How to seduce a Scorpio

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Seduce a Scorpio | Zodiac Love Guide
Video: How to Seduce a Scorpio | Zodiac Love Guide


People were born under the sign of Scorpio between October 22 and November 21. People born under this water sign are known to be very intelligent, passionate and loyal individuals.Scorpios are often emotional creatures, sexually charged, demanding, and loving control, so starting a romantic relationship with them can be challenging. Before you try to seduce a Scorpio, make sure you are prepared for an insane journey filled with passion, emotion, and possibly a smidgen of jealousy.


Method 1 of 2: How to seduce a Scorpio man

  1. 1 Start with an intellectually engaging conversation. Scorpios love to use their intelligence in matters that interest them. Intellectual conversation will excite him mentally. Try to avoid casual conversations (such as the weather) and have interesting conversations to keep him as interested as possible.
    • Maintain a straight posture and look into his eyes.
    • Be confident about your job and profession.
    • Try to bring the conversation to a topic that you both are interested in.
    • The intelligent Scorpio will enjoy talking about politics, social issues, news, or shows that he likes.
  2. 2 Exude confidence when you interact with him. Scorpios can clearly see when people feel insecure, and this is very repulsive to them. Since they love to control themselves, they admire powerful people, even in situations that involve matters of the heart. Scorpio men are capable of attracting a lot of fans, so if you try to seduce one of them, there is a chance that you will be in competition.
    • Since Scorpio men are also careerists, they will appreciate a person who is also purposeful and independent. Just make sure your work goals don't hinder his career aspirations.
    • Don't be too cocky in the company of a Scorpio. Excessive aggression will alert him, since Scorpio can easily determine how sincere people are.
  3. 3 Wear sexy and seductive clothing. The sexual libido of the Scorpio man is insatiable, so the best way to get his attention is to appeal to his physical desires. His attraction will increase if you have a good, interesting conversation, especially if he cannot have intimacy with you at the moment. The longer you stimulate him visually, the more he wants you physically.
    • Wear something dark red, as these shades have been proven to make a woman more attractive to a man.
    • Wear something snug, but not too short.
    • Try to choose an outfit that flaunts your best qualities.
  4. 4 Flirt and tease him openly. Scorpios are passionate and sexually charged people, so they love outright flirting. Playfulness and a sense of humor can really grab his attention and interest him enough for him to start reaching out to you. Flirt with confidence and do not give in to all his demands. Try making light physical contact with him (for example, touching his hand, palm, or back). Also, remember that you don't need to tell everything about yourself all at once. Let him make an effort. Scorpios love to discover new facts about people, so remain a mystery to him, then he will want you even more.
    • Say dirty things, but without physical contact at first. Playing cat and mouse will excite him.
    • Do not give Scorpio a lot of empty compliments, otherwise he will become suspicious.
    • Flirt but keep the conversation going.
    • Don't seem persistent or desperate. Let him invite you to his place.
  5. 5 Act like he's the only one for you. A slow, face-to-face dance would be a great way to attract him. Scorpios love attention and are known for being jealous. If you are seducing one of them, make sure that all your attention is focused only on him. Don't mention past relationships and don't talk about current male friends.
    • If you see someone you know, just say hello in a casual way and return your full attention to Scorpio again.
    • You don't have to look around all the time.Keep your gaze on it.
  6. 6 Cuddle up to him and make physical contact. Stay in your comfort zone, but remember that the Scorpio man is very sexy and loves the feeling of physical passion. After teasing Scorpio and establishing an intellectual connection with him, you can go to the physical. Scorpios are known to be dominant personalities, so cuddle up and let him take control of the future. If he wants to kiss you (or not only), satisfy his physical desires, and then he is finally yours.
    • You can gauge if he wants to spend time with you towards the end of the evening. If he shows interest in you, go ahead.
    • Since Scorpios are aggressive and dominant, you must rekindle his passion for you to the point that he has no choice but to want to be with you.

Method 2 of 2: How to seduce a Scorpio woman

  1. 1 Be interesting and mysterious. Scorpios are curious and love to solve riddles. The more you withhold about yourself, the more she will want to know about you. If you tell everything about yourself all at once, she will quickly lose interest. Instead of talking too much, let her reach for you on her own: the more she can scout, the more she will want to know.
    • Be silent about what you are talented at. When it comes up in a conversation of its own accord, and you talk about your experience, she will definitely be impressed.
    • Be sincere. Lying to a Scorpio woman means betraying her trust. It will be very difficult for her to forget about it.
  2. 2 Don't delve into her past. Scorpios are quite secretive and do not like to be poked or reproached with the past. In fact, pushing too hard for her to reveal the details of her past will only alienate her. When communicating with a Scorpio, have a casual conversation and let her open up when she herself is ready for it.
    • Any accusations from the past can ruin a wonderful relationship you could have with a Scorpio woman.
    • Try to talk about what you are doing now and your aspirations for the future, not what you have done in the past.
  3. 3 Let her control herself and be patient. When someone tells a Scorpio woman what to do, it can infuriate her. Try to limit your own control of the situation and allow it to be independent. Likewise, a Scorpio woman doesn't like to be rushed or rushed, especially when it comes to intimate or romantic relationships, so let her act on her terms.
    • Don't let the Scorpio woman take control of you. Although she likes to have everything in her hands, she hates it when other people show weakness.
    • Some Scorpios will not allow intimacy at first in order to see how hard you are willing to try for it.
  4. 4 Make physical contact. Scorpios are sexual creatures and will look for this trait in their potential mate. Don't be afraid to try new things, as Scorpios love sex. Do not be too conservative, this will only scare off a Scorpio woman, as very often intimate relationships are of the utmost importance to her. Start with a light touch, as if trying to touch her or take her hand. You can also try hugging her. If she doesn't like it, back off and let her take control.
    • Never press or demand anything. Let her be attracted to you, and then her passion will become insatiable.
    • Always operate in your own comfort zone, but be prepared to try something new if you find it interesting.
    • When it comes to physical attention, don't ignore the Scorpio. If you ignore her, you may face negative consequences.
  5. 5 Try kissing her when the moment is right. If the conversation went well and you are in private, chances are that she will want to kiss you. The main thing is to make sure that she wants it. Be sure to establish light physical contact first, such as holding her hand or hugging her lightly by the shoulders. Wait for a pause in the conversation and look deeply into her eyes, bringing your lips closer to her. If she reaches out to you and won't look away, try kissing her.
    • NEVER try to kiss her unless she shows that she wants to.
    • It might not be as effective, but if you're really not sure, you can first ask if you can kiss her.


  • Seduction requires consent. Make sure the Scorpio you are trying to seduce is sympathetic to you.
  • Scorpios love to compete and can be incredibly jealous.
  • If the Scorpio, on whom you have laid eyes, refused you, do not be hard on yourself. There are many more Scorpios in the world that you can meet and seduce.
  • Try to seduce a Scorpio only if you are on a date with him or met in a relaxed atmosphere of evening fun and he agreed to visit you.