How to keep a friendship

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guide to Maintaining Friendships
Video: Guide to Maintaining Friendships


Like any relationship, friendship takes time and effort. If you feel like your relationship with a friend has cooled or you want to strengthen your friendship, there are ways to help you with this. If you communicate regularly and support your friends, you can overcome the conflicts that may arise, as well as maintain friendships for years to come.


Method 1 of 3: Stay Connected

  1. 1 Post regularly. When you see something that reminds you of a friend, write him a message, thereby showing that you think of him. If you are close friends, you can write to each other every day. Send each other funny photos or links to interesting articles.
    • Don't forget about emoticons that you can use to express your emotions.
    • If your friend doesn't answer you right away, don't take it too personally. Perhaps he is very busy or does not like to write messages. You can either write to him less often, or be prepared for the fact that he does not answer right away.
  2. 2 Call your friends regularly. Call your friend when you and he have free time. Find out how he is doing. Knowing your friend's schedule will help you determine when to call them. If your friend has a lot of free time, you can call him more often.
    • Include phone calls in your weekly schedule.
    • Don't call during work or school and consider time differences if you live in different time zones.
    • If you are calling your friend, spend more time talking. Remember, you are not texting your friend, you are chatting with him.
    • Ask a friend questions: "How are you doing at school?" or "What are you planning to do during the holidays?"
  3. 3 Spend time with friends. Telephone and text messaging are great ways to keep in touch. However, if you spend time with the person in person, your friendship will grow stronger. Call your friend and arrange with him to spend time together. Think about the things you both enjoy doing. You can purchase concert tickets or reserve a table in advance at the cafe.
    • You can play sports together, visit museums, dine in cafes and watch movies.
    • If you live far away and can't see your friend often, consider planning a vacation together. You will have pleasant memories.
  4. 4 Communicate using video calls. You can use Skype to chat with friends who live far away. You will see your friend while communicating with him. Thanks to this, you will feel his presence.
    • Using video chat, you can watch a movie, play games, or talk together.
  5. 5 Use social media and email to communicate. If you are very busy and do not have time to talk to your friend regularly, you can communicate with him via social networks or via email. Send messages and share fun information with him. This is especially useful if you don't have time to talk on the phone.

Method 2 of 3: Be a Good Friend

  1. 1 Tell your friends that you value them. If you don't, your friends may think that you are taking your friendship for granted. Remember to tell your friend that you value your friendship very much.
    • For example, you might say, “I really couldn't have done this without you. I really appreciate our relationship. "
  2. 2 Call your friends when they have important memorable dates. They need to see that you value and remember them. Mark important dates on your calendar and set reminders on your phone. You will not forget to call and congratulate your friend.
    • Important dates include your wedding anniversary, promotion, or your first day of school.
    • Also, be mindful of dates your friend has with unpleasant memories, such as divorce or the death of a loved one. This will show that you care for your friend.
    • If your friend is hosting a party, be sure to attend. If you are unable to attend, send a card and gift to show that you care what happens in your friend's life.
  3. 3 Offer your help if a friend needs it. If you know your friend is going through a difficult time or is very depressed, take an interest in their affairs. Call or visit a friend. Find out how you can help him. Even if you cannot solve his problem, you are able to listen to him. This will be a great support for him.
    • For example, you might say, “I heard that you lost your job. I can imagine how difficult it is for you now. How can I help you?"
  4. 4 Ask a friend for advice. This will show that you value his opinion. If you have a serious decision to make, ask a friend for advice.
    • You can ask him for advice that is not related to solving a serious problem. For example, ask him about which car to buy or which decor to choose for the bedroom. For example, you might say, “You know so much about cars. Can you help me choose a car? "
    • Don't forget to thank the advice, even if you decide not to follow it.
  5. 5 Show your gratitude by giving gifts or services. Help your friend if he needs your help. Borrow the thing that he needs or give him a ride where he needs it. Buy him his favorite candy or whatever he likes.
    • Of course, you can not give gifts, but with such a gesture you show that you value friendship very much.
    • Don't forget to give gifts for the holidays.
    • You can also give gifts when your friend is going through a difficult time.
  6. 6 Be honest with your friend. Thanks to this, you will have a trusting relationship with your friend. Never lie to your friends. If your friend knows that you are always honest with him, he will trust you.
    • If you criticize a friend's actions, do so very carefully so as not to hurt their feelings.
    • For example, you might say, “I'm not sure red is your color. You're much better in a yellow dress. "
  7. 7 Understand your friends. Try to look at the situation from your friend's point of view. If he does something that you don't like, try to understand him. Don't think badly of him. Try to understand the motives behind his actions.
    • For example, if your friend is always late, don't take it personally, believing that he is not taking your relationship very seriously. Understand that your friend's bad habit is to blame.
    • If your friend did something that upset you, you can say, "I understand why you did this, but your act hurt my feelings a lot."
  8. 8 Don't talk badly about your friends behind their backs. If you are a true friend, you will never say bad things about your friend. Plus, you won't share your friend's secrets with other people. Protect your friend when other people say bad things about him. Don't spread rumors and keep secrets.
    • For example, if someone speaks badly about your friend, you might say, “I disagree with you. Alexey is a good person, and I do not believe that he can offend anyone. "
  9. 9 Don't take friendships for granted. Don't think that your friend will always be there when you need it, while doing nothing to strengthen the friendship on your part. Stay close to your friends during times of joy and times of unhappiness.
    • If your friend is having a difficult time and is very annoyed, talk to him about it. You should not avoid communicating with him during such periods of time.
    • If you see your friend on a regular basis, it can be difficult to determine if you are giving him the support and care he needs.

Method 3 of 3: Overcome Conflict

  1. 1 Be prepared to apologize if you make a mistake. If you've offended a friend, be sure to apologize. Try to explain to him why you did this. Take the first step. Don't wait for a friend to take the lead.
    • You can say, “Please forgive me for my mistake. Lately I've been so busy with work that I didn't think what I was doing. "
  2. 2 Tell your friend that you forgive him after he asks for forgiveness. If your friend offended you and then asked for forgiveness, be prepared to forgive him. If you've forgiven a friend, don't think about his mistake.
    • After your friend asks for forgiveness, you can say, “Thank you for apologizing. I know you didn't even have a thought about ignoring me yesterday. I'm glad we figured it out. "
  3. 3 Praise your friend for their success, even if you envy them. Of course, there is nothing wrong with having a little competitive spirit between friends. However, it is important that it does not grow into something big. Rejoice in your friend's successes and don't belittle them.
    • You could say, “You surprised everyone at the talent show! Great job! "
  4. 4 Don't expect too much. Everyone makes mistakes. Therefore, do not expect too much from your friend, so that later you will not be disappointed in him. If your friend is insulting you, talk to him honestly about it. Don't be angry with him.
    • For example, if your friend forgot to wish you a happy holiday, you might say, “I expected you to call me. I'm not mad at you, but I'm upset. "
  5. 5 Think back to the beginning of your relationship. If you feel distant from your friend, try to remember the beginning of your relationship. This will allow you to bond again.
    • You can say: “Do you remember how you and I crossed the river. Olga was so surprised! It was fun!"
    • Your common interests might be music or movies.