you. There will be times when we love someone but get unrequited. This is normal. You shouldn't feel like you're in a dead end or there's no one else for you. Actually, there are still a lot of people out there for you. If someone does not reciprocate your feelings, understand that they are not the right person and that the two of you will not be able to be happy together. You will find the right person before you realize it and wonder why you were so sad before.
    • Don't try to transform yourself into someone else to win someone's crush. Make sure the person you love is a match for who you are.

Method 3 of 6: Make connections

  1. Get to know that person. The first step in getting to know your loved one is finding a way to get to know him or her and letting him or her get to know you. Getting to know someone takes time and effort because you will have to ask the right questions and listen.
    • Ask him or her about his dreams as a child and what he or she wants to do now. This way, you will know their hopes and dreams as well as the things that he or she wants to overcome in life.
    • In addition, ask about what they like or dislike, their interests and goals in life.
  2. Share the person's passion. Show interest in what the person cares about and appreciate what makes him or her happy. Don't lie about your interests because other people can tell you when you are not interested in something. Experiment with the person's interests through their eyes and share their passions with them. This will help you find connection and help you move forward in the relationship.
    • For example, if the person loves a sport you don't know (or know at all), ask him or her to show you how to play the sport.Or, if the person likes a certain genre of music, listen to that genre more and find out which song you like.
  3. Treat the person in a special way. Make your ex feel special when they're around. Ask him or her to help you with your homework (to make them feel smart), ask them for advice (so they feel they are wise), and ask them for help or advice in their area are interested (to give them an opportunity to show understanding in that area). Asking fashion advice, helping to pick up or open hard objects is also a way for them to feel useful and talented.
  4. Make-believe. Trust is an important part of a good, lasting relationship. Learn to trust the person and show that you trust them with words and actions. Also, let your ex know that you are trustworthy.
    • If your ex tells you any secret, don't tell it to others. If you find out about something that could embarrass them, do not mention it or tease them.
    • Reveal your secrets and show your ex your secret side that others don't know. Allow you to be small in front of the person and let them protect you.
  5. Stand by that person at difficult times. Helping each other is very important to creating true love between two people. Most people want to start a relationship because they want someone to support them. If you always support and care for that person, the path to a beautiful love will be broadened.
    • You can sometimes help your ex by listening and comforting. But there are times when you need to do more than that. For example, if the person is having trouble at school, help increase your knowledge.

Method 4 of 6: Love the person

  1. Respect that person. Respect is essential for a relationship. Always give the person a chance to speak their mind or opinion, and when they speak, be sure to listen attentively. Respecting the person also means not letting him or her think you are dishonest. If they see you flirting with everyone you meet, they won't want to stick with you.
  2. Become a good friend. You should treat the person in a way that you would give a good friend. This means that you are there when they need it and don't act selfishly. However, behave well because you want your ex to be happy, not because you want something from them.
  3. Remember, you both have a life of their own. No one wants to be stuck in a relationship. That is why many people do not want to be seriously in love. If you give your ex the freedom to do something that he or she loves, you will make him or her feel comfortable with starting a relationship. Respect the person's freedom, don't try to change them and don't invade their personal life. They are allowed to have their secrets and secrets.
  4. Love the person for themselves. Respect the good side of the person and try to accept what they are bothering you with. Don't try to change the person.
    • For example, don't force the person to change his or her diet or lifestyle. If you suggest changes in those areas and the person disagrees, respect their choice and don't bring it up.
  5. Respect your ex's need to be alone and have space. Being alone and having space is important for both of you, so don't make your ex give up their own time with you. Respect the person's private space and don't clean the room by yourself or look at their belongings.
    • Do something alone or with friends a few times a week. Don't force your significant other to spend all of your time with you or they'll feel overwhelmed.

Method 5 of 6: Cultivate the flame of love

  1. Appreciate the person's presence. Don't underestimate their appearance by your side. If someone loves you, you need to work hard to maintain that affection. The best way to keep a loved one's affection is by never taking his or her presence for granted. Show your appreciation for that person.
    • For example, say thank you when the person does something for you. Make sure that the "thank you" voice is genuine and specific. You can say “Thanks for cleaning up the dishes and making coffee this morning! Thanks to you, my mornings are even more wonderful! I really appreciate it. "
  2. Spend considerable time together. Just because you have begun a relationship and are doing well, it doesn't mean you will stop trying. But continue to date, give each other flowers and other romantic acts. This will let your ex know that you have always cared for and valued the relationship.
    • The most important thing is to say love the person every day.
  3. Make things interesting. Don't just do the same thing. Habit is a feeling of closeness and comfort but it's also important to break it down and do new things together. This shows your significant other that they can expect something interesting out of the relationship and that their life won't be a stretch while you're with you. It also helps to save the fun moments when you first fell in love.
    • Do things like skydiving or rock climbing. Take a dance class or draw together.
    • Learn new things like interior design that you can use to build a home together.
    • Organize an immersive game session to entertain and experience the feeling of victory.

Method 6 of 6: Start a romance

  1. Find the right person for you. Meeting the right person will increase your chances of getting into a relationship, being loved, and lasting. Even so, the person you choose should be ready for a serious relationship, dare to deal with the emotional stress of the relationship, and is right for you. If your ex doesn't have those, you will waste time with them and get hurt.
    • Consider the suitability of the two: Do ​​the two of you have the same interests? Do you have the same goals in life? Beautiful couples often have the same thoughts in how to solve problems and what they prioritize in life.
  2. Make a date plan. When you want to have a date, don't be vague, but be straightforward and specific. Offer a specific activity you both enjoy and be clear about why you want the person to come. Taking control of the situation like this shows that you have confidence, which is an advantage.
    • You could say something like, "I want to go to the zoo this weekend and I want to go with you."
  3. Make it enjoyable. From your first date, you'll want to be a cheerful person that everyone wants to be with. Even before your first date, you want to give the two of you the opportunity to be together and show that you are a great person.
    • Choose an activity that you both enjoy. If you don't know your crush well, choose something that you and your significant other have a lot to talk about like watching a movie. If the two of you know each other well, choose an activity different from him from normal. This way, your ex will see a different side of you.
    • Try a dramatic date like an action movie or amusement park. These activities will help bring two people closer together.


  • Pay attention to what the person says and take notes. Surprise them with the things they mentioned earlier will touch them and show them how much you care.
  • Let them know how you feel.They will also share their feelings with you. If they don't, try to mention it. Watch to see if they ignore or panic. However, you should choose the right time!


  • You cannot impose it because human emotions don't change overnight. Beautiful love will come when you least expect it, if you are charming, everything will happen naturally. On the contrary, when trying to make someone fall in love with you, the results are often not so good.
  • Sometimes, you can't make someone fall in love with you. If you do all of the above and they still don't vibrate then they can't love you (or they've loved someone) and the two of you are not suitable. Simply, the two of us are not always compatible, even when the other has deeper feelings. It may be hard to see, but it's best to end the relationship if the person doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
  • Don't believe in using attractants, sprays or food to make someone fall in love with you. While there is scientific evidence that these affect the part of the brain that controls emotions, these chemicals don't make someone fall in love with you. There is no "love medicine" as you think.
  • Touch the person when possible. This can be with your elbow when playing with or lightly touching your hand. You will make that person remember forever.
  • Don't cling to or impose on your crush when they deny your feelings. The person who makes you work hard to affirm your feelings is not worthy of your efforts and perhaps they are never like you. Trying to follow someone will make you intimidating and push them away.
  • Try with all your heart to create opportunities with that person and do what's best for them. If you don't get the result you want, stop.