Ways to Use Black Magic

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to do BLACK Magic
Video: How to do BLACK Magic


Is your path to promotion or your dreams hindered by someone? In the event that you have taken all steps to make your dream come true and still do not come true, you can use black magic to get what you want. Black magic is continued by the powerful paranormal forces, so you need to understand what you are doing before chanting a spell or a curse - otherwise you will fall victim to this dark magic. Read the article below to learn how to use black magic to change the future for the better.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Magic

  1. Be aware of the results you want to bring. Are you having a problem that is so bad that you have to use magic to solve it? Black magic is classified as dark magic because you use it to achieve your goals by manipulating others. If you have the purpose of helping others or want to bring peace and justice, then you should turn to holy magic. In the case of your own personal gain, black magic is something you need to use. Here are some reasons why dark magic is needed:
    • Stop the action of the enemy. If you are in harm and want to fix the problem, then you can use a binding spell to stop the person's actions.
    • Make someone love you. Love spells are most commonly used in dark magic cast.
    • Want to be immortal or improve your health.
    • Communicate with people on earth.

  2. Master the basics of black magic rituals. The type of ritual you want to perform to perform dark magic depends on the desired outcome. From chanting mantras to good health to reviving the dead, there is a ritual of its own. Most rituals include the following elements:
    • A place to chant a curse or spell.
    • A circle containing a pentagram is drawn inside the selected location. This is called the circle of power.
    • Candles, herbs, crystals, wormwood, and several other objects are used to help the soul exist.
    • The word powerful (related to a particular outcome wants to happen) is repeated three times.

  3. Learn about curses and charms. In addition to performing a black magic ritual, there are other ways to use dark magic. Cursing or casting spells will bring harm to others, or make them do what you want. You need to be cautious when using a curse or spell. It is up to you to decide what is the right reason for causing suffering to others. Use magic wisely in order to avoid negative consequences.

  4. Be ready to face the consequences. Arousing dark forces is a formidable move and it should not be taken lightly. The Wiccan Rede emphasizes that when you use magic to harm people, you get three times the price. Are you willing to accept the disaster that happens to you if you use magic to harm others? Make sure the results are worth it. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Conducting the Ceremony

  1. Draw a circle around the pentagram. This symbol of power is often present in most wicked rituals and is painted on the ground using a witch made of hazelnut. You can use a stick or other tool to draw this symbol if you cannot find it. Choose the right place for the spell to take effect.
    • Spirits will not normally show up in crowded places, so choose another location such as a deserted forest or an area with few people.
    • The graveyard is a suitable place to summon the soul of the dead.
  2. Step into the circle of power. Then you need to focus your mind and all your strength. Completing the spell takes a lot of energy. Don't let yourself be distracted while you are chanting.
  3. Read the desired spell. Each mantra contains powerful words that are recited to bring desired results. If you summon demons or spirits, you need to know their real names for the spell to work.
    • It is not just a spell that can bring true love, immortality, or other things. Do some research to learn another spell, or make up your own if you like.
  4. Write spells into your magic book. Magic books are books that include spells, together with instructions on the use of magic.
    • Another name for the magic book is "The Book of Darkness". You can make such a book yourself or use a book compiled by someone else. Examples are The Wtches' Way by Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar.
  5. Prepare to receive the results. If the spell works, what you want will happen. Be prepared for this, including for the disaster that might strike you.
    • If you are summoning a monster or a demon spirit, be extra careful. These creatures are often not loyal to the person who summoned them.

Part 3 of 3: Enchantment

  1. Making a life doll. Use black cloth to cut into two small human-shaped pieces. The shape of the cloth should be similar to the person you want to cast the spell on. Sew the edges of the fabric and leave the top part.
    • Black is the most commonly used, but you can still choose a different color.
    • Dummies need to be made of natural materials. Avoid using polyester or other artificial materials; magic is difficult to exert effect on these materials.
  2. Stuffed full of life figures. Add some soil, some crystals, the hair and nails of the person you want to enchant. Then sew the top of the doll again.
    • It's best to choose something that the person you want the enchant to have touched. If you can't take their hair or nails, take something they've touched or owned, like clothes or even a note.
  3. Prepare the holy circle. Draw a circle with chalk or a stick, then draw a pentagram inside. Or you can draw on paper large enough to stand on it. Light candles around the circle before entering.
    • The magic candle is said to be able to increase the power of the spell thanks to its effect on different components, represented by the different parts of the candle - fire, air (which grants fire), water (liquid wax), and earth (hard wax). Put your intentions into the spell as you light the candles.
  4. Stand inside the circle and chant the spell on the living doll. Repeat the mantra three times. Here are some spells used to enchant spells:
    • To chant the spell of binding and stop the actions of others, repeat the following, "I bind your feet so that you won't harm me. I bind your hands so you don't harm me. I cover your mouth so you won't harm me. defaming me hurts me. I lock your mind-strength so that you won't harm me. " Read the incantation aloud while wrapping the living doll tightly with the black cloth.
    • To cast a love spell on someone you like, read these phrases aloud, “Light up a pink light. Burning fire. The red color represents the desire to lust. ”
  5. Let the candles burn out. After the candles were extinguished, the love potion was cast. advertisement


  • Should consult a professional Magician practitioner.
  • Always obey beliefs and traditions.
  • Create your own mantra. This will help you get your own spells, though sometimes it won't work.


  • Be prepared for disaster.
  • Once started, you won't be able to stop. Care should be taken when continuing to use black magic. Do not regret your actions, or you will be destroyed.

What you need

  • The magic book
  • Human life figure
  • Candle
  • Cauldron