How to spy

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW 2 SPY


Espionage is a way of gathering information. Anyone, sooner or later, may need to know what someone else knows. Surveillance is a useful tool to find out what you need. There are different scenarios for espionage, depending on whether it occurs at work, at home, or at school. Curiosity is the temptation that leads to espionage. Surveillance can be helpful if you know how to do it.


  1. 1 Blend in with the crowd and explore your surroundings. The better you know the area where you are, the more it can help you. Study the people around you, their schedules, where they will be at certain times. Above all, be discreet. A bad spy hides, a good spy knows how to infiltrate.
  2. 2 How you dress is very important. Dress like everyone else. If people around you are wearing a suit and tie, wear the same. If others are wearing shorts and a shirt, wear shorts and a shirt, but not exactly the same as those of others. Be different, but not too much. This ties in with the first step, which is about not standing out.
  3. 3 If there is a thing that you need to get hold of in order to get information, take it, but leave as few traces as possible. You should really think about these kinds of things. If you see that the person you are following has left the room or office, accidentally slip inside. Close the door behind you. Make sure no one has seen this. Take what you need and leave. Never move anything around. This may raise suspicion. Leave everything as it was when you entered.If what you need is under the things, remember what it looked like before touching it. When you got the thing, correct everything as if you did not touch anything.
  4. 4 If you are following someone, try not to be noticed. Keep your distance, but do not lose sight of the subject. It is best to wait five seconds and then follow the target. If the person turns a corner, do not speed up your steps. This may raise suspicion. Also, when turning a corner, be careful as a baseball bat could threaten your head. Make sure that no one is watching your every step, and may not notice that you are spying on someone. Pay attention to everyone the person you are following is talking to. Write a short description of the person in a notebook if you carry it in your pocket. If you can overhear a conversation with this person, write down the topics that were discussed during the conversation.
  5. 5 If you are easily recognized, change your appearance. Grow a beard / mustache, change your hairstyle, shave your arms / legs, wear a different color, put on / take off your sunglasses. If you're short on time, a wig will work well. Also try using a fake accent, changing your voice, and going to places you don't normally visit. (Note: if you are going to use a fake accent, please make sure it actually sounds like a real one; some fake accents sound completely fake and may give you away.)
  6. 6 If necessary, pretend to be on the side of the subject (the one you are spying on). This is called being a double agent. A double agent is someone who pretends to be on the side of an object of surveillance, while getting information about it.
  7. 7 Before spying on someone, make sure you have a good reason. If you are doing this because the subject has no friends, you should not spy on him, but if he is friends with everyone, it may make sense to spy.
  8. 8 Surveillance can be carried out without "fancy" gadgets (gadgets) and pistols, if you know the object (the person you are watching), surrounding the area, and try not to attract attention at any cost.
  9. 9 Pretend to be doing something, not spying. Talking to a friend or sending a message from your phone can be a very good idea. However, make sure your phone is in sleep / silent mode, etc. Vibration mode is recommended for emergencies.


  • Have more than one backup plan, just in case. This will always help you to be saved.
  • Do not under any circumstances leave proof of your presence. You can return home with the thought that you got what you wanted, but if you leave evidence of your presence, it can end badly. Wear gloves if you intend to touch anything. Don't break the law.
  • If your target is potentially dangerous, have some kind of safety net and make sure you know how to act in the event of an attack on you.
  • Pay attention to the environment... Always know where you are going and what the place is, otherwise it can be dangerous.
  • Act naturally if you are noticed (and are among your friends), instead pretend to be talking to them.
  • Try to lip-read and understand the conversation without hearing speech. Practice with friends before using this for real surveillance, or play a movie in silent mode and guess what the characters are saying.
  • If you are creating a legend, make sure you know who you are going to be so you know how to answer any questions or comments.
  • Prepare the necessary equipment and put it where you can quickly get it.
  • Try to anticipate the next step of your target and act accordingly.
  • Do not take your camcorder with you. If the cops get a video of you climbing into the garden of the target, you can forget about going home tonight.Try to use cell phones with video function, but be extremely careful.
  • Be discreet. The ability to be cunning is one of the most important qualities in espionage.
  • Try to walk on bent legs. It makes you quieter. Alternatively, you can step from heel to toe. It is practically silent!
  • Don't be exposed. Don't use fake IDs. You should look normal. Wear regular clothing. Try to blend in with the crowd.
  • When following someone, keep your distance, but do not lose sight of the object. If you're in a busy area like a mall or carnival, stop and grab an ice cream or pause to watch someone win a prize. This works as long as you keep the subject in sight.
  • It is good to spy with a friend, but if the subject is looking in your direction make sure you and your friend are not making noise or trying to hide right away. If you try to hide when the subject sees you, it will raise suspicion, especially if you are in a city with a lot of people.
  • Bring a book, newspaper, etc. with you so that if the person you are following sits down, you too can sit down and pretend to read. However, do this very discreetly.
  • If you are where you should not and you are found, do not move in case the person is pretending to see you so that you come out. If you are seen and have a well-planned contingency plan, act naturally and pretend you made a mistake and walk away. Then wait for the object to leave the cover / stop disguising and follow it again.
  • Try to remain unnoticed.
  • If you secretly record a video of something, you may be arrested, fined, or convicted.
  • If you are more than one meter from the object, step to the side and zigzag.


  • Try not to get caught, but if it does, come up with an excuse before doing anything stupid. Think about the legend ahead of time and make sure you don't contradict what you said earlier. If a friend is spying with you, make sure you both have learned the same legend, as this is what the cops usually check.
  • Do not do anything illegal or dangerous. It's not worth it.
  • Do not harm anyone, it will end badly for you (in prison).
  • If the object stops, keep walking, and then make a circle back up.
  • If you think the person you are following is suspicious, just lie low and put off spying for a while.
  • Do not become a stalker, as you can get severe punishment under the law.
  • Take lessons in some form of self-defense, such as karate or judo.
  • Never keep espionage secret when it needs to be revealed.

What do you need

You can use your mobile phone for the following (videos, photos, notes, etc.)

  • Notepad (containing about 20, 70 or more pages)
  • Pens or pencils (you may need to erase what you've written, so a pencil works better)
  • Binoculars
  • Flash memory card (standard) MemoryStick
  • Spy gadgets that suit you
  • Camera
  • Good legend (optional, but useful)
  • Laser tape measure
  • Night vision goggles (thermal or amplification)
  • Shoes with smooth soles (so that you are not identified by the footprint of the shoe. Make sure that nothing sticks to the sole of the shoe, such as gum, which can give you away if your shoe is compared to the print)
  • Silent shoes (boots will do)
  • Clock (control your actions; give yourself 30 seconds for a task)
  • Magazine, book, or newspaper (may be required to hide your face if the subject suspects you)
  • A bag to put all the things you need (which looks normal)